In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

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12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

3580 Replies


by Didace k

Please put together a detailed business plan including number of employees, wages paid, amount of work each employee is expected to perform, acreage cleared per week, and how often places need to be recleared in order to keep vegetation 300 yards from developed property.

That varies a lot with local labor costs and details about how the land exactly is (and type of vegetation and so on), but you know there is something called "free market capitalism" which would supply what you ask (and more) in competition getting close to the actual cost of it, IF ONLY democrat written regulations are all dismantled to make it possible.

My guesstimate is that for a block of 30-50 expensive homes paying hundreds of thousands of fire insurance per year (if they can even get it), it would be cheaper to clean vegetation pooling togheter resources than to pay fire insurance (absent regulations).

Or in any way it would be a better insurance expected-value wise, because preventing the event is a lot better than getting enough money to rebuild after your house burns down of course.

by Luciom k

I am genuinely surprised every time i hear someone who isn't ideologically far left , and who doesn't need to live in California because of his job, and has enough money to comfortably relocate anywhere, still stays in California.

It's possible though that many such types left which automatically makes the problem worse for those who are left, change basically only happens in an elite vs elite struggle, if the best and the brightest who lean right leave a place is doomed to become a carnage of le

Well, on the personal level I grew up here, most of my extended family is here; and my wife's extended family all moved here too.

On the more ideological level, although I think you are directionally correct on the problems with the far left, you also underestimate the social, economic and political dysfunctions of red state America. There is a reason the economic engine of the US is so concentrated in liberal, blue states. Generally, they encompass the social values and zeitgeist that "high value" people want to be associated with.

Most "educated socially liberal" people; even ones that are politically more right wing and critical of progressivism, are going to gravitate to big blue cities/suburbs; because that is where economic opportunities are and that is where you are generally going to find likeminded people that generally share your social values, if not always your political orientation.

FWIW Trump understands this. That is why even after what the Democratic machine did to him there (whether you think it was justified or not), he still does political rallies in NY City. He doesn't want to forsake NY; it is too important. He wants to "Make NY Great Again," whatever that means to him.

by Dunyain k

Well, on the personal level I grew up here, most of my extended family is here; and my wife's extended family all moved here too.

On the more ideological level, although I think you are directionally correct on the problems with the far left, you also underestimate the social, economic and political dysfunctions of red state America. There is a reason the economic engine of the US is so concentrated in liberal, blue states. Generally, they encompass the social values and zeitgeist that "high v

I don't think i understimate the disfunctions of deep redneck america but i don't think anyone uses them as the example of what works a tad better than mono-blue governance in CA.

Aside from the fact that there are perma-blue states that are fairly well governed (Vermont, Maine for ex), what i have in mind are suburban Texas, Florida and so on.

But i mean even staying on the same coast, both Oregon and Washington state outside of a few urban absurdities are far better governed than california at the local level.

You cite Trump but he is much more often in Florida than in NYS and that happened a while ago.

As for the NY political rallies, there was a house majority to win and NYS was very important to accomplish that and they did

by Dunyain k

FWIW Trump understands this. That is why even after what the Democratic machine did to him there (whether you think it was justified or not), he still does political rallies in NY City. He doesn't want to forsake NY; it is too important. He wants to "Make NY Great Again," whatever that means to him.

I fully believe he'd like the 1890s robber baron thing--but people have no real concept of life in a time before they were even alive. He probably just really wants the general environment of his youth in the pre-Civil Rights era. With all of the modern conveniences of course. I doubt he wants to be forced into old cars and planes etc.

I'm a bit skeptical that just replicating 'old' policy accomplishes that in exactly the same way though. In some ways it can but there's no turning back time imo 😀 Part of the reason I always laugh at the right calling the left pipedreamers--there's no greater pipedream than a time machine lol

by Luciom k

I don't think i understimate the disfunctions of deep redneck america but i don't think anyone uses them as the example of what works a tad better than mono-blue governance in CA.

Aside from the fact that there are perma-blue states that are fairly well governed (Vermont, Maine for ex), what i have in mind are suburban Texas, Florida and so on.

But i mean even staying on the same coast, both Oregon and Washington state outside of a few urban absurdities are far better governed than california at

I think you also underestimate how much people that can afford to do so can insulate themselves from the political dysfunction generally. The big thing about these fires is that they happened to wealthy people that thought they had insulated themselves from the dysfunction, but were wrong.

I live in a suburb. Other than spending more money for everything I doubt my day to day life is much different than someone living in a suburb of Austin or Seattle. But I also get the benefits of living close to a big, blue city. I do not pretend to be a super cultured person; but I do go to the occasional professional sports game, musical, concert, fine dining of whatever ethnic variety we want, etc.

And obviously the weather. It is January and it is 65-70 deg F and sunny. This year has more warm, sunny days than most (which is part of the problem because it hasn't rained yet) but even in a bad weather year, the weather is good more days than not.

by Luciom k

I don't think i understimate the disfunctions of deep redneck america but i don't think anyone uses them as the example of what works a tad better than mono-blue governance in CA.

