President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden

Right now, we need VP Biden, we need him to step down and drop out so Bernie sanders can save this country from this global crisis just like FDR.

A thread to debate the efficacy of a Joe Biden Presidency in the midst of a global pandemic and impending Great Recession/Depression.

Where is Joe Biden? Can he beat Trump and is he even trying to? What would a Joe Biden Presidency look like in these times? Where is he and why isn't he leading?

) 4 Views 4
20 March 2020 at 09:14 PM

2534 Replies


by Slighted k

maga chuds want a bunch of random xenophobic things with regards to immigration.

republican politicians basically have zero policy ideas other than tax cuts.

banning DEI is a policy idea as well, but you will find ways to deny that as well, because you don't want a conversation.

your enemies are crazy, something-phobic, ignorant, liars, no policy proposal even if they propose policies because you dislike them too much so they don't count as policies

by lozen k

Look at all the G7 countries they are all tired of their left governments that care more about illegal immigrants and Ukraine than they do about their own citizens

It’s almost as bizarro as Italian facists and Canadian Trumpers being more concerned about US immigration and crime rate rather than seeking political solutions for problems in their own countries.

by Luciom k

banning DEI is a policy idea as well, but you will find ways to deny that as well, because you don't want a conversation.

your enemies are crazy, something-phobic, ignorant, liars, no policy proposal even if they propose policies because you dislike them too much so they don't count as policies

dei is the new crt which was just the new "CaRaVaNs!". most of them have no idea what it is apart from letters=bad because minorities=bad.

it's white angst not policy.

eta- just for the sake of argument what do you believe the policy reason for getting rid of the "DEI" boogeyman would be, like with examples?

by Luciom k

maybe not a politician but you can't go much higher than an ex member of SCOTUS advocating for it, can you?

title of the piece seems clear enough to me.

John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

so, a regular civilian then?

by Luciom k

even after 10 7 democrats sympathize more with Palestinians than with Israeli

This doesn't say anything about how many people support Israel or Gaza, just the change, and not even the change in support, but in sympathy.
It's very possible to have sympathy for the Palestinians while supporting Israel. Some hard line supporters of Israel in this thread still have expressed sympathy with residents of Gaza, but blame their suffering on Hamas.

by Luciom k

maybe not a politician but you can't go much higher than an ex member of SCOTUS advocating for it, can you?

title of the piece seems clear enough to me.

John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

but ofc it's 6 years ago, immediately after Parkland, and it doesn't count for reasons

I thought you were in favor of changing the constitution when it doesn't reflect the will of most of the citizens.

Btw, JP Stevens was a life long registered Republican voter who was nominated by a Republican president.

I would definitely support a repeal of 2a.

by chillrob k

I thought you were in favor of changing the constitution when it doesn't reflect the will of most of the citizens.

Btw, JP Stevens was a life long registered Republican voter who was nominated by a Republican president.

I would definitely support a repeal of 2a.

yes I am, it's slighted that uses "crazy" to describe people who want to "change history".

ius soli made sense when there was a lot of unused land in an agricultural society, and no welfare state.

which is why most new world countries have it, and almost no old world countries have it

once you become industrial, then post industrial, most people live in urban settings and housing is very scarce, and you have a multitude of forma of welfare, basically all the rationales for ius soli disappeared and other ways to grant citizenship make more sense.

In europe recently there is some talk about "ius cultura", some approach that would take into account school years in the country for naturalization, including higher education. some European countries have a version of that (as part of naturalization laws, not in the constitution though).

in makes much more sense to give citizenship to a foreign born who does 4 or 6 years of college in your country than to the son of illegals who entered the country when the mother was pregnant , that for sure

Huh? I didn't say anything about citizenship. I was responding to your post about the second amendment and how former SC justice Stevens suggested repealing it.

by chillrob k

Huh? I didn't say anything about citizenship. I was responding to your post about the second amendment and how former SC justice Stevens suggested repealing it.

Try read why we were talking about 2a repeal

by Luciom k

Try read why we were talking about 2a repeal

Whatever, it still has nothing to do with my comment.

Particularly bad that you cited Republican justice Stevens as an example of a Democrat doing something you didn't like.

by chillrob k

Whatever, it still has nothing to do with my comment.

Particularly bad that you cited Republican justice Stevens as an example of a Democrat doing something you didn't like.

read again, it wasn't an example of something I don't like. and Stevens was a democrat hero, it doesn't matter if you start republican, at that point he was 100% on the left

by Luciom k

read again, it wasn't an example of something I don't like. and Stevens was a democrat hero, it doesn't matter if you start republican, at that point he was 100% on the left

Before the 1980s (and to a lesser extent for the 20 years after that) there were conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans. It still makes no sense to take someone who was a registered Republican and call him a Democrat.

by Luciom k

check your stats on illegal immigrants crime rate vs white and asian crime rates.

it's blacks absurdly high crime rate that allows you to claim illegal immigrants are better than natives.

How is this relevant? Why are you separating the native-born crime rate by race? It seems to imply that white Americans are the real Americans, and we should use their crime rate for comparison. But that would be an absurdly racist thing to say, so please help explain what I'm not understanding properly.

by Slighted k

so is that a yes you agree they have no policy and are just playing games?

and no we certainly don't acknowledge that. lol. that's insane.

I think the GOP should have taken the border deal and Trump should have run on the Ill make it tougher as well.

