Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom

Climate Change - increasingly horrible disasters loom


there is so much out there about this - I don't really need to provide a lot of sources - a quick google search will find you thousands of links

of course there are the climate change deniers

and there are those who say what little we can do won't be nearly enough

just one link:

from the article:

"Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree*: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. "

couldn't resist one more link - story about Siberia, one of the coldest places on earth where there is human habitation - they now face 100 degree days and multiple wildfires caused by them


) 4 Views 4
18 July 2021 at 08:52 AM

1076 Replies


by Luciom k

B) and it takes people from all over the world including a ton of people who shouldn't travel at all for health reasons but try to squeeze in that pilgrimage as the last thing they do before they die.
Maybe we should get some data on age and health of the people dying from heat? Because if its people who any normal physician would advise against traveling to a hot place ... Then those aren't climate deaths, those are suicides?

But u said hot isn’t a problem right ?
At least when it’s -8 u still can play outside, just got to put a coat and boots .

by Luciom k

Maybe we should get some data on age and health of the people dying from heat?

ok fine, come back to me with data. Keep in mind you mentioned a data set of ONE YEAR and mine was from 5 days. Spoiler alert: I don't care.

Also keep in mind that my entire point is based on my preference. No desire to argue with a professional arguer.

Between 2000–2019 studies show approximately 489 000 heat-related deaths occur each year, with 45% of these in Asia and 36% in Europe (2). In Europe alone in the summer of 2022, an estimated 61 672 heat-related excess deaths occurred (3).

Pretty bad right? Muh climate change! How can this be.

OTOH, the Lancet cites 4,594,098 deaths annually from the cold. Strangely a lot of these are in places like Brazil or Australia, which don't really get that cold.

Turns out the cold will kill you a lot faster than heat will.

by natediggity k

ok fine, come back to me with data. Keep in mind you mentioned a data set of ONE YEAR and mine was from 5 days. Spoiler alert: I don't care.

Also keep in mind that my entire point is based on my preference. No desire to argue with a professional arguer.

one year? it's every year. cold kills far far far far far more than heat.

how much have you been conned to think it's even close?

and again it's not "5 days". it's 5 days of incredible afflux of people.

oh btw read this to understand why the vast majority of those deaths were avoidable

mainstream media publishes headlines of "omggg 1300 people killed by climate change!!!", you guys are all trained to believe it unconditionally, debunking requires 100x the time, most people won't read the debunk/clarification.

rinse and repeat for any event that however unprovenly or imprecisely can be connected to climate change, keep going 24/7/365, and we have completed the brainwash of the population

by Montrealcorp k

But u said hot isn’t a problem right ?
At least when it’s -8 u still can play outside, just got to put a coat and boots .

hot is less of a problem because you stay in the shadow, and/or under AC, and/or in a building built with proper techniques (which exist since many centuries ago).

ofc if for some insane reason you stay under the sun it becomes a problem. just don't though, not complicated.

at -8 you can play outside lolmg

you are Canadian right?

cold kills more people (and this is only about excesses, then you have the structural higher death rate in the winter).

which means a warming world *saves a ton of human lives* to be clear

Non sequitur

Only if everything else remained the same, which we know from weather events of recent years at just 1.2 to 1.5C of warming it won’t.
Now consider what a world of 3C of warming might look like.

Devastating floods forcing people to migrate or die will provoke widespread civil unrest and probably wars.

The problem with setting out your stall to troll people so unsubtly is that it quickly becomes tiresome and they stop taking you seriously.

current warming didn't increase floods worldwide nor any other extreme weather event except heat waves (while cold waves decreased).

the idea that negative weather events will massively increase in frequency and intensity is a completely unproven form of scaremongering, the main one actually.

you guys starting with "AW" (anthropogenic warming). after a while even when surpassing objections about the human role, you realized people weren't scared by warming (and correctly so).

that's when you changed the narrative to climate change.

that as well didn't scare people much, they saw minimal changes, many benign.

that's when the coordinated propaganda narrative became "climate crisis".

that's starting to work with incessant bullshitting, outrageous claims 24/7/365 completely detached from reality, and the attribution of every single negative weather event to AW.

good job to the climate Goebbels, now you have a working strategy to scare the population into submission to the "necessary" more socialism that will "fix the climate crisis".

except it only works with a portion of people: the rest sees it's a **** show predicated on absurd claims, for the purpose of furthering a socialist agenda and they are fighting back.

and we are currently winning vs a couple years ago.

by Luciom k

current warming didn't increase floods worldwide

LOOL ok I stopped reading here. Clearly we aren't debating whether a Noah's Ark event is coming, but localised flooding making families homeless and destitute and destroying whole communities.

by Luciom k

which means a warming world *saves a ton of human lives* to be clear

In fairness, slight perturbations to the system would be extremely costly in parts of the world that are relatively poor and more volatile and fragile, especially Africa. And to a much lesser extent even poorer, rural parts of the United States.

So for this reason, slight global warming would probably in totality cause much more death and human misery on a global scale in the short term.

Paradoxically, in the much longer term a warmer Earth with no polar ice and relatively high atmospheric CO2 could become much more lush, green and temperate. But that is a long way off.