Name the period of time you think was better for most reg. working people than the fdr era/middle decades of the last century. And then I'll point out all of the stuff you've overlooked 😀

The vast majority of everyday conservatives want nothing to do with anarcho-capitalism gone wild or even anything close to actual libertarian views ruling the day. Many actually want lots of those leftside goodies--they just can't get over sharing them with anyone else non-white or straight and that's just reality so we're stuck in the downward spiral of spite.

by wet work k

Name the period of time you think was better for most reg. working people than the fdr era/middle decades of the last century. And then I'll point out all of the stuff you've overlooked 😀

The vast majority of everyday conservatives want nothing to do with anarcho-capitalism gone wild or even anything close to actual libertarian views ruling the day. Many actually want lots of those leftside goodies--they just can't get over sharing them with anyone else non-white or straight and that's just real

With the same technology? because the baseline is things should improve massively just because of technology alone which has an accumulating path, every decade material prosperity should significantly improve PER CAPITA even if you don't change absolutely nothing at all policy-wise , in political institutions, in politics in general.

If things work NORMALLY with no political interference every generation lives A LOT better than the previous one , that's the baseline idea of (classic) liberal democratic capitalism, which has been completly destroyed by leftism after working extremely well for a decent while.

I don't want anything to do with anarcho-capitalism either.

But i want a normal person with IQ 100 to be fully able to understand the ENTIRETY of the regulations regarding a small business ALONE without needing to ask professionals for anything, to begin with. 20-30 pages TOTAL ALL INCLUDED should be around the cap. Total, from trash disposal to work laws and everything else the state wants to tell him how to do.

I want the vast majority of people to be done with their taxes with sales and property taxes. Income tax can exist for people who are massively wealthier than the average, no income tax should exist within the threshold for very comfortable living of a family of 4 (150-200k / year currently). Normal people shouldn't be scrutinized by government agencies for their incomes!!!!! that's what the stasis does, not a liberal democracy.

The idea of anyone but the top 15-20% at most (preferably the top 1-5%) has to deal with "accountants" is horrific.

That's the kind of libertarian leaning ideas A LOT of run of the mill conservatives actually identify with btw.

So some things should be like in 1860, others like in 1910, others like in 1955, and so on. Just pick the most libertarian leaning actually applied idea in western history for every topic and apply them all togheter. All proven stuff compatible with a decent society, no "dreams".

And ofc completly interrupt all immigration of anyone who isn't significantly better than the median citizen to avoid any problem

How has "Leftism" completely destroyed everything? Be specific. People don't like to hear it but neo-liberalism is essentially libertarian-lite--fiscally conservative/socially liberal. It, especially the conservative fiscal policy part, clearly hasn't been working out for reg. people. Pick the exact period you think strong right fiscal policy has worked out for reg. people in a way like the strong left policy did in the fdr era. I don't think you can do it--and even if you try you'll be overlooking strong left elements that were in the mix too. The wealthy were still doing fantastically well during the fdr era too btw. The avg conservative ids with the socially liberal aspects of libertarian views and don't have a clue what regs to erase to improve their lives--which is why it always ends up just being labor&environmental regs being axed to benefit the wealthy. What Federal regs do you think are causing so much trouble for reg. working people? Most working people never even interact with a fed in their lives lol

It sounds like your answer is essentially Tax the Rich to cover everything? Seems pretty lefty to me. Why don't you hit up CPAC and show them the true conservative way forward? 😀

by Luckbox Inc k

I'll guess you've never tried speaking a foreign language.

That’s quite presumptuous of you, apologist for a bigot

the only reason for Kalifornia's great success over the last decade +

Of course... let us not forget the gang leader

by StoppedRainingMen k

That’s quite presumptuous of you, apologist for a bigot

It has nothing to do with Lucioms politics. I have a long track record of pointing out when people are not native speakers in this forum.

Also, go **** yourself.

And given the nature of your posting in general there is going to be little chance that you aren't more bigoted than Luciom fwiw.

by Luckbox Inc k

It has nothing to do with Lucioms politics. I have a long track record of pointing out when people are not native speakers in this forum.

Also, go **** yourself.

Now you’re just being inflammatory for the sake of being inflammatory

by StoppedRainingMen k

Now you’re just being inflammatory for the sake of being inflammatory

You've accused me of being a bigot.

Not sure what else I'm supposed to say.

by Luckbox Inc k

You've accused me of being a bigot.

Not sure what else I'm supposed to say.

