US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel.

US intelligence agencies ordered to declassify UFO intel.

Are we being prepared for the truth regarding UFOs? Or is this some kind of psyops operation being conducted by the US military? A trick of the light? Collective hysteria? Or has China/Russia made some major breakthroughs? These kind of observations seem to go back decades and the nature of the aircraft being a lozenge type shape (although they come in other shapes), travelling at great speed, no exhaust, abrupt course changes and no sonic boom are consistent - therefore, maybe we can discount China/Russia breakthrough.

) 6 Views 6
22 March 2021 at 02:39 PM

302 Replies


by Luckbox Inc k

It's still all a psy-op guys sorry.

Yes... but even Conspiratorial psyops have a purpose. To be honest, 1947-2024 is a hell of a long time to keep up an organized Kabal.

by Playbig2000 k

There's a guy in politics who was interviewed on Fox claiming an undisclosed military guy told him the drones are coming from a mothership off the east coast operated by Iran.

The only problem with that is I don't think Iran has that type of technology, like to outrun all of our military a/c.

Sometimes people do feed misinformation to the public via the media for whatever reason.

It would be awesome if the Iranians did have a mothership though.

wouldn't be interesting that the reason the 'Universe' shifting entities that have begun to show up in our universe with regularity are not here because we have discovered Nuclear power... but because we have begun to develop 'Quantum Computing'.
Because Quantum Computing proves the existence of multiple Universe realities.

by MSchu18 k

wouldn't be interesting that the reason the 'Universe' shifting entities that have begun to show up in our universe with regularity are not here because we have discovered Nuclear power... but because we have begun to develop 'Quantum Computing'.
Because Quantum Computing proves the existence of multiple Universe realities.

Pretty sure many worlds is just one interpretation of uncertainty.

all worlds... all time... all at once... of that I am certain.

by MSchu18 k

wouldn't be interesting that the reason the 'Universe' shifting entities that have begun to show up in our universe with regularity are not here because we have discovered Nuclear power... but because we have begun to develop 'Quantum Computing'.
Because Quantum Computing proves the existence of multiple Universe realities.

They've already been here for decades monitoring our nukes. Robert Salas came forward in 2001 begging to give his sworn testimony to Congress but they weren't even interested. He claimed they disabled about 10 nuclear warheads which was witnessed by many people in the Air Force I think it was in the 70's.

It's also rumored the CERN opened up a worm hole which somehow shifted our universe/timeline (which is where the mandella effect came from) and possibly let these guys in from other dimensions.

However these things are just speculation and above my head, I gave up trying make sense out of it or trying to understand space/time and dimensions or how time travel works like 10 years ago.

"There are more things between heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio" -Shakespeare, 1623

by Playbig2000 k

They've already been here for decades monitoring our nukes. Robert Salas came forward in 2001 begging to give his sworn testimony to Congress but they weren't even interested. He claimed they disabled about 10 nuclear warheads which was witnessed by many people in the Air Force I think it was in the 70's.

It's also rumored the CERN opened up a worm hole which somehow shifted our universe/timeline (which is where the mandella effect came from) and possibly let these guys in from other dimensions.

Or maybe it's just bullshit. Granted it sounds less plausible than interdimensional wormholes shifting universes and causing the Mandela effect BUT it's still a possibility- even if a very slim and threadbare one- that it's bullshit.

by corpus vile k

Or maybe it's just bullshit. Granted it sounds less plausible than interdimensional wormholes shifting universes and causing the Mandela effect BUT it's still a possibility- even if a very slim and threadbare one- that it's bullshit.

Maybe, but I've been through and seen too much to know that literally almost anything is possible at this point.

Pentagon News Conf rn on Drones

Broken YouTube Link

Another waste of time...

According to the Pentagon rep when asked what they're doing about the "drones" in NJ:

"Local Law enforcement is doing an investigation and looking into this" What? The police (I've spoken to a chief personally) are clueless, and the military is telling them to have everyone phone the FBI to make a report. False info as usual.

When asked why they don't just shoot them down "They don't appear to be a threat"...

This current administration is a total joke ainec.

Edit: above link ended, here is copy

Broken YouTube Link

Update from a NNJ Mayor regarding this mornings "drone" meeting:

Critical Update on the Mysterious Drone Activity

Today, I attended an in-person briefing in Ewing with representatives of the NJ State Police and the NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness. While the meeting provided some insights, it also raised more alarming questions. Here are the key takeaways:

• Congressman Chris Smith from South Jersey reported drones following Coast Guard ships. The Coast Guard witnessed 50 drones flying from the ocean to land and back.
• No known credible threat, according to the NJ Office of Homeland Security, but the situation remains unresolved.
• State Police have been investigating for three weeks:
• First sighting: November 18th
• Last night: 4 sightings
• Night before: 180 sightings
• The drones:
• Fly for 6-7 hours at night.
• No RF signals, so they can’t be detected.
• Lights shut off when approached.
• No daytime sightings reported.
• State Police lack the authority to take them down—only federal agencies can act.

