The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
Ok, you don't like the idea, but do you think it will be a real problem?
This is just a guess on my part, but I think born-male-transitioned-to-women will protect women in bathrooms more often than they or someone pretending to be trans will rape women in bathrooms. Most women raped by men in bathrooms will continue to be just raped by men who followed them in. It's still going to be physically possible for a born-male-continues-to-live-as-male person to walk into a women's bathroom.
no disagreement here at all
I think I overstated it by saying it was about rape
I think the more common scenario is that voyeurism type creeps would have a get out of jail free card if they could just walk into a women's locker room and say "it's fine because I'm trans"
I've had a lot of perverts expose themselves to me over the course of my life, usually in reststop bathrooms, once in a parking lot even, a guy was covering his exposed penis with a giant road atlas that he had open, walked over to me and lowered it show me the atlas asking if I knew the correct direction he needed to go and his dong is laying on it
those are the people I worry about who would stop plying their trade in parking lots and men's bathrooms where they have plausible reasons for being there and it's incredible hard to catch/prosecute them because it's my word against there's
I worry those people will now instead go into the women's bathroom where a good chunk of their prospective audience aren't 6'2" college rugby players
no disagreement here at all
I think I overstated it by saying it was about rape
I think the more common scenario is that voyeurism type creeps would have a get out of jail free card if they could just walk into a women's locker room and say "it's fine because I'm trans"
I've had a lot of perverts expose themselves to me over the course of my life, usually in reststop bathrooms, once in a parking lot even, a guy was covering his exposed penis with a giant road atlas that he had open, walked over to
Damn, you must be sexy, too! No one ever exposed themselves to me!
I agree to an extent. But it's off topic. My point is the court can't be right -- at least if they are it's not a world I want to occupy. Teenage vigilantes prowling around looking for threats. I'm good on that. They can't even drive safely.
If you follow what the Luci dude has said, he claims trans are Marxists, all Marxists should be killed, and people should strive to find legal ways to kill people like Rittenhouse.
Lol no, i claim gender theory is built upon marxist thought, by marxists and post-marxists.
Trans people are the victims of marxism same as non trans people are.
Well now England is putting limits on kids and transition
England, through rules put forth by its public health system, is limiting the ability of people younger than 16 to begin a medical gender transition.
The National Health Service England recently cemented a policy first issued on an interim basis almost a year ago that sets a minimum age at which puberty blockers can be started, along with other requirements. NHS England says there is not enough evidence about their long-term effects, including “sexual, cognitive or broader developmental outcomes.”
The essence of Luciom. Every thread is about Marxism and how we should strive to literally kill Marxists. You need help. Why is this allowed?
Why shouldn't it be? If it's not allowed he'll just make his abhorrent posts while coloring within the lines and everyone will still know exactly what he means. If he's banned, he'll just make a new account. What's the point?
He serves a good purpose here too. The people who tend towards his views get a little look at the direction they're pointing. Maybe they'll be a bit revolted
We call posts like this gaslighting because you are objectively trying to change our perception of recorded history.
The anti-trans playbook is literally identical to the anti-gay playbook from before 2000
Thank you.
Here’s a post from another intelligent poster:

No reasonably intelligent gay person could ever read this **** and not immediately think “wow they copy/pasted all the arguments they used to abuse gay children in an effort to abuse trans children” . What makes jackontheturns posts especially disgusting is his denial history ever happened.
Why shouldn't it be? If it's not allowed he'll just make his abhorrent posts while coloring within the lines and everyone will still know exactly what he means. If he's banned, he'll just make a new account. What's the point?
He serves a good purpose here too. The people who tend towards his views get a little look at the direction they're pointing. Maybe they'll be a bit revolted
Yes. Apart from temporarily ridding himself of some of his hatred that's really the only purpose he serves though.
I moved all those posts about Rittenhouse to the gun control thread. Lets try and keep this thread a little closer to on topic, pls.
being trans is ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY ABOUT SELF IDENTIFICATION and there is never any way to assess a self identification might be wrong, and even trying to do that is a violation of trans people rights, you guys have been saying this for the whole thread !!!
You’re basically misinterpreting what I wrote, but I could see how you’d think what led you to write this. I was recalling something that happened to me at the age of 4 or 5, and at birth, so about 30 years ago. The terms used at the clinic at this time were relatively new and modern to the clinic 30 years ago; terms like gender identity disorder( now outdated, not in use) , transgender, sexual orientation, gay, bisexual etc.
Had this happened 10-15 years before i was born for sure the debate would’ve been whether i was some kind of transsexual or worse.
but not like y’all actually care or anything.
I will say , as I’ve said many times hormone replacement therapy and genital surgeries by a vast vast margin are performed on cisgender children and not transgender ones. You’re attempting to ban healthcare for a specific group of humans because of the way they were born.
I will say , as I’ve said many times hormone replacement therapy and genital surgeries by a vast vast margin are performed on cisgender children and not transgender ones. You’re attempting to ban healthcare for a specific group of humans because of the way they were born.
I just connected the dots yesterday that they want treatment to be denied to children and then they want to use the inability to get treatment before puberty as a way to keep those individuals from competing in college sports.
You can join a long list of people who disagree with me on this, starting with my missus, so I understand the visceral reaction.
