US Immigration Crisis

US Immigration Crisis

I didn’t see an immigration thread so I figured I would add one. This problem seems to be worsening everyday of the current admin. Hopefully some of our new elected officials can help with this. Mr. Luttrell is a great start

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20 April 2023 at 04:46 PM

1298 Replies


by Luciom k

Many urban areas of the USA, the most desirable ones evidently, are *already* right now under unbelievable strain (record high affordability of housing crisis) from over demand of housing compared to the supply, like the problem is already extremely acute and isn't getting solved even if you get to 0 immigration for the next ten years, just for internal migration.

Record high numbers of under 35 live with their parents.

Are you denying this?

What about your first solve this before even thinking of

The lack of affordability is because a lot of rich people buy everything up and turn it into luxury houses and condos and need expensive pet food stores. A bunch of poor people moving in isn't going to raise housing prices despite any overly simplistic supply vs demand argument. Demand isn't how many people want something or how badly they want it, it's how much money they are going to pay for it.

Why is a 1-bd apartment in San Francisco $3000/mo? Venezuelan migrants or tech bros?

And these tech bros aren't going to build more housing. For the most part, rich people don't do real productive work.

by microbet k

Why is a 1-bd apartment in San Francisco $3000/mo? Venezuelan migrants or tech bros?

Neither, it's local councils banning new construction, higher rise buildings, transformation of commercial real estate in residential real estate.

by microbet k

And these tech bros aren't going to build more housing. For the most part, rich people don't do real productive work.

They can pay companies to build their house if they are allowed to legally, unlike people who can at most rent

by microbet k

Lol, seriously?

Some people love freedom.

Also going new places and seeing new things is awesome and stupid borders shouldn't be stopping people from being free. I really wish people didn't hate freedom so much.

It sounds like you are not understanding why I think this hypothetical new earth should have 100+ "new countries". I want a lot of countries so people have the freedom to choose and to force these new countries to compete to lure in new immigrants....kind of like the world does today to high value immigrants.

If the hypothetical new world had 8 billion people and the earth had 8 billion people under your vision of no borders and just one big country there would be a mass exodus back to earth and/or an extremely high death rate. People want the freedom to choose under what laws that want themselves and their neighbors governed and your vision does not provide that.

by jalfrezi k

How would the people on this planet choose between countries if borders prevented them ?

The same way that some people of the earth currently do. Some people choose based of geography, terrain or the weather. While others choose a country with good job opportunities, more guns, less guns, all drugs are legal, no drugs are legal, the best water parks or the hottest chicks. That is what freedom and plenty of choices is all about. Each adult gets to choose which country or state is best for them. If you asked all the people who have left California the last few years you would probably near thousands of different answers.

by jalfrezi k

Your suggestion of countries competing for people sounds very much like open borders. If borders are completely open then they effectively don't exist a far as people are concerned. So we agree?

Of the say 300 countries many of them would spend millions of dollars marketing to people in other countries to come visit or move to their country - similar to what we see today.

Countries competing for people is very different than open borders in that many countries will beg for people to move into their country, but the wouldn't allow just anyone move in. For instance, many countries would not allow murders into their country.

by microbet k

The lack of affordability is because a lot of rich people buy everything up and turn it into luxury houses and condos and need expensive pet food stores. A bunch of poor people moving in isn't going to raise housing prices despite any overly simplistic supply vs demand argument. Demand isn't how many people want something or how badly they want it, it's how much money they are going to pay for it.

Lack of affordability is mostly because of a lack of supply created by regulation.

For low income people even which much more construction housing might be close to unaffordable anyway in some areas and that I agree is another topic.

But the 80k/year household not being able to afford a 2 bedroom within one hour of commute is only because new housing is regulated against in any possible way

by bahbahmickey k

The same way that some people of the earth currently do. Some people choose based of geography, terrain or the weather. While others choose a country with good job opportunities, more guns, less guns, all drugs are legal, no drugs are legal, the best water parks or the hottest chicks. That is what freedom and plenty of choices is all about. Each adult gets to choose which country or state is best for them. If you asked all the people who have left California the last few years you would probably

Even if they can afford to move many people on Earth can't choose which country to live in because of visa/passport/work permit restrictions. Your new planet (actually your version of my new planet) sounds every bit as ****ed up as this one.

by jalfrezi k

Bah Bah stated countries competing for people. A new country on the "new" planet wouldn't survive long with only engineers. All new countries would need some of most types of people and the simplest way to get this done is open borders.

