Gun control
I think that the Gun control thread got lost when the old politics thread got moved.
1 The rest of the world looks at the US policy with slack jawed astonishment.
2. “Guns don’t kill people , people do” is identical to “Nuclear weapons don’t kill people, people do”
3. Using the idea that carrying guns can prevent the government oppressing you seems to ignore the fact that the US government controls the most effective killing machine in history
ah, but that is infringement MSchu
So unbelievably ****ed up.
I'll never get my head wrapped around the glorification of a thing who's only function is to destroy.
It's sick.
SCOTUS decision was about not allowing executive power excesses, in this case interpretating a law delegating power to an agency the way the Trump admin wanted.
It has nothing to do with the 2a in fact and the 3 liberals here show the common conflation of liking an outcome with applying the law appropriately.
Bump stocks can be banned/regulated (unfortunately) under the 2a, It Is Just that it is congress which should do it
I'll never get my head wrapped around the glorification of a thing who's only function is to destroy.
It's sick.
simple. someone is going to destroy you. You put a bullet between their eyes, and they can no longer destroy you.
you would rather they destroy us because we cant fight back.
Id rather fight back.
The vast majority of gun owners do not feel the same way that PW espouses.
Why do you think most people that own guns have them?
I own guns because I like to target shoot and they'll be useful if I ever have to defend my family. I am not a hunter and can't imagine shooting any other living creature unless my family was under a direct threat.
Not against hunting for survival but am definitely against trophy hunting.
Also, guns should be highly regulated.
Hunting as well as guns are fun to shoot at office products. Even (ESPECIALLY) the NRA agrees with that data point. It's not a "protection" thingy the small minority of owners want you to believe.....other than a protection from varmints like hogs etc.
Militias and double secret armies are not remotely the reason.
simple. someone is going to destroy you. You put a bullet between their eyes, and they can no longer destroy you.
you would rather they destroy us because we cant fight back.
Id rather fight back.
And yet, you encourage those people that want to destroy you to be armed to the teeth. Gjge
I own guns because I like to target shoot and they'll be useful if I ever have to defend my family. I am not a hunter and can't imagine shooting any other living creature unless my family was under a direct threat.
Not against hunting for survival but am definitely against trophy hunting.
Also, guns should be highly regulated.
And that's the thing. We could highly regulate them and responsible gun owners like you wouldn't be affected other than sone paperwork and possibly wait times.
IIRC, I was hanging out with a few gun nuts back in the early 90s and they were all up in arms about the Brady Bill so that's when I got my Glock with a 17 round clip. We were taking camping trips to state parks in MO and taking all sorts of cool **** to shoot like cans of food, telephone books, etc. and were having a great time. We were responsible owners following the standard gun safety rules and would not start with the beer until all of the guns were safely secured for the night.
They started going off the deep end buying SKSs at the gun shows with the canisters of ammo in preparation for "armageddon" which in their eyes was the coming race war and they delighted themselves discussing how much fun it was going to be to freely shoot the ******s.
That was the end of me hanging out with them. Clowns, all of them.
can be stated from the other side of the aisle as well
The left needs to be able to defend itself from right wing threats such as violent overthrow of govt, the KKK, etc
or.... onesself?
I own guns because I like to target shoot and they'll be useful if I ever have to defend my family. I am not a hunter and can't imagine shooting any other living creature unless my family was under a direct threat.
Not against hunting for survival but am definitely against trophy hunting.
Also, guns should be highly regulated.
people that don't hunt and say they are against trophy hunting annoy me. WHO ****ING CARES.
we used to be a much more responsible country