In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

) 12 Views 12
12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

4058 Replies


you mean the post that quoted my post?

I think I see part of the problem with you guys inability to understand things.

by Victor k

nope, reread the first post again. nothing about muslims dying! its all from the perspective of Americans. I said wokeness is used a distraction from Americans doing war crimes.

Correct, and what "war crimes" do you constantly talk about? Muslims dying. Currently mostly in Palestine, but in the recent past in Iraq, etc.

If I made an incorrect inference, what other war crimes were you referring to? Because if they didn't involve the deaths of Americans, they didn't need any distractions.

by corpus vile k

He's not a misanthrope. He told me so, so it must be true.

I certainly never told you that.

by Victor k

you mean the post that quoted my post?

I think I see part of the problem with you guys inability to understand things.

Amazing how many people there are ITF who all share the problem of not being able to understand you. Sick odds to hit.

by Trolly McTrollson k

Do you think you might be projecting your own misanthropy onto others as a coping mechanism?

Coping with what?

It's not tough to figure out what most Americans care about.

Americans are dying in the Middle East. and the money the USA spends is killing Americans at home. I mean, imagine if USA spent billions updating infrastructure to withstand current stressors, for instance say I dunno bridges in Baltimore.

If you want to make all of our bridges able to withstand being booped by 23 million pound cargo ships, you're going to need a lot more money than whatever we're spending in the Middle East.

Then there's the question on what else you should've spent that money on, and the answer to that is almost anything other than modifying bridges for an event that'll probably never happen again.

by Victor k

Americans are dying in the Middle East. and the money the USA spends is killing Americans at home. I mean, imagine if USA spent billions updating infrastructure to withstand current stressors, for instance say I dunno bridges in Baltimore.

Certainly not many that I know of. And I'm sure you will say that's because I'm uninformed, but I get most of my news on the middle east from you. If a lot of Americans are currently dying in the Middle East, and you want people to care about the conflicts there, you should be pointing out the Americans dying everyday instead of the Palestinians.

a bunch of Americans died in Jordan. 2 died from the Houthis. some died on Oct 7, both civilians and IDF soldiers. a bunch of American IDF soldiers have died since Oct 7 while helping the genocide.

3 killed in Jordan, so maybe not a bunch but whatever

I heard of 3 recently in Jordan, don't know if there are others.

I don't think anyone cares much about Americans who volunteered to serve in a foreign army.

The 2 in Yemen and those who died or were taken captive in attacks by Hamas are cared about by many Americans, which is part of why the US has supported Israel trying to dismantle Hamas. Those were not distracted from, they were pointed out by the current administration.

Itay Chen was all over the news. Biden even talked about him.

by Victor k

Americans are dying in the Middle East. and the money the USA spends is killing Americans at home. I mean, imagine if USA spent billions updating infrastructure to withstand current stressors, for instance say I dunno bridges in Baltimore.

You can spend for infrastructure and the militaries, all it takes is going to 0 on welfare for people who don't contribute to society

Military is calling back retired to fill spots. This is a joke, they can't get people to join so they call in retired??? Just raise the pay idiots.

Is patriotism falling biggly, yea but...Doesn't have to be hard. No one wants job, pay increases, people want job.

by roymunson888 k

Military is calling back retired to fill spots. This is a joke, they can't get people to join so they call in retired??? Just raise the pay idiots.

Is patriotism falling biggly, yea but...Doesn't have to be hard. No one wants job, pay increases, people want job.

Patriotism can not be falling. Everywhere I turn I see people proclaiming themselves to be patriots. I don't see any of them reporting any patriotic acts they have actually performed, so it must be a pretty low bar. Still, their numbers are huuuge!

Yea I prolly shouldn't have tossed that in, I don't have a clue about that. But I do keep seeing articles about how bad recrutiing is getting and it seems so simple to me. I do know someone who 20 years ago saw 30k deal for college and signed that line. This is some kinda hysteria that is easily fixed.

I assume recruiting woes are less about the money and more about how generally useless the youth population is nowadays.

They'll turn a blind eye to the 40% of kids that claim membership in the alphabet mafia, but you can't turn a blind eye to physical disqualification.

by Inso0 k

I assume recruiting woes are less about the money and more about how generally useless the youth population is nowadays.

They'll turn a blind eye to the 40% of kids that claim membership in the alphabet mafia, but you can't turn a blind eye to physical disqualification.

There is also a reverse flynn effect (for reasons yet unknown), ie median IQ is going down a little, and you need more intelligence today to be useful in the armed forces than 30 or 60 years ago for obvious reasons related to increasing complexity of tools used in operations

by Inso0 k

They'll turn a blind eye to the 40% of kids that claim membership in the alphabet mafia, but you can't turn a blind eye to physical disqualification.

It's always projection with these guys:

The ASVAB is what PW and I bet on btw.

Yeah I'm not sure why Trolly thinks that detracts from what I said.

Dysfunctional schools and a complete lack of physical activity aren't doing any favors to the pool of qualified military applicants. Particularly if you buy in to the notion that the military sources most of its recruits from the bottom tiers of the income scale, where lack of education and obesity is at its worst.

Too dumb to be a Marine, good god.

economy is good and unemployment is low means low military recruitment. that's always been the story.. you can old man yell at clouds "kids these days" bullshit all you want. it's the economy.

25 years ago, I seem to recall the cutoff was the 35th percentile or so.

So, yeah, one in three people are too dumb to be a Marine.

by Inso0 k

25 years ago, I seem to recall the cutoff was the 35th percentile or so.

So, yeah, one in three people are too dumb to be a Marine.

While I didn't think the ASVAB practice test that I took for the PW prop bet was particularly difficult, there were certainly questions there that I would neither expect the "average" person to get, nor do I understand why they would need to in order to join the military. You don't need to be able to solve simultaneous equations or know what "raiment" means to pull a trigger.