However, paedophilia is classified as a mental disorder, and should be treated as such.
no issue with this until paedo steps over ANY line, including images off internet, then its prison justice time.
You’re basically misinterpreting what I wrote, but I could see how you’d think what led you to write this. I was recalling something that happened to me at the age of 4 or 5, and at birth, so about 30 years ago. The terms used at the clinic at this time were relatively new and modern to the clinic 30 years ago; terms like gender identity disorder( now outdated, not in use) , transgender, sexual orientation, gay, bisexual etc.
Had this happened 10-15 years before i was born for sure the debate
i'm asking this truthfully as you clearly know more about the issue than i do.
when you say more genital surgeries are applied to cis gender children, what do you mean? for example, a hypothetical boy has some sort of deformed penis that requires surgery? or in the case of HRT, perhaps produces lower amounts of testosterone?
I just connected the dots yesterday that they want treatment to be denied to children and then they want to use the inability to get treatment before puberty as a way to keep those individuals from competing in college sports.
no, we want to protect children from a fad that has dire consequences, in the case of surgery, and far from optimal long term results, in the case of HRT.
once said person attains the age of 18, they should be allowed to do what they want. since the surgery is elective, they should pay for it and the taxpayers should definitely not foot the bill.
as for sports, we want women to be able to compete against women. not a man who decides he's a woman, but an actual woman.
our arguments, unlike the ones used by people promoting this lifestyle to children, is rooted in common sense and doesn't require studies conducted by "experts," hoop jumping, or the invention of new terminology.
It's not quite true though. The NHS won't provide them, not routinely anyway. They will be available not just through clinical trials, but private clinics, including "private gender identity clinics". So people will have to pay a lot for healthcare. It'll be just like they are Americans.
i'm asking this truthfully as you clearly know more about the issue than i do.
when you say more genital surgeries are applied to cis gender children, what do you mean? for example, a hypothetical boy has some sort of deformed penis that requires surgery? or in the case of HRT, perhaps produces lower amounts of testosterone?
Yes he refers to actual medical conditions, unlike trans ness which isn't a medical condition
no, we want to protect children from a fad that has dire consequences, in the case of surgery, and far from optimal long term results, in the case of HRT.
once said person attains the age of 18, they should be allowed to do what they want. since the surgery is elective, they should pay for it and the taxpayers should definitely not foot the bill.
as for sports, we want women to be able to compete against women. not a man who decides he's a woman, but an actual woman.
our arguments, unlike the ones
So common sense and science is the default until it challenges your world view, in which case the arbiter of common sense declares ‘experts’ as phonies pushing a ‘fad’. Because being trans is the hot new thing these phonies are pushing billions of children into so they can all dominate sports teams you thing they don’t belong on?
These worldviews don’t even matter. They just matter to you as a talking point because one trans athlete dominating a sport is too many for you, person who previously didn’t care about women’s sports
You can try your best to appear balanced, but you have the same talking points that amount to zero that you call the hill you’re willing to die on as Luciom and it’s really sad because your post is a really hard attempt at polishing a ****. A **** that’s been stepped on a thousand times over in this thread
So common sense and science is the default until it challenges your world view, in which case the arbiter of common sense declares ‘experts’ as phonies pushing a ‘fad’. Because being trans is the hot new thing these phonies are pushing billions of children into so they can all dominate sports teams you thing they don’t belong on?
These worldviews don’t even matter. They just matter to you as a talking point because one trans athlete dominating a sport is too m
i still dont care about women's sports, fwiw. i do care about a woman's rights to compete against other women.
what i care a lot more about is the normalization to children of an extreme act.
what i also care about is elective surgery becoming the taxpayers burden.
what if i identify as an international sex symbol who must maintain his appearance into older age. should i be entitled to free botox, TRT, peptides, face lifts etc?
i feel my views are relatively benign. i dont want an outlaw of trans clinics. i dont want these people to lose any rights etc. i just want children shielded and the taxpayer to not carry the burden of an individual's elective surgery.
i still dont care about women's sports, fwiw. i do care about a woman's rights to compete against other women.
what i care a lot more about is the normalization to children of an extreme act.
what i also care about is elective surgery becoming the taxpayers burden.
what if i identify as an international sex symbol who must maintain his appearance into older age. should i be entitled to free botox, TRT, peptides, face lifts etc?
i feel my views are relatively benign. i dont want an outlaw of trans cl
I do care about women sports in American university because if you are good it's free tuition
I had a good moment today.
Sometimes this thread is pretty dehumanizing, all of these people raging against this or that part of being trans. It sometimes sucks you in. But real humans are sure one hell of an antidote. I was speaking privately with a student of mine today, and had forgotten their name so asked it. The student got a bit emotional and then with a lot of hesitation and vulnerability shared that while most people know them by one name (the name I have in my official files), that their close friends know they are trans and they go by a different traditionally gendered name. They seemed really appreciative of my response, and i was just a genuinely beautiful moment. I'm glad they shared it with me.
Last weekend I went to see my favorite Portland band, which is headed by a trans woman. They sold out the venue for the first time as a headliner. Great show, and I told her so on the way out. Kinda sad that she will be moving to New Orleans soon though.