Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread
Hello everyone. I've closed the previous mod thread, and opened this to capture all issues related to moderation policies and actions going forward. I'll kick it off by reposting my intro post from the other thread. Again, I'm happy to be here and look forward to hearing from you.
Hello everyone.
I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to serve as a moderator in Politics and Society. I asked for this position because I believe we are experiencing a polarization in our politics and society unseen since the 1960s. We may well be at a juncture from which we will either make great progress or suffer great setbacks in regards to our democratic foundations and civil rights over the next few years. So I believe it is important to maintain a forum for discussing these important topics. When the other mods had to step back a bit due to their real life time obligations, I asked to join the mod team to help keep the forum going.
I have not followed this forum in the past, though I have been reading through threads the last few days and made a few posts. This has allowed me to get a sense of the initial impression the forum likely makes on new readers who are deciding if our forum is a place they would like to visit regularly and participate in. While I see some familiar names from the live poker forum, many of you I have not had any interaction with to date. I have no preconceived notions of anyone's posting behavior and will essentially start from a clean slate.
I will shortly post more about my modding approach and give my initial impressions of the forum based on my observations over the last several days. I will be soliciting your input on things you like about the forum that you want to remain, and things you don't like that you would like me to change. Your candid input and feedback is very important to me. Especially, please don't hesitate to let me know if you think a policy or a proposal is a bad idea. I'd rather hear it before it goes into effect than after.
My overall modding principle is simple: Be Nice. Disagreement need not be disrespectful, and everyone must be treated with respect. Calling a poster derogatory names or hurling snarky insults never usefully advances a discussion. It just bogs things down and turns off many would be participants. And it's not nice. Don't do it.
My goal is to have a forum where people with a wide variety of opinions along the political spectrum enjoy expressing and debating their views in a spirited manner, free from insults, bigotry and denigrating comments. If you enjoy discussing these important and often polarizing issues in a passionate, yet respectful manner, I look forward to getting to know you and working with you to create a forum people will enjoy visiting and contributing to. You can be as committed, determined and relentless as you like in advocating for your position. Be persuasive, thought provoking and challenging. But be nice.
I want to thank tame_deuces and King Spew for their support in bringing me onboard and for all the time and effort they have put into making the forum better. While I am taking over most of the day to day modding responsibilities, both are retaining their mod status and superpowers, and will be supporting the forum as their availability permits. And I personally welcome their continued advice and feedback.
Again, I am happy to be here and look forward to getting to know you.
That is just false, with the exception being if you want to argue that just being a transgender person is in itself a mental illness. Thenyou are correct. If you need to say you believe all transgender people by definition are mentally ill, go say it somewhere else.
But if you want to debate issues such as :
alright lets try some examples here
Should trans women be allowed to participate in women category sports? Does age matter, or whether it is pro or amateur?
As Bryce established they all women equally and 100% and Lia is no different from Jackie Robinson and even if she wasn't then trans women still need a safe space where they will be welcomed and if you disagree you're a hateful bigot and we'll all insult you.
Should transgender people be forced to use the bathrooms/locker rooms of their sex as assigned at birth or the one of the gender they identify as and present themselves as? Does age affect that policy?
Bathrooms are designated by gender, thus you should be free to use the bathroom of your innate and true gender and if you disagree you're a hateful bigot and we'll all insult you.
Should States be able to pass laws prohibiting teachers from even acknowledging the existence of transgender people? Should they be expected/required to address transgender students by their desired pronouns?
To encourage inclusiveness, only trans people can fill open teaching positions going forward and if you disagree you're a hateful bigot and we'll all insult you.
Should an employer be able to fire an employee who was considered a great employee on Monday but comes out as transgender on Tuesday simply because they are transgender?
No, I don't even see how this is a real question. And frankly, you know it's bait because if anyone actually believed that and espoused that, they'd catch a quick ban. Zero chance that could ever be debated even if we someone found someone to believe that should be ok.
Should minors be able to get gender affirming treatments? With or without parents consent? Some treatments but not others? Is it the role of the State governments to make that call or doctors and parents?
The concept of this being worthy of debate is more outrageous than the earlier references of holocaust denial.
Should there be restrictions allowed in medical insurance coverage, government or private that prohibit payment for gender affirming surgery?
Government should pay for all trans care because otherwise they'll all kill themselves and if you disagree you're a hateful bigot and we'll all insult you.
I'll leave this up to the military because they probably have a better grasp on this than any civilian would but my opinion doesn't matter anyway because i'm a hateful bigot worthy of insult.
