The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
Then it’s strange that you don’t ever identify any regulations despite my repeated requests. I can’t think of very many areas we regulate medical procedures or research out of existence other than stem cell research, marijuana as a medicine and abortion.
I'm not sure why you are asking me for regulations. But, to answer your question - I don't know.
Now that that's out of the way. Don't all medical procedures and drugs have to be approved for widespread (non-clinical trial) use? Is that approval ever reversed? An internet search seems to say that it happens more than occasionally.
good, and very good for the guardian to call them "people who question their gender identity" because we have no way yet at that stage to know if they are trans or not.

I'm still not wrapping my head around why diagnosed neurodivergence having a higher chance of being non-binary is shocking to you.
Do you know what neurodivergence means?
This is where you lose most people from many political camps.
GD appears to be a real condition and a difficult one. People are willing to give them a break.
Then, the ideology swoops in. One needn't be GD to be trans. And then we have non binary, which appears to be something dreamed up by college profs in dubious fields.
Chomsky's dunk on Pomo is, the claims are either trivial or insane. In this case: most guys aren't Hulk Hogan. Most girls aren't Pam Anderson. There are people like Prince or David Bowie and most of have some tendencies from both sides.
This is trivial. Almost nobody would disagree.
A boy who doesn't like sports and wears scarves isn't male but some new magical category and we must all dance to accommodate zim. This is crazy.
Luci says this is leftist, but it's debatable. It seems to partly be a way for very fortunate people to pretend they are oppressed when really, they should be helping genuinely unfortunate/oppressed people. (Also crazy). Not to mention you make it harder for people with GD.
Maybe I'm missing something. I spent a while looking for substantial account of NB the other day. Found a reddit thread where a guy asked about, raising a number of common sense points most would agree with. The replies were all either cult behavior or what I described. I.e. someone saying, i was born male but have some feminine traits: a trivialities.
It seems roughly like thinking of yourself as a citizen of the world, rather than an American. That's fine. But don't get mad if a politician says "my fellow Americans" or demand a special passport. It's basically just a personal philosophy or account of things.
If there is a more substantial account, analogous to GD, I'd like to see it.
While puberty blockers have been scrutinized by some due to their use in caring for transgender children, these drugs have been in use since the 1980s and are overwhelmingly safe if used appropriately. Side effects such as bone health risks typically only occur with prolonged use past the age of puberty.
This is not what The Cass Report found:
The Review has already advised that because puberty blockers only have clearly defined benefits in quite narrow circumstances, and because of the potential risks to neurocognitive development, psychosexual development and longer-term bone health, they should only be offered under a research protocol.
But banning puberty blockers is needed to stop gender identity care because they are gateway drugs.
I'm not sure if you are wilfully ignorant or obtuse, so let me spell it out.
Pausing a puberty at 9 using puberty blockers with a clearly defined pre-planned plan to remove them again at 11 is likely to provide an overall benefit to the child, with little long-term risks.
This is not the same as giving GD kids puberty blockers "so they can have time to consider their options" with no clearly defined end-point, and ultimately where 98% of them progress to cross-sex hormones.
FWIW I'm not against puberty blockers if it can be proven they are being used responsibly, and have an overall benefit to the child. However, at least in the UK, they have been used not to benefit the child, but as a gateway drug to give ideologically motivated clinicians time to convince the child and their parents that they are trans.
And I'm pretty sure that you are full of **** here.
Pausing a puberty for a two year period is likely to provide an overall benefit to the child, with little long-term risks, regardless of the ideological reason for the pause.
You have not provided evidence that the risks and benefits of puberty blockers in not exactly the same when giving GD kids puberty blockers "so they can have time to consider their options" other than stating it's not the same.
Your use of the term "gateway drug" implies that there is a addictive property to puberty blockers that makes cross hormone therapy more likely. I don't know if you are being wilfully ignorant when using this recreational drug use analogy or just being obtuse but clearly you are exposing your political motivations.
So unless you have something new, I will assume that puberty blockers are safe and have no long term effects but they are used as a precursor to hormone therapy, which do have long term health risks.
Finally, I won't ask you to prove puberty blockers are used "to give ideologically motivated clinicians time to convince the child and their parents that they are trans" as we both know it doesn't exist. Unless, of course, you are going to reference the 43 kids at tavistock as the standard again.
pausing a normally timed puberty randomly delaying it by 2 years without medical reasons is *likely to provide an overall benefit to the child* WHAT THE ACTUAL ****?
The evidence the above insane claim is true has to be provided by the insane claimants not by people saying "the normal H0 is you don't interfere with natural mechanism if there is no disease"
Puberty blockers are only given to kids with actual diseases! stuff you have to fix, wrong timing or excessive hormone production and the like. Unhealthy body processes.
