The next presidential race will be here soon! Please see current Bovada odds. Thoughts?

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14 July 2022 at 02:28 PM

20207 Replies


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I'm not sure how all of this works, but wouldn't it be in the best interest of the established repubs that don't want trump to coerce either desantis or haley to drop out? Like now.

Not that either one would, but I'm wondering if there isn't some pressure on one of the two.

I am going to make a prediction.

We are entering an era of presidential politics in which being the incumbent is at best a neutral factor, and perhaps a net negative. Incumbency of course will continue to be a huge advantage in Congressional elections.


by biggerboat k

I'm not sure how all of this works, but wouldn't it be in the best interest of the established repubs that don't want trump to coerce either desantis or haley to drop out? Like now.

Not that either one would, but I'm wondering if there isn't some pressure on one of the two.

DeSantis and Haley pretty much tied in the Iowa caucus result. I don't see how you convince anyone to drop out after a tie.

Your post might be more on point after New Hampshire. If the more educated New Hampshire voters give Haley a win or strong second place to Trump with DeSantis a distant third, then the pressure to drop out you are now asking about will be very relevant and square on DeSantis.

the babylon Bee making a racist joke about Vivek is like prime republican. vivek and haley have been out there doing the "white people aren't actually racist" tour for a month or more. no matter how much you lick the boots and kiss the rings they still hate you. they are going to say you're better off running a 7/11 or trump will focus on your birth name to other you..

by Rococo k

I am going to make a prediction.

We are entering an era of presidential politics in which being the incumbent is at best a neutral factor, and perhaps a net negative. Incumbency of course will continue to be a huge advantage in Congressional elections.


Little blurb from Discord this morning

Most agree we have a seriously flawed system as a country. Too much debt, too much corruption, too much conflict, etc. so generally the support is going to wane for the incumbent and be in favor of the different choice

Makes sense to me

This is the Blackstone CEO.

The JP Morgan CEO said similar things.

It looks like the institutional elite class is starting to admit that Biden's deficit spending and open borders is a bigger problem than a potential Trump presidency.

Here is the CEO of JP Morgan's piece

Broken YouTube Link

wait rich tax cheats prefer the other rich tax cheat guy for president? and they talk about it at the rich tax cheat private jet owner forum?? this is breaking news.

by Slighted k

wait rich tax cheats prefer the other rich tax cheat guy for president? and they talk about it at the rich tax cheat private jet owner forum?? this is breaking news.

WE all know the Dems will fix that

Broken YouTube Link

by Dunyain k

This is the Blackstone CEO.

The JP Morgan CEO said similar things.

It looks like the institutional elite class is starting to admit that Biden's deficit spending and open borders is a bigger problem than a potential Trump presidency.

Strange .
Debt to gdp going up ?
Doesn’t seem so .


2 trillions deficit per year is a danger today and yet trump did 8 trillions in 4 years and didn’t seem a problem at the time …..
Ah yes …when debt is create to lower taxes for the rich and corporations (trump years) it’s good but when debt is Create to help the little guy (biden years) it’s bad , got it !

Thx Mr. CEO .

by Montrealcorp k

Strange .
Debt to gdp going up ?
Doesn’t seem so .


2 trillions deficit per year is a danger today and yet trump did 8 trillions in 4 years and didn’t seem a problem at the time …..
Ah yes …when debt is create to lower taxes for the rich and corporations (trump years) it’s good but when debt is Create to help the little guy (biden years) it’s bad , got it !

Thx Mr. CEO .

Please explain how Bidens deficits helped the little guy ?

Yes we know Trump drove up the deficit but he is saying another 2 trillion a year under Biden and 12 million more illegal immigrants not good

by lozen k

Please explain how Bidens deficits helped the little guy ?

Yes we know Trump drove up the deficit but he is saying another 2 trillion a year under Biden and 12 million more illegal immigrants not good

immigrants are good. trump deficits were worse significantly worse and will continue to be. the only things these dudes care about is that trump will screw over everyone to give them another tax break.

i think we'd be in a pretty decent spot politically if we went the opposite of every policy that is discussed favorably at the davos convention of evil overlords.

by lozen k

Please explain how Bidens deficits helped the little guy ?

Yes we know Trump drove up the deficit but he is saying another 2 trillion a year under Biden and 12 million more illegal immigrants not good

You really care ?
Many things are explain to you and u just never adjust your needle ….

First off we agree when a government makes a deficit it just means he borrows money yah ?
Now do u think borrowing money to give tax cut for the rich and corporations are worth it ?
Especially when all they do is rebuy stocks or other financial assets mainly with the money gain ?

U agree recession hurts a lot more the little guy then the rich ?
By creating debt , biden actually inject money in the economy (not through tax cuts) that prevent the economy to fall into a recession .
How ?
The inflation reduce act .
The break on student loan debt .
Investment into infrastructure and many more .

Those program obv benefit more the little guy then the rich .

Ps: blackstone have massive investment in real estate .
Government deficit through fiscal deficit means inflation .
Inflation means much higher interest rates which kill real estate sector .
Especially when u bought at the high with near 0% interest rates .
Yeah blackstonenCEO surely afraid of too much deficit in the coming years …

by Montrealcorp k

You really care ?
Many things are explain to you and u just never adjust your needle ….

First off we agree when a government makes a deficit it just means he borrows money yah ?
Now do u think borrowing money to give tax cut for the rich and corporations are worth it ?
Especially when all they do is rebuy stocks or other financial assets mainly with the money gain ?

