Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread
Hello everyone. I've closed the previous mod thread, and opened this to capture all issues related to moderation policies and actions going forward. I'll kick it off by reposting my intro post from the other thread. Again, I'm happy to be here and look forward to hearing from you.
Hello everyone.
I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to serve as a moderator in Politics and Society. I asked for this position because I believe we are experiencing a polarization in our politics and society unseen since the 1960s. We may well be at a juncture from which we will either make great progress or suffer great setbacks in regards to our democratic foundations and civil rights over the next few years. So I believe it is important to maintain a forum for discussing these important topics. When the other mods had to step back a bit due to their real life time obligations, I asked to join the mod team to help keep the forum going.
I have not followed this forum in the past, though I have been reading through threads the last few days and made a few posts. This has allowed me to get a sense of the initial impression the forum likely makes on new readers who are deciding if our forum is a place they would like to visit regularly and participate in. While I see some familiar names from the live poker forum, many of you I have not had any interaction with to date. I have no preconceived notions of anyone's posting behavior and will essentially start from a clean slate.
I will shortly post more about my modding approach and give my initial impressions of the forum based on my observations over the last several days. I will be soliciting your input on things you like about the forum that you want to remain, and things you don't like that you would like me to change. Your candid input and feedback is very important to me. Especially, please don't hesitate to let me know if you think a policy or a proposal is a bad idea. I'd rather hear it before it goes into effect than after.
My overall modding principle is simple: Be Nice. Disagreement need not be disrespectful, and everyone must be treated with respect. Calling a poster derogatory names or hurling snarky insults never usefully advances a discussion. It just bogs things down and turns off many would be participants. And it's not nice. Don't do it.
My goal is to have a forum where people with a wide variety of opinions along the political spectrum enjoy expressing and debating their views in a spirited manner, free from insults, bigotry and denigrating comments. If you enjoy discussing these important and often polarizing issues in a passionate, yet respectful manner, I look forward to getting to know you and working with you to create a forum people will enjoy visiting and contributing to. You can be as committed, determined and relentless as you like in advocating for your position. Be persuasive, thought provoking and challenging. But be nice.
I want to thank tame_deuces and King Spew for their support in bringing me onboard and for all the time and effort they have put into making the forum better. While I am taking over most of the day to day modding responsibilities, both are retaining their mod status and superpowers, and will be supporting the forum as their availability permits. And I personally welcome their continued advice and feedback.
Again, I am happy to be here and look forward to getting to know you.
Telling someone who repeatedly expresses opinions that would have found a warm welcome in Nazi Germany that they are in fact a Nazi doesn't seem like the most terrible of takes.
Pulling them up for the umpteenth time by saying "That, sir, is a Nazi statement"? No one talks like this in real life.
I do believe that the Nazis would have loved the opinion that Jews shouldn't be allowed to defend their country, but in this forum those who believe that are the ones calling other people Nazis. Well, one of them has been anyway.
Although the only "Nazi statements" I've actually heard anyone give recently is Donald Trump
Moved about 30 posts, mostly about accountants, to the general discussion thread. It's amazing how a couple of posts derail ( which is fine) can explode into such a large number of posts so quickly.
Great to see the old days when "can't call people nazis because it hurts the feelings of nazis" being considered official high forum wisdom are well and truly gone.
browser, your constnat movement of posts has activated a bug where this thread is perpetually unread with new posts
it's stuck on this post
Wasn't there a day were the moderation thread was what posts got deleted and who has a suspension or banned?
Were you asked maybe about starting a new thread or moving a discussion from its own thread to a new thread.?
OK. I just deleted about 11 nonmod posts from this thread. Ive asked several times to please post stuff in the appropriate threads but some people continue to ignore it. I dont have the time to move posts to various threads inlieu of posters putting them in the right place to start with.
If you dont want to lose the content of a non mod related post, then dont post it here. I justcant go post by post to determine if it has good, but off topiv content and what thread it belongs in and move it, or whether it is just no content and delete it. So Im just going to delete them.
The number of non mod posts grows quickly when you have multiple posters, each posting just a few posts. Each one seems OK and just a little derail. But since they all funnel into one thread it becomes 30+ posts of non mod related stuff we have to wade through.
Im asking for everyones help in clearing up this problem as I would much prefer to not need to delete posts.
Nobody is clamoring for you to keep threads on topic and everything was fine/better when you weren’t.
I've been asking for mods to keep the Russian invasion of Ukraine thread focused on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and not the Palestine conflict actually.
Now that we've got a Russian bot talking about how Trump's election was rigged against him and Russia's elections are all fair and democratic I'd like to have that kept on topic too.
Same with the Clintons having people murdered and Putin's respect for life preventing him from having anyone assassinated.
Nobody is clamoring for you to keep threads on topic and everything was fine/better when you weren’t.
This is the moderation discussion thread. It's for people to bring moderation issues to mods attention. So every mods vote on this issue counts more than every other poster in this forum combined. I don't care if no non mod is clamoring to keep this thread on topic. They don't have to read dozens of BS posts to find the mod related post
The Russia thread is awful, but aggressive moderation is not going to make it good. With that
This is the moderation discussion thread. It's for people to bring moderation issues to mods attention. So every mods vote on this issue counts more than every other poster in this forum combined. I don't care if no non mod is clamoring to keep this thread on topic. They don't have to read dozens of BS posts to find the mod related post
Fair enough. And expect the same attitude and level of care from others that you’ve shown here.
It already has happened. Non mods clearly value your opinion as much as you do theirs. Hence the constant need for mass deletions and post movements.
I've been asking for mods to keep the Russian invasion of Ukraine thread focused on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and not the Palestine conflict actually.
Now that we've got a Russian bot talking about how Trump's election was rigged against him and Russia's elections are all fair and democratic I'd like to have that kept on topic too.
Same with the Clintons having people murdered and Putin's respect for life preventing him from having anyone assassinated.
bc any comparison shows how bullshit your claims in that thread are. and how bullshit your support of the USA is.
comparison is the way we understand the world. https://www.nplusonemag.com/online-only/...
Russian propaganda amirite
That’s like giving rotten ingredients to a Michelin chef and expecting a great meal. If a critical mass of posters suck, the thread will suck.
....but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
I welcome comparisons. You aren't trying to compare, you're trying to drive the thread to focus on Palestine instead of Ukraine.
The fact that you do so in an attempt to diminish war crimes does not help. Every comparison you've brought I've debunked such as your recent attempt to compare the deaths of one 40k person town in Ukraine and say it's nothing compared to the deaths in Gaza, a city of 2 million.