Whichever is their innate and true gender and if you disagree you're a hateful bigot and we'll all insult you.
So you are certainly free to debate these questions and others without concern for bans as long as you adhere to the forum rules that apply to all discussions, with the exception of using the position that all transgender people are mentally ill. There is plenty of leeway for debate and the expression of opposite opinions. Unless someone isnt really interested in these topics at all, and instead is just looking for ways to push the mental illness agenda, they can debate in good faith.
Again, there's literally no space for debate if the underlying lodestones they are set upon are all "decided" and one side has absolute immunity and carte blanche to toss whatever personal attacks and insults at anyone who doesn't toe the line because remember, we're essentially no different from holocaust deniers and on the wrong side of history.
Beginning to understand the problem yet.
There shouldn't be any trans threads open if 2p2 is going to have official positions on them and grant immunity for one side to freely throw personal insults at the other.
Those questions are very boring and I don't think most here care about that sort of stuff. More interesting would be:
What is the nature of gender? Does gender even exist at all?
What would Freud think about trans?
How much does childhood abuse and repressed homosexuality drive transgenderism?
Should people be worried that gay kids will be pushed to transition when they are really just gay?
Etc. These would actually make interesting discussion. Hopefully no one cares about bathrooms.
Lots of people and esp republican lawmakers seem to care a great deal about bathrooms. And they often whip up a frenzy about the alleged trans threat of violence and rape that people will face if their legislation doesnt pass. And as a result threats to transgender people rise.
That's a real world issue that affects transgender people every day. Same with the other topics. Your list of topics, otoh, are not issues facing transgender people or cis people today. They are thinly veiled attempts to again question the validity of the existence of transgender people or delegitimize them.
Who gives a **** what Freud thought about transgenderism? He died 85 years ago in 1939. Pretty sure whatever his opinion was based on it wasnt the last almost 100 years of research. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 and not used commercially as a treatment for bacterial infections until the 1940s, after Freud's death. Should we discuss what Freud's thoughts on infection treatment were? Your other questions are basically of the have you stopped beating your wife structure.
Allowable discussions in this forum about transgender issues are based on the premise that transgender people exist, free from mental illness, and revolve around the issues transgender people face in their lives, as well as how the integration and inclusion of transgender people in society as a whole affects nontransgender people as well.
So strawman discussions designed to question that premise are not allowed.
Lots of people and esp republican lawmakers seem to care a great deal about bathrooms. And they often whip up a frenzy about the alleged trans threat of violence and rape that people will face if their legislation doesnt pass. And as a result threats to transgender people rise.
That's a real world issue that affects transgender people every day. Same with the other topics. Your list of topics, otoh, are not issues facing transgender people or cis people today. They are thinly veiled attempts to
Freud is one of the most influential thinkers of all time. Sorry I insulted your questions but mine are definitely a lot more interesting and there is nothing "strawman" about them.
Do you think it's just not something that happens where people are gay and pushed to transition?
Do you think there has never been a case of someone being sexually abused and hating themselves and their genitalia?
Freud is one of the most influential thinkers of all time. Sorry I insulted your questions but mine are definitely a lot more interesting and there is nothing "strawman" about them.
Sorry Luckbox, but Freud is boomer science. Who cares that he basically founded modern psychology? It doesn't matter that his philosophy is still taught and applied today. What really matters is what some rando on 2p2 believes. Get with the program!
being trans is extremely correlated with being homosexual vis a vis their "born gender"
transfemales predominantly seek boyfriends, transmales predominantly seek girlfriends, many were gay men or lesbian women prior to the transition and stayed with their old partners post transition - am friends with a gay man in san francisco and when we were discussing my then current divorce proceedings over some drinks, he regaled me with a story about how his long time partner had decided to come out as a woman and they broke up not because he was against the idea of being with a transwoman, but rather, now get this, because his partner wanted to date a "straight man" instead of a gay one because she was now a straight woman - it definitely put the issues i was at the time facing into a new light and made them seem a lot smaller by comparison
i can definitely envision a world where it's easier to cope with "i'm actually a straight man in a woman's body instead of a tomboy lesbian" and "i'm actually a straight woman in a man's body instead of an effeminate gay man"
Those questions are very boring and I don't think most here care about that sort of stuff. More interesting would be:
What is the nature of gender? Does gender even exist at all?
How many more times do you need to float your "gender is a social construct" concept without getting any responses?
Jimmy, Robert, John and John ask that you stop because it's just not cool anymore.
Also, and I mean this with the upmost respect, but **** off with your "thinly veiled attempts to delegitimize trans people", as if I care about that or that that would be something that interests me.