You think the best way to get the perfect amount of engineers, plumbers, construction workers, accountants and doctors is to open the border and let anyone to come in instead of a country specifically marketing to people in the particular fields they need and recruiting them to move to the country? You should think about that a bit more.

by jalfrezi k

Even if they can afford to move many people on Earth can't choose which country to live in because of visa/passport/work permit restrictions. Your new planet (actually your version of my new planet) sounds every bit as ****ed up as this one.

The thing that you are missing is that many countries on the new planet will compete for immigrants similar to the way the countries of today's earth will in the next few hundred years if birth and death rates stay the same. We (not me because I will be dead by then) will see countries offering to pay moving expenses along with other incentives for immigrants to move to their country. There will be zero visa/passport restrictions in the many countries who will beg for new immigrants - although you are right that there will be a few countries who will be anti-immigrants and going to them will have a lot of restrictions.

Every engineer loves the idea of being allowed into a country where millions of unproductive people can join as well and get unlimited welfare paid by him, instead of a country where his superior skills are finally rewarded in full with as little as possible going to other people.

That's usually what motivates engineers the most to move, it is known.

If you disagree you are a fascist.

by bahbahmickey k

You think the best way to get the perfect amount of engineers, plumbers, construction workers, accountants and doctors is to open the border and let anyone to come in instead of a country specifically marketing to people in the particular fields they need and recruiting them to move to the country? You should think about that a bit more.

The thing that you are missing is that many countries on the new planet will compete for immigrants similar to the way the countries of today's earth will in the

The world of the imminent future will be one of red carpets and baskets of groceries, no taxes for the first x months and so on, for the most sought after skill-sets, and/or automatic passport if you pay enough and no taxation on your foreign income streams.

That's perfectly compatible with very strict rules against tax-takers entering the country anyway.

And then open border advocates on the left (not those like me) will have to admit the tragedy left home will be unmanageable. Because the original countries losing on all that talent en masse, more than today, because moving will be *far easier*, aren't going to enjoy their fate.

In a post industrial world where that talent is everything that matters, losing a lot of it will make the remaining top people flee as well.

We will already see something like that in Ukraine, even if a stalemate is reached, the best and the brightest who left won't come back.

by bahbahmickey k

You think the best way to get the perfect amount of engineers, plumbers, construction workers, accountants and doctors is to open the border and let anyone to come in instead of a country specifically marketing to people in the particular fields they need and recruiting them to move to the country? You should think about that a bit more.

I didn't say that, and there's no such thing as a perfect number of people because requirements and populations are always changing.

People will go where there's work for them. Engineers aren't going to flood into an area if it already has so many engineers it doesn't have work for more. If some people in an area without unemployed engineers want some new engineers to work on a new project they should be able to choose from all the engineers on the planet who want to move there.

by jalfrezi k

I didn't say that. People will go where there's work for them. Engineers aren't going to flood into an area if it already has so many engineers it doesn't have work for more. If some people in an area without unemployed engineers want some new engineers to work on a new project they should be able to choose from all the engineers in the world who want to move there.

If some people in an area want less taxes going in far away places to other people and projects instead, they aren't allowed to choose "because federal planetary reasons".

Kinda pro freedom only for what you like

by bahbahmickey k

You think the best way to get the perfect amount of engineers, plumbers, construction workers, accountants and doctors is to open the border and let anyone to come in instead of a country specifically marketing to people in the particular fields they need and recruiting them to move to the country? You should think about that a bit more.

The thing that you are missing is that many countries on the new planet will compete for immigrants similar to the way the countries of today's earth will in the

Countries don't pay moving expenses - companies do. Maybe that's what you meant.

