President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden

Right now, we need VP Biden, we need him to step down and drop out so Bernie sanders can save this country from this global crisis just like FDR.

A thread to debate the efficacy of a Joe Biden Presidency in the midst of a global pandemic and impending Great Recession/Depression.

Where is Joe Biden? Can he beat Trump and is he even trying to? What would a Joe Biden Presidency look like in these times? Where is he and why isn't he leading?

) 4 Views 4
20 March 2020 at 09:14 PM

2534 Replies


by gmcarroll33 k

Are you insane? 7 months? Most Trump voters felt nothing but confidence he was winning. You think they were legit planning a worse case scenario plan for something they didn’t even think would happen for 7 months? Come on dude.

And walking around the Capitol isn’t a Nazi. I have zero sympathy for any of them (I mean get a life people who has time to protest like the **** you see both the left and right doing). Not Nazi’s though. Just upset idiots with too much time on the

There were investigations that took place after the attack which discovered the scope.

It was a 7 part plan, not 7 month:

  • 1. Trump had knowledge that he lost the 2020 election but spread misinformation to the American public and made false statements claiming significant voter fraud led to his defeat;
  • 2. Trump planned to remove and replace the Attorney General and Justice Department officials in an effort to force the DOJ to support false allegations of election fraud;
  • 3. Trump pressured Vice President Pence to refuse certified electoral votes in the official count on January 6, in violation of the U.S. Constitution;
  • 4. Trump pressured state lawmakers and election officials to alter election results in his favor;
  • 5. Trump's legal team and associates directed Republicans in seven states to produce and send fake "alternate" electoral slates to Congress and the National Archives;
  • 6. Trump summoned and assembled a destructive mob in Washington and sent them to march on the U.S. Capitol; and
  • 7. Trump ignored multiple requests to speak out in real time against the mob violence, refused to instruct his supporters to disband, and failed to take any immediate actions to halt attacks on the Capitol.

Being in a nazi gang that participates in seditious conspiracy to overturn democracy makes one a nazi.

The people were able to walk around the capitol because the police were overwhelmed by the attack led by oath keepers and proud boys. The national guard was prohibited from doing anything by Trump. It was all live on TV. They literally tried to kill Pence. Yes some old people walked around as well.

by borg23 k

I'm not a Republican or Democrat.
If Republicans liked that bill that doesn't mean Biden isnt a piece of ****. It means racist dipshits are garbage human beings on both sides.

I'm sure there some Republicans who also like the fact that Biden was great friends with a literal Klansman but that doesn't make it ok.

But go on being a good little sheep mindlessly defending your guy when he's just as horrible as the other guy if not worse.

Biden is a 50 year career politician which in it if itself tells y

You might be the only perfect person that never made a mistake or being on the wrong side of history that I know of .

Some people focus on what he achieve and done throughout a career, in some cases even get better with time .
Other just focus on what mistake they did at any point in their life without any chance of redemption shrug

by gmcarroll33 k

Are you insane? 7 months? Most Trump voters felt nothing but confidence he was winning. You think they were legit planning a worse case scenario plan for something they didn’t even think would happen for 7 months? Come on dude.

And walking around the Capitol isn’t a Nazi. I have zero sympathy for any of them (I mean get a life people who has time to protest like the **** you see both the left and right doing). Not Nazi’s though. Just upset idiots with too much time on their hands that chos

I didn’t know only walking in the Capitol was so dangerous that people could end up dead .

Ex-President Biden is a quitter?

by L0LWAT k

There were investigations that took place after the attack which discovered the scope.

It was a 7 part plan, not 7 month:

  • 1. Trump had knowledge that he lost the 2020 election but spread misinformation to the American public and made false statements claiming significant voter fraud led to his defeat;
  • 2. Trump planned to remove and replace the Attorney General and Justice Department officials in an effort to force the DOJ to support false allegations of election fraud;
  • 3. Trump pressured Vice President Pence to refuse certified electoral votes in the official count on January 6, in violation of the U.S. Constitution;
  • 4. Trump pressured state lawmakers and election officials to alter election results in his favor;
  • 5. Trump's legal team and associates directed Republicans in seven states to produce and send fake "alternate" electoral slates to Congress and the National Archives;
  • 6. Trump summoned and assembled a destructive mob in Washington and sent them to march on the U.S. Capitol; and
  • 7. Trump ignored multiple requests to speak out in real time against the mob violence, refused to instruct his supporters to disband, and failed to take any immediate actions to halt attacks on the Capitol.

Being in a nazi gang that participates in seditious conspiracy to overturn democracy makes one a nazi.

The people were able to walk around the capitol because the police were overwhelmed by the attack led by oath keepers and proud boys. The national guard was prohibited from doing anything by Trump. It was all live on TV. They literally tried to kill Pence. Yes some old people

Oh Pence was face to face with a gun? I didn’t know that. If so that’s despicable.