And those aren't increasing in intensity or frequency worldwide because of climate change. I am aware of significant attempts to try to "prove" it by leftists, i am also aware of the statistical tricks they try to employ to prove that (very similar to the tricks used by some economics paper to try to prove whatever you want to prove "causally"), i wrote before what they do , and it's clear to me and should be clear to anyone with some basis of epistemology theirs isn't science.

A model of "how things would have been without 1 celsius of warming" (which you need to compare to what happens, to claim what's happening is because of 1 celsius increase in temperatures) isn't science, it's based on a lot of unprovable assumptions massaging which you can prove whatever thing you want about the warming.

Of course you want to believe that, so that's science. When the same identical method is used to "prove" some tax that you like decreases GDP, that's not science anymore.

by Dunyain k

In fairness, slight perturbations to the system would be extremely costly in parts of the world that are relatively poor and more volatile and fragile, especially Africa. And to a much lesser extent even poorer, rural parts of the United States.

So for this reason, slight global warming would probably in totality cause much more death and human misery on a global scale in the short term.

Paradoxically, in the much longer term a warmer Earth with no polar ice and relatively high atmospheric CO2

oh i was talking about canada, it was canadian data: a warming world saves a ton of lives *in canada* (and in northern europe and in russia and so on).

Was out today in the glorious sun but no sign of red warnings. Terribly disappointed.

With no polar ice cap(s) the ocean currents are just going to stay the same right? Northern Europe isn't going to freeze? It's just going to be green and lush?

Luciom, which Goebbels do you subscribe to?

Epoch Times
Fox News Channel
Washington Examiner
The Fedralist
Daily Wire

“The fingerprints of climate change are all over this rise,” said Dr Calum Cunningham at the University of Tasmania, Australia, who led the new study. “We’ve long seen model projections of how fire weather is increasing with climate change. But now we’re at the point where the wildfires themselves, the manifestation of climate change, are occurring in front of our eyes. This is the effect of what we’re doing to the atmosphere, so action is urgent.”

Cunningham said there were very significant increases in extreme wildfires in the conifer forests of the American west: “That’s concerning, because there’s a lot of people there living in very close proximity to these flammable vegetation types and that’s why we’re seeing a lot of disasters emerge.”

He added: “The concerning thing, especially with the really carbon-rich ecosystems, boreal forests, that are burning intensely, is that it’s threatening to create a feedback effect.”

The research, published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, analysed data from Nasa satellites that pass over the Earth four times a day. The researchers identified the 0.01% most extreme wildfires, measured by the energy released in a day, giving a total of almost 3,000 events.

in b4 luciom says climate change floods will cancel out climate change fires making it net zero.

by Luciom k

hot is less of a problem...

cold kills more people (and this is only about excesses, then you have the structural higher death rate in the winter).

which means a warming world *saves a ton of human lives* to be clear

Let's check the facts:

by NLOmahaHL k

Yes and where are the facts for cold?

Yes they can claim it, it doesn't make it true at all.

And btw those aren't floods

by Luciom k

Yes and where are the facts for cold?

Pretty intuitive:

I'm not going to do your research for you.

by NLOmahaHL k

With no polar ice cap(s) the ocean currents are just going to stay the same right? Northern Europe isn't going to freeze? It's just going to be green and lush?

Luciom, which Goebbels do you subscribe to?

Epoch Times
Fox News Channel
Washington Examiner
The Fedralist
Daily Wire

The Goebbels are all on the left. The violence, the lies, the organized incessant propaganda is all on your side. The evil people, same thing.

You want one name for climate change that reasonably well represents my views, check Bjorn Lomborg.

That's #1, otherwise check Shellenberger (not a climate scientist with published peer review literature though, so check Lomborg first).

by Luciom k

The Goebbels are all on the left. The violence, the lies, the organized incessant propaganda is all on your side. The evil people, same thing.

You want one name for climate change that reasonably well represents my views, check Bjorn Lomborg.

That's #1, otherwise check Shellenberger (not a climate scientist with published peer review literature though, so check Lomborg first).

Take some psilocybin mushrooms dude, you'll be much better afterwards...

by NLOmahaHL k

Pretty intuitive:

I'm not going to do your research for you.

We did it for you and we linked that cold kills a lot more people.

Interestingly the page on cold here doesn't give a number.

Ask yourself why. The heat page gave 1k. You can bet your life cold , in all peer reviewed literature, kills a lot more than that in the USA per year. A LOT more.

They don't write as they did in the heat page.

They don't tell you can die in the streets in minutes.

It's like they have a strong lead to grotesquely exaggerate heat and minimize cold, I wonder why...

by Luciom k

We did it for you and we linked that cold kills a lot more people.

Interestingly the page on cold here doesn't give a number.

Ask yourself why. The heat page gave 1k. You can bet your life cold , in all peer reviewed literature, kills a lot more than that in the USA per year. A LOT more.

As Endotherms, you're clearly mistaken. Cooling oneself is a lot more difficult than heating oneself.

Find the article for me, please

by NLOmahaHL k

As Endotherms, you're clearly mistaken. Cooling oneself is a lot more difficult than heating oneself.

Find the article for me, please

If I show you a lot more people die in the winter than in the summer in the USA, do you admit I am absolutely correct, and you were absolutely wrong, and a warmer america means fewer Americans die?

Peer review this!
