The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
it is terrible what happened to Benedict,
but I do not get what happened here.
how do you send your kid to school looking like that,( you cant tell if it is a boy or a girl. you literally cannot tell) and they go by "they"
how do you send your kid to school thinking they wont get bullied??
you have to know they get bullied.
secondly, the state has banned bathrooms for trans, which means everyone has to go to the bathroom of their birth sex.
so where did this take place? In the girls bathroom?
Benedict is the family name, Nex was a girl who self defined as non binary.
I asked the resident trans expert Bryce about which bathroom she should have then used (in a world where the state doesn't force minors in school to go to the bathroom matching their biological sex) and he said she can choose what she wants every time.
Anyway yes it happened in the girls bathroom and Nex was beaten by 3 girls.
there is actually a lot of data saying that more trans get killed and harrassed. but you dont need data for that imo. gays and trans get atttacked and killed pretty much anywhere at a much higher rate of course, not only due to religious reasons.
They actually don't, not in America with it's insane death rates for black men
how do you send your kid to school looking like that,( you cant tell if it is a boy or a girl. you literally cannot tell) and they go by "they"
how do you send your kid to school thinking they wont get bullied??
you have to know they get bullied.
Can we maybe not blame the victim for their looks? Like didn't we all learn the lesson about not blaming SA victims for how they dressed?
oh, thats interesting. but then you should have said that bc without mentioning it is incorrect. yea the US with their crazy past. In any other part of the world that is not applicable. everywhere else trans get attacked more, but we know that I guess.
Can we maybe not blame the victim for their looks? Like didn't we all learn the lesson about not blaming SA victims for how they dressed?
oh , yeah , sure. I did not want to blame the student or anything.
Im just asking out loud questions here. the parents are to blame partly imo. I wouldnt send my kid to school like that, would you? you know theyd get bullied. then the hospital is to blame of course and the school. and above all the girls of course.
Ok. Well maybe some self-reflection on why that is would be healthy for you, and potentially any trans people who may enter your life in the future.
Self reflection is that normality of thought and word, which the median very calm person in 2000 would have thought and said , would now be considered a ban able offense.
Benedict is the family name, Nex was a girl who self defined as non binary.
I asked the resident trans expert Bryce about which bathroom she should have then used (in a world where the state doesn't force minors in school to go to the bathroom matching their biological sex) and he said she can choose what she wants every time.
Anyway yes it happened in the girls bathroom and Nex was beaten by 3 girls.
Yeah, thanks, Nex was the name and Benedict the family name. thats what I figured, it was probably the girl bathrooms since 3 girls were in it. If Im not mistaking the state has banned trans bathrooms.
This would mean they were in the wrong bathroom and you cant decide what bathroom you go to.
What happened here was a kid got beaten to death by bullies, seems bad taste to make insulting comments about this kid's appearance, but you do you.
No, no. I didnt want to insult. And yes, its probably bad taste.
they were at the wrong bathroom. thats the only point I should be making. whats up with the bathrooms? its weird.
Yeah, thanks, Nex was the name and Benedict the family name. thats what I figured, it was probably the girl bathrooms since 3 girls were in it. If Im not mistaking the state has banned trans bathrooms.
This would mean they were in the wrong bathroom and you cant decide what bathroom you go to.
She was a girl in the girl bathroom, she was in the proper bathroom.
She was a biological girl
Nice to see the MS Society back track after the Trans Police went a little crazy on what should be a teaching moment
oh , yeah , sure. I did not want to blame the student or anything.
Im just asking out loud questions here. the parents are to blame partly imo. I wouldnt send my kid to school like that, would you? you know theyd get bullied. then the hospital is to blame of course and the school. and above all the girls of course.
Many kids do not arrive at school looking like they did when they left home.
I see you don't have any data to show that trans people are victims of violence more than non trans people.
We are supposed to just believe that's the case because reasons.
I'd be very surprised if trans people were not victims of violence at higher rates than the population mean. Teenagers in particular have a habit of bullying anyone who is slightly different - race, hair colour, weight, height - you name it, they will victimise it.