Trump assembled a crowd just like his regular rallies. They were pissed and he told them to protest peacefully. What they did after is on them. The people who died were Ashley Babbitt shot in the head for no reason telling people to stop, and cops not fit for the line of duty that died of natural causes vs being stampeded and killed. I don’t support anything that day, and feel zero sympathy for any of them (their sentences should be way less though), but to blame it all to on Trump is asinine. The media and left sure are funny.

by gmcarroll33 k

Oh Pence was face to face with a gun? I didn’t know that. If so that’s despicable.

Trump assembled a crowd just like his regular rallies. They were pissed and he told them to protest peacefully. What they did after is on them. The people who died were Ashley Babbitt shot in the head for no reason telling people to stop, and cops not fit for the line of duty that died of natural causes vs being stampeded and killed. I don’t support anything that day, and feel zero sympathy

Seem I was right about functional illiterate?
Fight like hell = protest peacefully o0 .
And u acknowledge they were piss lol …

Man U really are a specimen .
You are angry and the president of the united states , cult leader, tell u fight like hell means go in peacefully now , lol.

by Montrealcorp k

Seem I was right about functional illiterate?
Fight like hell = protest peacefully o0 .
And u acknowledge they were piss lol …

Man U really are a specimen .
You are angry and the president of the united states , cult leader, tell u fight like hell means go in peacefully now , lol.

My God you’re dumb. Fight like hell was an overall message for the country. Not in that moment telling people to go bezerk (and if that was the worst they did then wow oh boy. They could have all came packed with guns and shot every dem in sight. Glad they didn’t). The fact that his message after was to protest peacefully and you leave with he lead an insurrection based on that line of a bunch of people walking around the Capitol? Man no offense but you’re really stupid, and full of nothing but talking points easily refuted. May you learn and enjoy more of Joy Reid tomorrow night.

by gmcarroll33 k

Oh Pence was face to face with a gun? I didn’t know that. If so that’s despicable.

Trump assembled a crowd just like his regular rallies. They were pissed and he told them to protest peacefully. What they did after is on them. The people who died were Ashley Babbitt shot in the head for no reason telling people to stop, and cops not fit for the line of duty that died of natural causes vs being stampeded and killed. I don’t support anything that day, and feel zero sympathy for any of them (t

This is not what happened. It's been thoroughly investigated and documented. A bunch of far right wingers and nazis conspired with Trump for months to overthrow the government on January 6. They attacked the capitol and hundreds were injured. Pence ran for his life along with all the congress people. It's all on video and documented by bipartisan investigation.

If you could provide a source for your assertions, that would be good. Why did all those peaceful folks go to jail for seditious conspiracy?

by gmcarroll33 k

My God you’re dumb. Fight like hell was an overall message for the country. Not in that moment telling people to go bezerk (and if that was the worst they did then wow oh boy. They could have all came packed with guns and shot every dem in sight. Glad they didn’t). The fact that his message after was to protest peacefully and you leave with he lead an insurrection based on that line of a bunch of people walking around the Capitol? Man no offense but you’re really stupid,

lol .says u but not for those on site !
Fight like hell was at the end of his speech !
Look it up .
FWIW clearly he was talking about the protester anyway by asking to gon on the Capitol and help their republicans counter part and give them courage ….

If he wanted this peacefully , why didn’t he went on tv as soon it started and waited over 3 hours , even tho being pressured by his advisors and family to come out and ask it to stop and trump wouldn’t budge?
Ah yes he was against it all right !!

Yup I am the dumb one lol …

I’m still waiting for 1 talking point u disprove ….
Please enlighten me with precision on which one
U won’t even talk about them lol

Clearly like lolwat told u , a lot of things u seem not knowing …

by Montrealcorp k

You might be the only perfect person that never made a mistake or being on the wrong side of history that I know of .

Some people focus on what he achieve and done throughout a career, in some cases even get better with time .
Other just focus on what mistake they did at any point in their life without any chance of redemption shrug

"Wrong side of history"

That's a nice way of saying millions incarcerated unjustly.

I guess when Trumpy does something completely ****ed up racist etc it's just the wrong side of history.

Give me a break.

The guy is human garbage. So is Trump.

All mistakes aren't equal.
The impact of all mistakes aren't equal either.

Actions and choices have consequences especially when you have a lot of power.

Wrong side of history lmao.

by Montrealcorp k

lol .says u but not for those on site !
Fight like hell was at the end of his speech !
Look it up .

If he wanted this peacefully , why didn’t he went on tv as soon it started and waited over 3 hours , even tho being pressured by his advisors and family to come out and ask it to stop and trump wouldn’t budge?
Ah yes he was against it all right !!