The expression "gateway drug" is obviously used to insult and denigrate the whole ideology but it has a basis of truth, not in the "addiction to drug" sense but in the "by taking this drug you go down an horrible path in life that causes significant permanent damage very often".
Because yes getting sterilized by hormones is horrible and yes getting your genitals mutilated is horrible, intrinsecally so, even if you feel you need to do so to feel better, it's still an horrible thing.
LOL at "you have to provide evidence that pushing an healthy body puberty some years is bad"
Which doesn't mean it has to be a banned thing for adults, adults have a right to do horrible things to themselves if they want to. But it's still horrible
So unless you have something new, I will assume that puberty blockers are safe and have no long term effects
Something new like the Cass Report?
The Review has already advised that because puberty blockers only have clearly defined benefits in quite narrow circumstances, and because of the potential risks to neurocognitive development, psychosexual development and longer-term bone health, they should only be offered under a research protocol.
Yeah that recommendation compared to 40+ years of safe usage means nothing.
Just trust the people who keep churning out fraudulent papers and make more money the more common it is to be trans.
Jfc jiju is using studies proving puberty blockers are fine to use to have puberty come at the appropriate time, to justify using puberty blockers to delay puberty un-naturally .
Cordii is justifying lobotomy of the schizophrenic because otherwise we stop progress
Thats kind how it works though. Lobotomies were the leading edge treatment at the time and is now considered ineffective and barbaric. It paved the way for more effective and humane treatments.
We will likely look at something like Chemotherapy as barbaric in the future as well. "Lets just poison the whole body until the cancer is wiped out because there is less cancer than whole body so hopefully the cancer dies first". That will seem quite barbaric to isolated laser treatments that irradicate cancer while only affecting ~1% of the surrounding healthy cells.
And I'm not calling puberty blockers barbaric, just stating a general philosophy
Thats kind how it works though. Lobotomies were the leading edge treatment at the time and is now considered ineffective and barbaric. It paved the way for more effective and humane treatments.
We will likely look at something like Chemotherapy as barbaric in the future as well. "Lets just poison the whole body until the cancer is wiped out because there is less cancer than whole body so hopefully the cancer dies first". That will seem quite barbaric to isolated laser treatments that irradic
No really, lobotomies just made a ton of people zombies and we could have skipped that phase .
I really don't think we tried chemotherapy on children before knowing how it works in adults.
And really, being trans isn't like cancer, it is not a disease at all, so pretty simply it should not be treated by medical means, at all. Physicians should treat diseases
I really don't think we tried chemotherapy on children before knowing how it works in adults.
You'd be wrong. Modern Chemotherapy was developed on the back of experimental pediatric care
You'd be wrong. Modern Chemotherapy was developed on the back of experimental pediatric care
Ok thx I learnt something.
Now if being trans was a deadly horrendous disease that destroys your body from within, we might be open to try even the unspeakable to cure it.
But given it is not a disease to begin with.. why are physicians discussing the topic at all? Why are they in the picture? Why are drugs in the picture?
And really, being trans isn't like cancer, it is not a disease at all, so pretty simply it should not be treated by medical means, at all. Physicians should treat diseases
Your last sentence is really stupid. Diseases are simply chronic conditions. Physicians should not be limited to treat just chronic conditions. Health check ups, mental health, immunization, preventive care and testing, obstetrics, emergency trauma care are all part of a well rounded healthcare system that rely on these different disciplines.
We know you are just dying to claim transgender as mental illness, you should rant about it here, rather than finance regulation.
Ok thx I learnt something.
Now if being trans was a deadly horrendous disease that destroys your body from within, we might be open to try even the unspeakable to cure it.
But given it is not a disease to begin with.. why are physicians discussing the topic at all? Why are they in the picture? Why are drugs in the picture?
Disease treatment and prevention is a tiny slice of doctoral care
We are at the "obstetrics and nurses who give you a vaccine jab are physicians" stage of the conversation
"Obviously puberty blockers are fine for legitimate medical reasons" implies that you know what you are opining about. If not, maybe you should lead with a disclaimer about your knowledge level.
I already told you several times that I defer to doctors about medical issues; do you have an issue with that? You asked why some of us don't oppose the use of drugs for medical issues - obviously those of us who are not doctors defer to them on legitimate medical issues. Never heard someone get incensed that others agreed with him because they weren't knowledgable enough to do so.
I already told you several times that I defer to doctors about medical issues; do you have an issue with that? You asked why some of us don't oppose the use of drugs for medical issues - obviously those of us who are not doctors defer to them on legitimate medical issues. Never heard someone get incensed that others agreed with him because they weren't knowledgable enough to do so.
Speak for yourself, I only do when the medical consensus is exceptionally clear in one direction.
When it isn't I don't, and if I have something that requires medical attention, or people I care about do, I do my own research talking with medical establishment people I trust but I absolutely do not randomly trust someone on a controversial medical topic (hint: many of them are) just because of some credentials