So I would acknowledge the GOP is playing political games as is the Democrats with the border issue

by ganstaman k

How is this relevant? Why are you separating the native-born crime rate by race? It seems to imply that white Americans are the real Americans, and we should use their crime rate for comparison. But that would be an absurdly racist thing to say, so please help explain what I'm not understanding properly.

All natives are natives.

But if natives in aggregate are terrible beyond belief at something (like native americans are for violent crime rates compared to most other countries in the first world), being a bit better than them at it doesn't automatically qualify as good immigration, especially if the people claiming they don't want them in the country live in areas where the crime rate is dramatically lower than the american average.

Remember the claim by slighted and other is that it is a lie that illegals create crime problems in the USA. The ratio being their crime rate is allegedly lower than native crime rates.

Even if we take that as true (and it's very hard to estimate illegal crime rates because to begin with you don't know how many there are), think of the very basic example: illegals coming and working in fields and living in rural/semirural/towns will INCREASE the local crime rate , because how much downtown crime happens in minority neighboorhoods in major urban areas (where it is concentrated) doesn't matter at all, for the residents of those locations.

Morevoer the exceptional black crime rate is mostly because of black on black crimes. So if you aren't black, and/or you don't live in black majority areas, it isn't a significant personal cost.

If illegals are more spread out than blacks, their arrival will decrease crime rates significantly (as defined per 100k ppl) in black majority areas, but will increase crime rates everywhere else they go and live, validating the perception of people living in low crime areas, that illegals increase crime rates.

I don't understand why imply there is any racism in this. "only white americans are real americans" as an implication of what i wrote i would consider a personal insult to report if you weren't a mod tbh. Especially because i specifically wrote asian crime rates are low as well (and as we all know, asian crime rates are lower than white crime rates in the USA). I write asian as well and you only read white, why?

And btw it applies to latinos and poor, uneducated whites as well to a lesser extent.

The people decrying illegal immigration as a crime problem don't live in the areas with high native crime rates usually.

EDIT: to avoid misunderstanding, native american above is "people born in the USA" not tribal natives

Yeah, something similar is true when comparing students' test scores to other countries.

People who are against teachers and public education will cite international test scores to try to pretend the entire educational system is doing poorly, when white and Asian students score fine compared to other countries.

IF it is actually true that illegal immigrants are the cohort with the second highest crime rate, after black people, then that is a valid observation and a good reason for reform.

There are about zero politicians who'd actually want substantial reform, though.

by ES2 k

Yeah, something similar is true when comparing students' test scores to other countries.

People who are against teachers and public education will cite international test scores to try to pretend the entire educational system is doing poorly, when white and Asian students score fine compared to other countries.

IF it is actually true that illegal immigrants are the cohort with the second highest crime rate, after black people, then that is a valid observation and a good reason for reform.

There are

Depending on the dataset and the paper and the state and the timeframe and so on you will find something like native blacks always at the highest level, then illegal Latinos then native Latinos then legal Latinos, or sometimes native Latinos second illegal Latinos third, legal Latinos fourth.

Then whites then asians.

Biden with an absolutely worst case scenario performance tonight

No chance he can be the nominee

If only the DNC had some way of knowing Biden would be 81 in 2024 they could have avoided this.

I just but this one but wtf is Biden talking about

Is it too early for an Ex President Biden thread?

by lozen k

Its sad that the main reason folks will be watching is to see how much Trump lies and if Biden doesn't freeze, die or tell us about the dead people he meets

Reality is CNN will be feeding Biden all the questions prior to the debate

by Slighted k

i'm waiting for trump to do trump stuff and talk about batteries electrocuting sharks or some other dementia riddled drunk uncle type stuff. while biden talks about policy but says the number 55 instead of 45 and the rightwing media and it's followers(you) to scream "HE SAID 45 INSTEAD OF 55!!!!" for two months

by campfirewest k

Trump is crazy, but in a different way. He's always said nutty stuff.

Trying to draw some equivalence to Biden's dementia just isn't going to be a good election strategy. Denying what is obvious to everyone gets into Baghdad Bob territory quickly.

by Slighted k

i'm not drawing an equivalence. there is no equivalence. trump is much dumber initially, much dumber right now, and will be much dumber in 4 yrs time. it isn't even particularly close. i've never seen anyone show an example of Biden saying the sheer stupidity of stuff trump says and does. literally every clip people rage about Biden is just an 80 yr old guy at his nth function of the day on a stage he's never been on looking for the exit when it's time to leave.

At least now after the debate we can all agree he isn't doing well and this isn't normal.

by ganstaman k

This doesn't make medical sense.

still adamant on the idea Biden doesn't have vascular dementia?

by Luciom k

still adamant on the idea Biden doesn't have vascular dementia?

What didn't make sense about your post was the phrase "medium gravity vascular dementia" and the idea that it could be controlled by top doctors and willpower. I also don't know how you have the magic ability to discern Alzheimer's vs vascular dementia when you can't see his brain and only see the snapshots of his life that are shown to us.

by campfirewest k

At least now after the debate we can all agree he isn't doing well and this isn't normal.

he's an old guy with a speech impediment. that's a normal 81 year old. watch the after event where he isn't on a clock. totally normal old guy. no one is saying he's a good candidate.

even if he wasn't normal the weekend at bernie's biden is better than Trump in every possible way.