Yup I am the dumb one lol …

I’m still waiting for 1 talking point u disprove ….
Please enlighten me with precision on which one
U won’t even talk about th

Lol the stupidity only grows along with the same bs I've heard for over 9 years. Exactly what do you think Trump coming on tv while these idiots were storming was going to do to stop it? If he said fight like hell, protest peacefully and patriotically and they took that to breach the Capitol and walk around like idiots then that's on them. Was their some huge Big Brother screen awaiting them?

Let's not forget that NONE of this happens if trump didn't tell his brain-dead cultists that the election was stolen.

Biden is trending as the most hated man on Earth. He should have quit months ago but now it is too late for the Democrats.

by mongidig k

Biden is trending as the most hated man on Earth. He should have quit months ago but now it is too late for the Democrats.

Lol the bubble you gotta live in to think this way

by mongidig k

Biden is trending as the most hated man on Earth. He should have quit months ago but now it is too late for the Democrats.

Trending where? Get off twitter.

by gmcarroll33 k

Lol the stupidity only grows along with the same bs I've heard for over 9 years. Exactly what do you think Trump coming on tv while these idiots were storming was going to do to stop it? If he said fight like hell, protest peacefully and patriotically and they took that to breach the Capitol and walk around like idiots then that's on them. Was their some huge Big Brother screen awaiting them?

You have to give all the evidence the most charitable view to the Jan 6 insurrection to believe they only engaged in peaceful protest and that it wasn't instigated by Trumper.

by mongidig k

Biden is trending as the most hated man on Earth.

It's amazing how you're continually able to top your last incredibly ridiculous statement with one that's even more so.

by biggerboat k

Let's not forget that NONE of this happens if trump didn't tell his brain-dead cultists that the election was stolen.

If covid doesn’t happen we’re not even discussing a vegetable stepping down. Trump would be ending his 2nd term. Biden never wins without out. Impolite to call us a cult my man. We get 2 parties to pick of and chose one different than you. Don’t be extreme.

by gmcarroll33 k

If covid doesn’t happen we’re not even discussing a vegetable stepping down. Trump would be ending his 2nd term. Biden never wins without out. Impolite to call us a cult my man. We get 2 parties to pick of and chose one different than you. Don’t be extreme.

Nothing in what biggerboat said implied that all Trump supporters are cultists, just that he had some bran-dead cult followers. You're only telling on yourself by including yourself in what he said.

That said, anyone who actually believes Trump's lies about the election being stolen (actually stolen, not just circumstances favouring Biden - even though a major national disaster that the government can't be blamed for normally results in a landslide for an incumbent but Trump bungled Covid so badly he managed to turn what would normally be a boon into a major negative for himself) probably does fall into the brain-dead cult demographic so if that does include you then...

by gmcarroll33 k

If covid doesn’t happen we’re not even discussing a vegetable stepping down. Trump would be ending his 2nd term.

COVID certainly revealed to most people how incompetent Trump was at governing. This seems more of a Trump issue than a COVID issue, though.

can confirm that during covid news articles about how incompetent and just outright stupid the americans were in their response was widely shared around asia

we have "florida man" for those things

covid gave the rest of the world "usa man"

KH has no shot imo unless the anti-trump/R sentiment is still super strong. Maybe. I'd rather see someone step in who's willing to go right into the gutter and beat trump at his own game.

by gmcarroll33 k

If covid doesn’t happen we’re not even discussing a vegetable stepping down. Trump would be ending his 2nd term. Biden never wins without out. Impolite to call us a cult my man. We get 2 parties to pick of and chose one different than you. Don’t be extreme.

Covid was a giant lay-up all trump had to do was lead instead of tommy-boying it up. He completely destroyed his own cakewalk into re-election bud.

by gmcarroll33 k

If covid doesn’t happen we’re not even discussing a vegetable stepping down. Trump would be ending his 2nd term. Biden never wins without out. Impolite to call us a cult my man. We get 2 parties to pick of and chose one different than you. Don’t be extreme.

You are an election denier and you don't want to be insulted by being called a stupid cult member because of feelies?

by borg23 k

"Wrong side of history"

That's a nice way of saying millions incarcerated unjustly.

I guess when Trumpy does something completely ****ed up racist etc it's just the wrong side of history.

Give me a break.

The guy is human garbage. So is Trump.

All mistakes aren't equal.
The impact of all mistakes aren't equal either.

Actions and choices have consequences especially when you have a lot of power.

Wrong side of history lmao.

Wrong side of history means at that time .
U implying Biden been bad all the time the last 50 years ?

Trump been bad for ever tho and knowingly.

If u don’t see a distinction between the 2 it’s ok .
Me I see plenty .
Fraud, sexual predator, coup attempt, stolen election, scam artist, etc.
We just don’t see the same way .
Redemption is possible you know.

And yes judging the past with current value without context is always a problem .