U agree recession hurts a lot more the little guy then the rich ?
By creating debt , biden actually inject money in the economy (no

Stop talking about Trump deficits we both agree they were bad and the amount

Please focus on Biden and please stop with the Biden injected money into the economy so did Trumps tax cuts .

Tell me how another 8 million in future deficits is good

Also look at all the legal immigrants Canada took in that created a massive housing shortage .

Yes immigrants are good legal ones

by lozen k

Stop talking about Trump deficits we both agree they were bad and the amount

Please focus on Biden and please stop with the Biden injected money into the economy so did Trumps tax cuts .

Are you creating rules for the election thread now? No talking about one of the two major candidate's (your favored one's) track records?

by lozen k

Stop talking about Trump deficits we both agree they were bad and the amount

Please focus on Biden and please stop with the Biden injected money into the economy so did Trumps tax cuts .

Tell me how another 8 million in future deficits is good

Also look at all the legal immigrants Canada took in that created a massive housing shortage .

Yes immigrants are good legal ones

I’m sorry but it’s pretty important to know the difference of what kind of debts u creates and u ask specific on what is the difference between the little guy and the rich .
I just explain it to you o0.

I never said 2 trillions yearly of deficit is good but it is far better when it’s for the little guy then tax cuts for the rich .
The 2 trillions yearly for the next 4 years isn’t set in stone but one thing is for sure , regardless being biden or trump deficit will still occur past 2024 !
That won’t change !
It’s a false debate !
But if I had to choose knowing how trump goes with deficit , I rather have biden at the helm for creating constructive deficit compare to trump wasted deficit .

Immigration ?
It’s in the high threshold in the US but still in historic norm and has nothing to compare with Canada .


Canada is way over the top !
Trudeau is an idiot on that front …..


Like I said previously, it’s a problem and the way to solve it is to make people not wanting to leave their country .
The US should really focus on transferring lot of goods created in China to more friendly reshoring at the south of the borders and beyond .
But that would be a bit Inflationary.
But there just isn’t any easy solution anyway .
Both parties don’t have great longer term solution anyway .
So I don’t put my head in the sand and think one side is better then other on that aspect .

by Slighted k

immigrants are good. trump deficits were worse significantly worse and will continue to be. the only things these dudes care about is that trump will screw over everyone to give them another tax break.

i think we'd be in a pretty decent spot politically if we went the opposite of every policy that is discussed favorably at the davos convention of evil overlords.

I guarantee the CEOs of Blackrock and JP Morgan think immigration is good. But like most sane people, they also realize the current dynamic of having a chaotic free for all controlled by Mexican cartels with the US Govt and State of Texas fighting each other is not good.

by Bobo Fett k

Are you creating rules for the election thread now? No talking about one of the two major candidate's (your favored one's) track records?

I have been appointed a junior Mod 😀

by Montrealcorp k

I’m sorry but it’s pretty important to know the difference of what kind of debts u creates and u ask specific on what is the difference between the little guy and the rich .
I just explain it to you o0.

I never said 2 trillions yearly of deficit is good but it is far better when it’s for the little guy then tax cuts for the rich .
The 2 trillions yearly for the next 4 years isn’t set in stone but one thing is for sure , regardless being biden or trump deficit will still occu

The US debt is going to be big issue I speculate. Many of their social programs have deadlines before they are broke .

I agree though under Trump or Biden I doubt the deficit is a concern

by Dunyain k

I guarantee the CEOs of Blackrock and JP Morgan think immigration is good. But like most sane people, they also realize the current dynamic of having a chaotic free for all controlled by Mexican cartels with the US Govt and State of Texas fighting each other is not good.

i mean there's a solution to all of this that's pretty easy. let people in.

by lozen k

Please explain how Bidens deficits helped the little guy ?

Yes we know Trump drove up the deficit but he is saying another 2 trillion a year under Biden and 12 million more illegal immigrants not good

Presidents don't pass budget laws, Congress does, it's so strange to see americans convinced the deficit comes from presidential decisions (yes the same is true for Biden deficits, obviously).

Any bad thing you want to claim regarding deficits (or good thing, if you like them), take it to Congress.

Refusing to do everything in his power to limit illegal immigration is , instead, a purely presidential decision.

by Slighted k

wait rich tax cheats prefer the other rich tax cheat guy for president? and they talk about it at the rich tax cheat private jet owner forum?? this is breaking news.

If these people are cheating on their taxes why haven’t you reported them to the irs? Are you big supporters of them?

by Luciom k

Presidents don't pass budget laws, Congress does, it's so strange to see americans convinced the deficit comes from presidential decisions (yes the same is true for Biden deficits, obviously).

Shutting down parts of the economy and encouraging people not to work via handouts were things trump fought against (early part of Covid) and Biden fought for (late part of Covid).

Just because some laws come from congress doesn’t mean we shouldn’t blame presidents for supporting them.

by Luciom k

Presidents don't pass budget laws, Congress does, it's so strange to see americans convinced the deficit comes from presidential decisions (yes the same is true for Biden deficits, obviously).

Any bad thing you want to claim regarding deficits (or good thing, if you like them), take it to Congress.

Refusing to do everything in his power to limit illegal immigration is , instead, a purely presidential decision.

that poster is canadian. he's just LARPing.

by Slighted k

that poster is canadian. he's just LARPing.

Does the President have Veto power over bills?

by Slighted k

i mean there's a solution to all of this that's pretty easy. let people in.

Yeah, kiknda funny when the far right bemoans both immigration and low broth rates. I have a tough time seeing why rural families that are largely supported by workers in real America choosing to have less kids is bad.