Such language will antagonise others, who may not be transphobic but may have issues with gender affirmed care, trans females in sports, puberty blockers, shower rooms, etc. Issues that are at least debate worthy if not valid. People that trans activists or those concerned with transgender rights and dignity are trying to reach and get their point across to, will antagonise if they use such extremely loaded terms. In tone it's the same type of emotive arguments used by some on the IP thread, or
Corpus, this isn’t the case. People who take the conservative side(to put it mildly) on issues like these like to imagine they speak for a much wider audience than they do. If you actually read my posts in a reasonably unbiased manner , you’d see I’ve taken a moderate position.
The truth is americans favor those who stand up to bullies. Ron de Santis built his whole campaign around demonizing trans children and it collapsed. Trump, who is smarter than de Santis realizes what a terrible blow to conservative principles and institutions on the right bullying a small group in the lgbtq community is so he doesn’t spend nearly the same amount of time on this issue that de Santis did.
Something way worse than being perceived by some fraction of moderates somewhere as hyperbolic is not standing up for truth and for justice. That hurts the “activists” much more. Something much worse than using the words genocidal rhetoric is supporting genocidal rhetoric, something those on the far right are guilty of.
What is happening now in regards to this issue will be studied for 100’s of years, maybe 1000’s.
Very balanced and very reasonable trans activists are now claiming that Liboftiktok is responsible for Nex death.
Corpus, this isn’t the case. People who take the conservative side(to put it mildly) on issues like these like to imagine they speak for a much wider audience than they do. If you actually read my posts in a reasonably unbiased manner , you’d see I’ve taken a moderate position.
The truth is americans favor those who stand up to bullies. Ron de Santis built his whole campaign around demonizing trans children and it collapsed. Trump, who is smarter than de Santis realizes what a terrible blow to
Actually absolute majorities of american adults believe sex is determined biologically , so any take that denies this put you outside of the median , outside of what can be called moderate.
And ofc in most other countries in the world it's almost everyone denying that a "trans woman is a woman", nevermind the existence of a "gender spectrum".
Bullyism has nothing to do with it and majorities are in favor of anti discrimination laws for trans people. But again let me repeat it: absolute majorities deny all your gender theory BS.
It's not new for radical leftists to claim they have the public on their side or that there is a consensus only the right denies, but in this case it's really grotesque for you to claim that you are the moderate.
Lol btw at the idea that RDS collapsed in republican primaries because he "demonized trans children" (Wtf???). There is truly deranged talk.
60% of american adults say gender doesn't exist, there is only sex and it's binary
86% of republicans among them.
We can guess more than 86% among primary voters.
But surely among 90%+ people who completly deny the existence of the concept of gender, trans kids are truly something they care about and that would determine their primary vote L O L

60% of american adults say gender doesn't exist, there is only sex and it's binary
86% of republicans among them.
We can guess more than 86% among primary voters.
But surely among 90%+ people who completly deny the existence of the concept of gender, trans kids are truly something they care about and that would determine their primary vote L O L
Oh and note how blacks deny the existence of gender more than any other ethnic group
A very big and politically relevant (in the "discourse") twitter account run by a woman who was doxxed by the Washington Post.
After being doxxed the woman (Chaya Raichik) became a sort of hero of the right, and was recently nominated by Oklahoma state to review school books and indicate which if any have pornographic material in them , basically she is tasked with finding the LBTQ+ activist books and report them to ban them from schools when they have sexual imagery and so on.
The lib of tik tok account is fairly special (was, now it's more "normal") because for a long while it literally only took the most deranged videos published by radical leftists (mainly on tik tok, hence the name) , because often just seeing how monstrous are some takes that radicals are willing to publish is more relevant that giving your opinion on something.
That drove radicals crazy to the point of calling her all the names you can suspect she has been called.
Now they claim kids get beaten in bathrooms because of her
Because i never read in this thread that blacks are transphobe , while i read claims that republicans and rightwing people are several times.
I never read in this thread that blacks are responsible for trans suicide rate because many of them deny gender theory , while i read several times that republicans and rightwing people in general are responsible for those suicides.
I ask why , do you know why?