I care about theory and social science. Politics doesn't actually interest me that much* which is why your questions are so boring to me.
*Geopolitics a little but domestic social issues lol no
How many more times do you need to float your "gender is a social construct" concept without getting any responses?
Jimmy, Robert, John and John ask that you stop because it's just not cool anymore.
Do you think I invented the idea? That was considered the standard accepted truth from about 1970 until quite recently.
being trans is extremely correlated with being homosexual vis a vis their "born gender"
transfemales predominantly seek boyfriends, transmales predominantly seek girlfriends, many were gay men or lesbian women prior to the transition and stayed with their old partners post transition - am friends with a gay man in san francisco and when we were discussing my then current divorce proceedings over some drinks, he regaled me with a story about how his long time partner had decided to come out as a w
Unfortunately this sort of discussion is now verboten.
Sorry Luckbox, but Freud is boomer science. Who cares that he basically founded modern psychology? It doesn't matter that his philosophy is still taught and applied today. What really matters is what some rando on 2p2 believes. Get with the program!
It's probably better to listen to a bunch of randos who studied Freud for a semester 20 years ago give us their mental health assessments of people they don't know, don't like and are certainly not qualified to treat under the guise of debating the merits of transgender issues.
It's probably better to listen to a bunch of randos who studied Freud for a semester 20 years ago give us their mental health assessments of people they don't know, don't like and are certainly not qualified to treat under the guise of debating the merits of transgender issues.
Are you alleging that I don't like or know trans people?
Is that your claim?
Freud is one of the most influential thinkers of HIS time (when it comes to transgender issues). Sorry I insulted your questions but mine are definitely a lot more interesting and there is nothing "strawman" about them.
FYP. Newton is one of the most influential thinkers of all time. He invented calculus. But almost all of his ideas on planetary movements, gravity, etc were rendered obsolete by Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity. So the case that examining the thoughts of a person dead for 85 years, regardless of his accomplishments in his time, has any particular relevance to the topic in 2024 is pretty weak. Should we seek to study the opinion of the finest surgeon in the world in 1939 for insights on heart transplants? Hardly.
You cant insult a question, its just a question. If you meant insult me, I didnt take any at all.
Yours may be more interesting to you (or in the Freud case, a medical historian) but they dont have much bearing on the political and societal issues facing transgender people or society as a whole.
being trans is extremely correlated with being homosexual vis a vis their "born gender"
transfemales predominantly seek boyfriends, transmales predominantly seek girlfriends, many were gay men or lesbian women prior to the transition and stayed with their old partners post transition - am friends with a gay man in san francisco and when we were discussing my then current divorce proceedings over some drinks, he regaled me with a story about how his long time partner had decided to come out as a w
This is interesting. Almost like do society and yourself a favor, and relax with the decadence. There's no significant improvement to quality of life that isn't the cult of the self. You will remain imperfect, as will any relationship.
Newton is one of the most influential thinkers of all time. He invented calculus. But almost all of his ideas on planetary movements, gravity, etc were rendered obsolete by Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity. So the case that examining the thoughts of a person dead for 85 years, regardless of his accomplishments in his time, has any particular relevance to the topic in 2024 is pretty weak.
I'm not sure exactly the point the quoted passage is making, but regardless, much of it is factually incorrect. Newtonian mechanics is completely sufficient for the vast majority of purposes, and it's what we learn in high school. In fact, you need to understand Newtonian mechanics before you can have any hope of understanding Einstein's work. And it's special and general relativity, but that's just a nitpick.
The addadicktome isn't a panacea. Without it being our experience, we can stipulate to that lol
Yeah, Newtonian mechanics will always be taught in school as long as there are schools.
You must have attended a rather progressive school. As far as I remember sex ed, we were shown a couple of diagrams of what goes where, and were left to pretty much figure the rest out for ourselves. But then again, I'm pretty old these days.
I meant more University level but I did actually take a psych class in high school and Freud was definitely covered.
You must have attended a rather progressive school. As far as I remember sex ed, we were shown a couple of diagrams of what goes where, and were left to pretty much figure the rest out for ourselves. But then again, I'm pretty old these days.
I was the one who brought newton into the trans debate
all of these arguments being made are very weak. lobotomies were made to control and were invented after gender affirming care. There is no link between sexuality and trans issues, just as there was no link to a “feminine side” and actually being gay. In fact , lobotomies were often used against lgbtq and against nuerodiversity. but w/e your feelings are more important than science or transgender lives.