I asked the tough questions:

1. Can you confirm these drones have nothing to do with the U.S. military? They said yes.

2. Can you confirm these drones aren’t tied to large tech companies like Google, Amazon, or Elon Musk? They said yes.

3. Are you telling me that in this day and age, drones of this size can fly over us and we have no idea who they belong to, where they’re taking off from, or what their purpose is? They said we don’t know.

Adding insult to injury, Governor Phil Murphy didn’t even attend the meeting. We’re dealing with unidentified drones entering our airspace, and our state leader doesn’t show up to address it.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the mere presence of missiles 100 miles from our shores brought us to the brink of war. Yet today, drones can hover over our neighborhoods, and we remain complacent. This generational gap in recognizing threats is alarming.

If these drones’ payloads were to change, our lives could change instantly. This is a wake-up call that we cannot afford to ignore.

We must demand answers. The safety and security of our community depend on it. If you have any information or footage, call 18664SAFENJ to report it.

— Mayor Ryan Herd

Note: Last night we had rain and heavy fog in NNJ (IFR/IMC/Soup) but there were still many more than only 4 sightings. People were posting them on social media all night.

Iran mothership?

by MSchu18 k

Iran mothership?

It's possible there's an Iranian drone ship out in the ocean but I don't think these are from them, but that's just my opinion.

What's more alarming though is how our federal government is handling this issue:

Look how this guy makes an almost 90 degree right turn. These flying machines don't need to bank they turn like a car. With their propulsion system they don't need to use aileron and rudder to make turns or even bank the airplane.

This is one of the most clear videos, and also notice the lights in the back. You never see airplanes with lights facing the back like that it looks like a rocket ship

by Playbig2000 k

Look how this guy makes an almost 90 degree right turn. These flying machines don't need to bank they turn like a car. With their propulsion system they don't need to use aileron and rudder to make turns or even bank the airplane.

This is one of the most clear videos, and also notice the lights in the back. You never see airplanes with lights facing the back like that it looks like a rocket ship

looks kinda like an x-65, the x plane with no control surfaces.

It looks like a Terminator ride at Disney World. Only it's real, and everybody is about to die

Who are tech bros? Why are they conducting tests over NJ and not in the Nevada desert, they can't go between bases there?

by corpus vile k

Who are tech bros? Why are they conducting tests over NJ and not in the Nevada desert, they can't go between bases there?

The engineers who make things like this. The UAS are being testing for maritime resupply. Military doesn't make things public. People are hysterical and stupid. Case closed.

Can you cite where this is confirmed or is it just your theory? It doesn't sound very outlandish if it's the latter, and could well be true.

those dont sound like Harley Davidsons... those are fairly quite electric motors.

by corpus vile k

Can you cite where this is confirmed or is it just your theory? It doesn't sound very outlandish if it's the latter, and could well be true.

It's not a drone company. Those are toys compared to the large bus sized vehicles everyone's seeing. if it is a drone company testing equipment, they caused a medivac helicopter to cancel so they could be held liable if the patient dies.

by MSchu18 k

those dont sound like Harley Davidsons... those are fairly quite electric motors.

They don't sound like harleys. It's a different sound, more like a deep pitched vacuum cleaner or machine, the woman who said that in the interview was most likely speaking about how loud there were. When they're hovering there's no noise at all.

NJ "DRONE" UPDATE: Last night right after the weather cleared the sightings started happening again which expanded to Eastern PA and SNJ.

There's a lot of new video posted from last night with dozens of them in groups and in formation.

The MSM (for the most part) is starting to cover this as their main story but the even bigger story yesterday wasn't about the drones it was about the Federal Gov't basically saying FU to it's citizens.

Are these sightings gonna expand to cover the entire US? What's the gov't gonna tell us then, "we don't know what they are, leave your report on the FBI website" ?

Sean Hannity did a great job last night telling us the facts of what's going on between our leaders and representatives and the federal lame duck gov't.

Broken YouTube Link

The spokeslady at the Pentagon yesterday said the local police are investigating them, which isn't true, and they're literally outraged by that statement. She also confirmed the FBI is the lead investigator. WHAT? How does the FBI investigate military type drones that can carry a big payload of weapons (for the past couple nights people were also seeing a trail of something come out of them, like a contrail. What if it's a virus?

The military is standing down but the question is why. There should be AWACS out there nightly, but maybe they already know these guys and understand they're out matched and there's nothing they can do.

POSSIBLE THEORY: I wouldn't be surprised if their goal is to fake an alien invasion so they can declare martial law and cancel the transfer of power to President Trump. (This isn't as far fetched as some ppl might think. Carol Rosin is a real person, a rocket scientist, who worked with Wernher von Braun who told her right before he died that this was their plan, and it would be the DS's "final card" when needed. It would be like a "covid" on steroids). Can anyone imagine being locked down because of dangerous aliens?

Maybe these are just aliens trying to say "it's 2024 why does your planet not know us, and why are they still making you guys purchase "fuel" when you're covert gov't already has the technology to produce free energy at no cost, they're taking advantage of you guys!!".