I can’t be responsible you think me calling you ‘apologist for a bigot’ means I’m calling you a bigot

Your conscience must weigh heavy. Sad

by StoppedRainingMen k

I can’t even wrap my head around the audacity of white knighting (oh I guess that makes sense) an unapologetic racist for getting words wrong

Actually considering you, I suppose I understand why in this case you’re mad I’m mocking that specific person

Put another way: **** your feelings. And his too

What are you implying by the bolded part here?

by StoppedRainingMen k

I can’t be responsible you think me calling you ‘apologist for a bigot’ means I’m calling you a bigot

Your conscience must weigh heavy. Sad

Your inferences are not my concern


Good choice (first part, second is the typical marxist inanity as explained) but it begs the question


Gavin Newsom
NEW: Just issued an Executive Order that will allow victims of the SoCal fires to not get caught up in bureaucratic red tape and quickly rebuild their homes.

We are also extending key price gouging protections to help make rebuilding more affordable.

If there is such red tape that prolongs the time to build homes int he first place, and that's so bad you need an EO to allow people to try to go back to their lives soon, who put it there and why don't you burn it down for good?

by StoppedRainingMen k

Your inferences are not my concern


You're not going to explain what you meant by 'considering you"?

by Dunyain k

Environmental groups really do block pretty much any work anyone tries to do in CA. To get anything done, whether it is clearing bushes, renovating freeways, building high speed rails, etc. you have to go through rounds and rounds and rounds of environmental assessments and litigations that can take decades. And ideological far left wing judges and commissions often sympathize with the environmental groups and ultimately block anything being done, no mater how necessary.

It is true that CA h

I agree with most of this. Pretty much anyone who has lived in Ca for a decent amount of time and is honest will concede it's ridiculous how hard it is to get anything done and I'm pretty sure the backlash is becoming visible. I was in town in Nov for the election and didn't vote for the new homeless funding prop. Most people are pretty sick of just throwing money at the problem and not seeing any noticable improvements.
Did that prop actually squeak by with a win? I forget.

I agree that it is very hard to build in Los Angeles on a reasonable time frame but the blame game by the right wing media for the wildfire is ridiculous. Since Luckbox never answered the question I will: they don’t do controlled burns in the Palisades or Hollywood Hills. Ever.

Those areas are some of the highest priced zip codes in the state. The people that live there to be removed from the traffic and bustle of LA. Building in those canyons have always had perils from mountain lions and coyotes to landslides and hazardous roads.

Has the cause f the palisades fre even been determined yet? Other than the Santa Ana winds and storms?

by 5 south k

I agree with most of this. Pretty much anyone who has lived in Ca for a decent amount of time and is honest will concede it's ridiculous how hard it is to get anything done and I'm pretty sure the backlash is becoming visible. I was in town in Nov for the election and didn't vote for the new homeless funding prop. Most people are pretty sick of just throwing money at the problem and not seeing any noticable improvements.
Did that prop actually squeak by with a win? I forget.

backlash is visible but the most they do is voting the more pragmatic/centrist candidate in Democratic primaries.

when you have a tumor in metastasis you don't treat the symptoms. or I mean you can do that as well but unless you try to tackle the tumor in full you die anyway

by jjjou812 k

I agree that it is very hard to build in Los Angeles on a reasonable time frame but the blame game by the right wing media for the wildfire is ridiculous. Since Luckbox never answered the question I will: they don’t do controlled burns in the Palisades or Hollywood Hills. Ever.

Those areas are some of the highest priced zip codes in the state. The people that live there to be removed from the traffic and bustle of LA. Building in those canyons have always had perils from mountain lions and

Fires in CA blame the libs. Hurricanes in The East blame the libs. Everything else--blame the libs. The bootstraps gang sure does a lot of whining, complaining and finger-pointing.

I've never heard of libs being blamed for hurricanes and I'd like to see your work there.

by Luckbox Inc k

I've never heard of libs being blamed for hurricanes and I'd like to see your work there.

Lib (Biden) directed FEMA was blamed for mismanagement of the hurricanes effects by many (and 100% correctly so given that some people inside it specifically ordered first responders to avoid houses with pro Trump signs).

As they say, the nine most terrifying words in the English language are " ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help."

by jjjou812 k

I agree that it is very hard to build in Los Angeles on a reasonable time frame but the blame game by the right wing media for the wildfire is ridiculous.

The idea of blaming anyone for anything 2-3 days after the fires started seemed silly to me. People idly speculating in a politics forum about who to blame is one thing; using your huge social media presence and political platform to do so publicly is ****ing ridiculous. But this seems to be the place we're in now, where pretty much anything is acceptable from so-called leaders. I mean, the incoming president is spending his time, two days after the fires started, excoriating the governor, continues with that theme through the week, and then gets busy with stuff like this on the weekend "The fires are still raging in L.A. The incompetent pols have no idea how to put them out. Thousands of magnificent houses are gone, and many more will soon be lost. There is death all over the place. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the history of our Country. They just can’t put out the fires. What’s wrong with them?". No dude, what's wrong with YOU?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not really surprised by this, and we already know what's wrong with him. But that this has become normal now and gets less pushback every time he does it...sigh.

by Luckbox Inc k

I've never heard of libs being blamed for hurricanes and I'd like to see your work there.

Luckbox Inc - missing the forest for the trees, intentionally, since 2008.
