In other news

In other news

In the current news climate we see that some figures and events tend to dominate the front-pages heavily. Still, there are important, interesting or just plain weird things happening out there and a group of people can find these better than one.

I thought I would test with a thread for linking general news articles about "other news" and discussion. Perhaps it goes into the abyss that is page 2 and beyond, but it is worth a try.

Some guidelines:
- Try to find the "clean link", so that links to the news site directly and not a social media site. Avoid "amp-links" (google).
- Write some cliff notes on what it is about, especially if it is a video.
- It's not an excuse to make outlandish claims via proxy or link extremist content.
- If it's an editorial or opinion piece, it is polite to mark it as such.
- Note the language if it is not in English.
- There is no demand that such things be posted here, if you think a piece merits its own thread, then make one.

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12 October 2020 at 08:13 AM

3816 Replies


by Brian James k

I doubt the people dying care who saves them as long as someone does.

Yeah and if there is an active shooter you should push past the cops. The civilians don’t care who saves them.

If you guys want to propose some kind of way to facilitate public private partnership that’s great, but forcing your way in so that you can score political points is so slimy.

by checkraisdraw k

Yeah and if there is an active shooter you should push past the cops. The civilians don’t care who saves them.

If you guys want to propose some kind of way to facilitate public private partnership that’s great, but forcing your way in so that you can score political points is so slimy.

If there are no cops on the scene and a civilian with a gun is then I'm not going to complain if he stops the active shooter. What you are saying is I should wait till the cops arrive. Which is insane.

by checkraisdraw k

Yeah and if there is an active shooter you should push past the cops. The civilians don’t care who saves them.

If you guys want to propose some kind of way to facilitate public private partnership that’s great, but forcing your way in so that you can score political points is so slimy.

Unlike court filings by the DOJ, timing here isn't controlled by political choices.

You can be assured democrats would have been attacked for the mismanagement even if this had happened in a non election year

by Brian James k

If there are no cops on the scene and a civilian with a gun is then I'm not going to complain if he stops the active shooter. What you are saying is I should wait till the cops arrive. Which is insane.

That’s disanalogous because the cops and firefighters are there trying to facilitate rescue operations while random citizens are cropping up asking to help. The feds have no way to vet this stuff.

Maybe we need some way of partnering with local law enforcement who know more about their town and who can actually help.

by Luciom k

Unlike court filings by the DOJ, timing here isn't controlled by political choices.

You can be assured democrats would have been attacked for the mismanagement even if this had happened in a non election year

Republicans lost credibility by lying about Hawaii and saying it was some kind of government inside job and using the same lie about emergency cash disbursements being the only aid government is providing.

Dang democrats always being so uncivil.

by checkraisdraw k

Dang democrats always being so uncivil.

This can't be real

by 5 south k

This can't be real

Took the screenshot myself from twitter. It’s real.

by checkraisdraw k

Took the screenshot myself from twitter. It’s real.


by 5 south k


Republicans: Putting The Onion out of business since 2016.

I imagine someone like Playbig is not far off getting elected to congress on a rep ticket. Then he could finally demand that long overdue inquiry into the space lasers.

by d2_e4 k

Republicans: Putting The Onion out of business since 2016.

I imagine someone like Playbig is not far off getting elected to congress on a rep ticket. Then he could finally demand that long overdue inquiry into the space lasers.

Some time ago, Playbig confirmed that the believes the Rothschilds are controlling the weather.

by Rococo k

Some time ago, Playbig confirmed that the believes the Rothschilds are controlling the weather.

We need to get confirmation from Sklansky as to whether that moves him down or up the rankings.

by 5 south k

This can't be real

I dont know the context MTG's tweet, but several countries, including the US, seed clouds to stimulate rain; although the Jury is out how effective this is.

by Dunyain k

I dont know the context MTG's tweet, but several countries, including the US, seed clouds to stimulate rain; although the Jury is out how effective this is.

What is the mechanistic relationship to tropical storms and hurricanes? Have you done any research on that? Otherwise it seems like baseless conjecture.

by Dunyain k

I dont know the context MTG's tweet, but several countries, including the US, seed clouds to stimulate rain; although the Jury is out how effective this is.

Also haarp.

by Dunyain k

I dont know the context MTG's tweet, but several countries, including the US, seed clouds to stimulate rain; although the Jury is out how effective this is.

Seems to work. Anytime they announce they're doing cloud seeding in Thailand it at least gets on the verge of raining or actually rains a bit but I doubt MJT is talking about a little rain for the farmers.
Thailand also claims the last king was the one who invented cloud seeding.

Weather warfare is 100% real. I'm pretty sure there are actual patents filed which are public. I don't know if it was used in FL or not, but when you look at these things happening to red states it's a lilttle suspect and there is now a second hurricane coming into the same area. One is nothing, two's a fluke, but if we see 3 of them or somehting else happening to a red state ("wild" fire, Earthquake, flooding rains, toxifying train crash, or anything) it wouldn't be such a coincedence anymore.

HAARP is not "expiramental". it's fully active in FL with the goal of displacing Trump supporters (in case they can't manufacture enough votes or tap into the voting machines again).

I have this picture on video and the people at the beach are saying "check that out, I've never seen clouds like that" Idk how to post a vidoe so I'll post a still from it (this is FL this eve.).

Playbig I’m serious bud have you considered seeking professional help and going on antipsychotic medication? That might help you out.

by checkraisdraw k

Playbig I’m serious bud have you considered seeking professional help and going on antipsychotic medication? That might help you out.

I'm sorry to have to say this but it's you that needs to be careful with what you poke your nose into since these things are obviously too deep for you to understand or you'll actually be the one who ends up on phsychotic medications.

If you wanna discredit something, do it as an educated intelligent poster and look up all the information programs and people in this video and prove they either never exsisted and they're all lying (this was over 30 year ago, imagine the technology they would have today).

Broken YouTube Link

If curious about what the weather modification naysayers are arguing. Is it:

1) No one would even want to try to control weather.
2) They tried and learned they can't
3) They can just a little bit but not like how Playing is saying.

Or what?

by Playbig2000 k

I'm sorry to have to say this but it's you that needs to be careful with what you poke your nose into since these things are obviously too deep for you to understand or you'll actually be the one who ends up on phsychotic medications.

If you wanna discredit something, do it as an educated intelligent poster and look up all the information programs and people in this video and prove they either never exsisted and they're all lying (this was over 30 year ago, imagine the technology they would have

Playbig: “I’m not psychotic, I’m actually the genius”

Also Playbig: *posts random schizo video from obvious conspiratard account*

by Luckbox Inc k

If curious about what the weather modification naysayers are arguing. Is it:

1) No one would even want to try to control weather.
2) They tried and learned they can't
3) They can just a little bit but not like how Playing is saying.

Or what?

Clearly democrats are controlling the weather to harm republican states, that must be what’s going on. You guys are seriously sick in the head, please seek canadian healthcare 🙏


Playbig, is there a single conspiracy theory you don't believe? What do you think is the combined probability that all these conspiracies are true?

Grunching a bit but do i understand that man-made climate change has become an undeniable reality so now we're arguing about which man?
