Covid-19 Discussion
Has the wisdom and courage to realize that the cure has now become worse than the disease. It's time to open up. Stop moving the ball.
Hospital systems have not been overwhelmed.
Ventilators are not in shortage.
Treatments are being developed.
There is no cure or vaccine. This is not going away for four years.
The devastation of the cure:
Suicide rates picking up.
Massive economic devastation which causes depression, anxiety, obesity, again increase in suicide rates and directly impacts poorer economic areas.
Alcohol sales up 51%.
Domestic Abuse on the uprise
Child abuse on the uprise.
Hospitals that do not have COVID related issues are forced to lay off doctors and nurses as there are not enough patients to economically support it, meaning they won't have the staff to deal with COVID outbreaks.
Michael Avenatti gets released from prison
We all did our part. We sheltered (here in Pennsylvania for 5 weeks already).
Open the office buildings. Open the hair saloons. Get rid of stupid mask laws.
Continue to monitor outbreaks and in areas hospital systems become threatened, reenact tougher guidelines.
And stop shaming people that want common sense solutions. Waiting for a vaccine is stupid and unpractical.
Go munch your horse paste and grieve over some imagined impediment to your so doing
So are you saying all governments in the world pass a deal among themselves for all to find new vaccines and spend a lot of money to enrich 2-3 pharmaceutical companies instead of focusing on Ivermectin’s because it was too cheap ?
i'm saying "vaccines are free lol at those paying for ivermectin pharmaceuticals" is a backwards argument
vaccines were a boon when they came out, but "the science" has become highly politicized such that it's become hyperfocused on rejecting anything not vaccines, which doesn't make sense. if you are vaccinated, get covid and are symptomatic, shouldn't we know whether taking an additional drug with near zero adverse side effects could marginally improve the chances of recovering quicker or getting long covid symptoms?
Yes. That data is low quality. The lack of evidence showing benefit in severe outcomes is not at all low quality. It's very clear. The conclusion is correct, overall. I agree it could've mentioned the lower quality data results in the conclusion, but it doesn't change that there is a clear lack of benefit in the objective data.
lol what is your definition of high/low quality? the time to improvement and long covid results were the only data with low, statistically significant p values. but in your world you just get to pick and choose random evidence that confirms your priors, call it high quality, and dispose the rest as low quality. mbn
An international effort to fast-track a vaccine for a novel pathogen?
Nah, we've a can of horse paste in the cupboard
Own your anti-science superstition, and continue to vote for those who are in favor of zero oversight/ regulation for the big bad corporations
lol what is your definition of high/low quality? the time to improvement and long covid results were the only data with low, statistically significant p values. but in your world you just get to pick and choose random evidence that confirms your priors, call it high quality, and dispose the rest as low quality. mbn
As I already explained, that data is subjective. It's literally derived from asking people how they feel. That is quite clearly lower quality data than objective measurements like hospitalization and death. Hospitalization/death is also much more critical data. It's far more important to get that statistic right than whether it takes 12 or 14 days for someone to give a thumbs up ("Time to self-reported recovery, defined as the first instance that a participant reports feeling recovered from possible COVID-19").
I'm not picking and choosing at random. This is just basic data analysis.
An international effort to fast-track a vaccine for a novel pathogen?
Nah, we've a can of horse paste in the cupboard
Own your anti-science superstition, and continue to vote for those who are in favor of zero oversight/ regulation for the big bad corporations
the beauty is they're not mutually exclusive!
Spell it out. Like I'm a 5-year-old. It'll be fun
No efficacious drug was shelved for the profit of pharmaceutical companies. They do just fine. Largely because chuds like you love a profit motive for Healthcare. Congrats
i'm saying "vaccines are free lol at those paying for ivermectin pharmaceuticals" is a backwards argument
vaccines were a boon when they came out, but "the science" has become highly politicized such that it's become hyperfocused on rejecting anything not vaccines, which doesn't make sense. if you are vaccinated, get covid and are symptomatic, shouldn't we know whether taking an additional drug with near zero adverse side effects could marginally improve the chances of recovering quicker or getti
So we should focus on horse, cow and porc medicine instead of
human vaccine (that can be eventually perfected for other similar virus)
because it’s cheaper ?
Man I’m glad you’re not my doctor …
me too!
So we've found common ground. What else interests you in these great days we're livin?!
Don’t forget , vaccine creates autism too …
An international effort to fast-track a vaccine for a novel pathogen?
Nah, we've a can of horse paste in the cupboard
Own your anti-science superstition, and continue to vote for those who are in favor of zero oversight/ regulation for the big bad corporations
Claiming or thinking that ivermectin was good enough even for potential mutations from COVID 19 is really “a great mindset” for medical science ……
It looks like the right is going after ALL vaccines now. Welcome back measles. Maybe we can get some polio going.
Well, that's what happens when you gaslight people about a "safe and effective" vaccine that isn't safe and effective. They lose trust in the whole process.
The good thing tho is we face a known virus .
So let it spread to those who do not believe in vaccine and let Mother Nature do its work shrug .
This emergence isn’t such a big deal because polio and measles do not mutate .
So the antiwax aren’t a problem compare to the Covid pandemic.
The risk is totally different.
gated, any open source i can read?
The good thing tho is we face a known virus .
So let it spread to those who do not believe in vaccine and let Mother Nature do its work shrug .
This emergence isn’t such a big deal because polio and measles do not mutate .
So the antiwax aren’t a problem compare to the Covid pandemic.
The risk is totally different.
The issue is those who cannot be vaccinated or those for whom vaccines are less effective. The immunocompromised rely on herd immunity for protection.
I don't care about Joe six pack who doesn't want to get vaccinated because of 5g and the government is evil, or the fools who think stand up comedians and financial analysts can tell doctors where they messed up. I care about those that can't protect themselves.
These fools are setting us back a hundred years of progress.
The issue is those who cannot be vaccinated or those for whom vaccines are less effective. The immunocompromised rely on herd immunity for protection.
I don't care about Joe six pack who doesn't want to get vaccinated because of 5g and the government is evil, or the fools who think stand up comedians and financial analysts can tell doctors where they messed up. I care about those that can't protect themselves.
These fools are setting us back a hundred years of progress.
And it's all because of what the left did during covid.
Destroying trust in public health entities by lying repeatedly in order to remove constitutional rights or suppress freedom in general has consequences.
And it's up to us on the right with common sense now to try to mend the disaster you guys on the left created.
Anyone who supported masking kids in schools in 2022 (among many other things) has 0% chance of talking succesfully with an antivaxer about anything, for the rest of his life.
I can talk to them and at times i managed to convince some of them that the horrible moral monstrosities of the left during covid management are unrelated with the efficacy of normal vaccines.
I am credible because i always fought against the lies. Same as many other people in the GBD, we are pushing for vaccines to our crowd.
But it's all on you, every immunodepressed kid that gets measles because some wacko parent didn't vaccinate his kid, is on you.
Remember when you tried to convince me you were one of the rational ones?
It's 4 years to this day that Italy implemented the worst peacetime policy in the history of western societies: lockdowns with militaries in the streets because an airborne virus with less than 0.1% lethality among the under65 appeared.
And you wonder why a lot of people don't trust health authorities anymore.
We are the rational ones.
I don't wonder anything at all. Especially not what you think about any of this.