President Joe Biden
Right now, we need VP Biden, we need him to step down and drop out so Bernie sanders can save this country from this global crisis just like FDR.
A thread to debate the efficacy of a Joe Biden Presidency in the midst of a global pandemic and impending Great Recession/Depression.
Where is Joe Biden? Can he beat Trump and is he even trying to? What would a Joe Biden Presidency look like in these times? Where is he and why isn't he leading?
Right. I’m a robot. (You can’t be this stupid.)
You stated that you repeatedly posted questions about Biden’s whereabouts because it was weird. The other event I mentioned was just as weird, but it’s clear you didn’t make any posts questioning anything about it. Because it’s not weirdness that inspires your posts, it’s dickishness.
You are disingenuous and a liar. And you’re bad at it. Do better.
MrDavitWilliam is arrive.
Not a robot, just a dumb minimum wage narrative pusher.
I accept that I am a liar because I didn't post about every single weird event that has happened since I was born. Ask your boss for a medal for your discovery.
I just feel like if I'd spent the day peddling extremely dumb Boomer conspiracy memes that immediately turned out to be false I'd be a bit embarrassed about it. Just sort of wondering how you're holding up.
I actually tried to watch this. Got through about 45 seconds of incoherent babbling. Good thing we have these guys to straighten out MSM, though.
Horsenuts hasn't posted in a couple of hours about Biden's whereabouts. Where's horsenuts? Is horsenuts OK? Who will post about crypto if horsenuts is strung up in the closet with an orange in his mouth and his hands wrapped around his dick?
Just asking questions, guys. Anyone seen horsenuts?
Horsenuts will be relieved, if he's still alive.
biden could've been incapacitated for a number of days, and they may not have invoked the 25th. we don't know. do i think that was the case? no. just saying what we don't know given the lack of transparency.
I see. Well, I mean, Trump could be ****ing goats in his spare time, we just don't know. It's certainly possible. Prove he doesn't.
And Trump’s tax returns STILL haven’t been released nearly a decade later. Links to your posts asking, “Has a POTUS ever refused to release their returns?!?!?” I’m dying to read your posts on this thing happening for the 1st time that you were very interested in due to its weirdness. Links, please!
My God are you serious? They 100% were released after he left office and the long awaited tax returns showed the Dems had nothing on him and all was in accordance. I know it must have been a little crushing to you.
biden could've been incapacitated for a number of days, and they may not have invoked the 25th. we don't know. do i think that was the case? no. just saying what we don't know given the lack of transparency.
The only times in history that the 25th amendment has been invoked were for scheduled medical procedures, where the 3rd section that allows a president to temporarily relinquish authority themselves was used, and it's happened with only 2 presidents. It's never been used for an unexpected illness even though multiple presidents have been effectively incapacitated with flu or similar illnesses for multiple days at a time.
The 4th section of the 25th, where the VP and cabinet are the ones relieving the president of authority, has never been invoked, not even when the president had a literal heart attack and spent 7 weeks in hospital (Eisenhower). This section is not something that's intended for a short-term incapacitation of the president so there's not even a slight suggestion that it would have been appropriate for it to happen due to Biden having Covid, even if he'd been virtually passed out in bed for a week.
The only times in history that the 25th amendment has been invoked were for scheduled medical procedures, where the 3rd section that allows a president to temporarily relinquish authority themselves was used, and it's happened with only 2 presidents. It's never been used for an unexpected illness even though multiple presidents have been effectively incapacitated with flu or similar illnesses for multiple days at a time.
The 4th section of the 25th, where the VP and cabinet are the ones relieving
agree. it's rare. just like it's rare for a president to not be seen for 5.5 days. even former incapacitated presidents with flu or similar illnesses for multiple days were still seen. groundbreaking stuff.
i think it's interesting to discuss.
This is the fascinating thing about people/politics. We live in a story and narrative and all "the facts" either support it or can be dismissed
The same people terrified about trump being a dictator seem to show zero concern with their own side. From a neutral perspective stories with the similar strength or better pile up on their side but one by one they get dismissed and are total nothingburgers while every trump action is ominous. He's a threat to democracy
-conspired with deep state
Hey guys, don't bother disputing the list of ridiculous lies that no one who isn't an idiot could possibly believe, he just wants to be able to use them as whataboutisms with no questioning allowed.
Curious if there's ever been a time in the past 100 years where a US President wasn't seen for 6 days. Anyone recall such a time?
Every day before 1950 or so.
Do you guys really not understand covid isolating? Trump didn't, so he drove around town spreading germs when he had it but that's not the recommended way to do it.