Companies competing for employees is pretty normal. I don't see what countries have to do with it and why they'd be necessary or even desirable on the new planet.

by Luciom k

If some people in an area want less taxes going in far away places to other people and projects instead, they aren't allowed to choose "because federal planetary reasons".

Kinda pro freedom only for what you like

Mot taxes should be raised from land/property, not income, with some raised or set aside for infrastructure type stuff.

If you want to pay less tax go and live in a less desirable area and/or a smaller house. If you want to pay ~zero tax go and live in a tent on the edge of a motorway/freeway.

by jalfrezi k

Countries don't pay moving expenses - companies do. Maybe that's what you meant.

Companies competing for employees is pretty normal. I don't see what countries have to do with it and why they'd be necessary or even desirable on the new planet.

No he means countries will start paying for them (or compensate companies that do), that's how much we need some specific people already, and that need is only going to grow.

There are already a few places that do that.

With an increasing number of Sardinian villages facing a depopulation crisis, the regional government has introduced a scheme to lure new residents. Applicants who move to a settlement with under 3,000 inhabitants will receive a payment of up to €15,000 ($16,000).

The money must be used to buy or renovate a property. The government has earmarked over €45 million ($47 million) for the relocation funds, enough to cover 3,000 grants.


Money For Brits To Move To Ponga, Spain
The town of Ponga in northwest Spain is home to just 600 residents. To increase its population, it has started offering cash grants.

These are just available to Brits at the moment and promise £2,600 ($3,150) for anyone who commits to living in the town for at least five years, and another £2,600 for each baby born there.

by jalfrezi k

Mot taxes should be raised from land/property, not income, with some raised or set aside for infrastructure type stuff.

hm wow we agree

Income tax is an awful tax. If I want to get someone in to fix my washing machine, as I did today, wtf is it anything to do with the government or public finances? The company he works for will already pay corporation tax and I think one level of tax on this transaction is enough.

by jalfrezi k

Income tax is an awful tax. If I want to get someone in to fix my washing machine, as I did today, wtf is it anything to do with the government or public finances? The company he works for will already pay corporation tax and I think one level of tax on this transaction is enough.

You are to the right of 70-90 % of the population (depending on the western country) on this topic but that is a welcome discovery for me

Wealth tax doesn't belong to the right.

Income tax fails to generate the designated tax from wealthy people for all the reasons we know about, and is unduly stringent on low and middle earners as well as being ridiculously expensive to administrate. It's a broken system that must be replaced.

by Luciom k

They can pay companies to build their house if they are allowed to legally, unlike people who can at most rent

Companies don't build houses, people do and around here it's like 90% immigrants and a pretty high percentage undocumented.

by jalfrezi k

Wealth tax doesn't belong to the right.

Income tax fails to generate the designated tax from wealthy people for all the reasons we know about, and is unduly stringent on low and middle earners as well as being ridiculously expensive to administrate. It's a broken system that must be replaced.

by microbet k

And I never ever said anything like there wouldn't ever be any strain anywhere.

There is a theoretical optimal economic rate at which the U.S. can absorb new entrants into the country. I don't know what that rate is, but I assume it is something less than completely open borders would produce. I sometimes feel like you blow by this concept, at least implicitly, but maybe I'm not being fair. I know that you are at least as focused on the moral component, which I agree is not at all trivial.

by microbet k

I contend that the amount that would come, not could come - not some stupid thing like the reactionaries imagine a billion people from India would come - would be a net benefit in everything but the very short term.

Do you disagree?

I assume that you are talking about economic contribution. Historically, immigration has been a net economic positive in the long run (and often in the short run) for the U.S. Over a long enough period, I certainly would expect that trend to continue in the future.

by bahbahmickey k

You think the best way to get the perfect amount of engineers, plumbers, construction workers, accountants and doctors is to open the border and let anyone to come in instead of a country specifically marketing to people in the particular fields they need and recruiting them to move to the country? You should think about that a bit more.

Yeah, I think letting the free market decide who emigrates where is much more efficient than some bureaucrat figuring out how many plumbers America needs.
