The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
Well, since we seem to have exposed the various members experiences with public urination, there is another Army process that validates that "stage fright" is a real thing that can stop someone from urinating. It's the random urinalysis test. In order to ensure that a drug user wasnt doing any of the usual tricks like bringing in a bottle of someone else's urine, or having a tube running along his dick connected to a bag of clean urine, each sample had to be collected in the presence of the observer who had to verify that he saw the urine stream come directly out of said dick and into the sample bottle.
Needless to say, any soldier who had problems peeing at a urinal had no shot at completing that task in a timely manner.
Well, since we seem to have exposed the various members experiences with public urination, there is another Army process that validates that "stage fright" is a real thing that can stop someone from urinating. It's the random urinalysis test. In order to ensure that a drug user wasnt doing any of the usual tricks like bringing in a bottle of someone else's urine, or having a tube running along his dick connected to a bag of clean urine, each sample had to be collected in the presence of the obs
I'm not sure that the observer's eyes couldn't be fooled by a very stealthy tube. Maybe they should have the other guy actually hold said dick. And don't forget the shake!
For the first time yesterday federal courts in the US have ruled discrimination based on gender identity a hate crime. Something a lot of people here don’t even think exists because they’re too lazy to learn about it, but not too lazy to very vociferously post their opinions about it thousands of times on the internet.
Hate crimes shouldn't exist as a concept, and in particular federal hate crime laws are obviously unconstitutional (no enumerated power allows congress to legislate on that), but that's another discussion.
love how the article conveniently leaves out that the two were lovers, which is the case for the majority of trans murders, just implies it was some crazy "oh look there's a trans lets go murder"
love how the article conveniently leaves out that the two were lovers, which is the case for the majority of trans murders, just implies it was some crazy "oh look there's a trans lets go murder"
The linked article mentions that, and that the motivation for the murder was that others in his circle started to find out he was having sex with a transgender person.
What is your source that the the majority of transgender murders were by lovers?
The linked article mentions that, and that the motivation for the murder was that others in his circle started to find out he was having sex with a transgender person.
What is your source that the the majority of transgender murders were by lovers?
Contrary to trans activists narrative, there are so few trans people murders per year that we can't draw many conclusions from them.
Which is why if you Google "trans people murdered in the USA" the results are about... Worldwide murders.
Only the 4th answers the question and the answer is... 33.
Over allegedly 1.6m trans people in the USA.
The overall murder rate in America is approx 50 per million.
so trans people are getting murdered LESS THAN HALF THE REST OF THE POPULATION.
Why should we believe any of those murders are because of trans-ness per SE, given in total trans people are killed less than non trans -people?
There is no reason to believe any are.
Now if actual trans people were only a small fraction of the alleged 1.6 million...
IE if trans activists have grotesquely inflated numbers to give the idea trans people are an actual sizeable group instead of being an exceptionally small, almost non existent part of society that doesn't deserve a fraction of the time society is spending on their issues, now IF that's the case then 33 murders among them might be a biggish number.
But they cant have it both ways.
They have either lied incessantly about the number of trans people in the USA, or they lied incessantly about a purported genocide of trans people motivated by hatred which isn't happening at all, rather the opposite (non trans people are killed much more)
The linked article mentions that, and that the motivation for the murder was that others in his circle started to find out he was having sex with a transgender person.
What is your source that the the majority of transgender murders were by lovers?
it's a very short list, there's a wiki page dedicated to it, overwhelming majority were lovers or people who took them home on a one night stand (often sex workers) and were surprised to discover the person they'd been groping, kissing, receiving head from has a penis
as for the article mentioning it... it's not mentioned once in the first 4 paragraphs, the literal definition of "burying the lede" - everything about it paints it like the murderer was seeking out a trans person to murder - gee, i wonder why they did that?
Contrary to trans activists narrative, there are so few trans people murders per year that we can't draw many conclusions from them.
Which is why if you Google "trans people murdered in the USA" the results are about... Worldwide murders.
Only the 4th answers the question and the answer is... 33.
Over allegedly 1.6m trans people in the USA.
The overall murder rate in America is approx 50 per million.
so trans people are getting murdered LESS THAN HALF THE REST OF THE POPULATION.
Why should we believe
The claim i was asking about a source for wasnt that trans people are getting killed at a higher rate or that they were getting killed primarily bc of being transgender. I was asking about the source of his statement that the majority of trans people murdered were murdered by their lovers. That seems like it would be a very difficult thing to track and unless someone was somehow investigating every trans murder in some detail it would be very hard to determine.
The claim i was asking about a source for wasnt that trans people are getting killed at a higher rate or that they were getting killed primarily bc of being transgender. I was asking about the source of his statement that the majority of trans people murdered were murdered by their lovers. That seems like it would be a very difficult thing to track and unless someone was somehow investigating every trans murder in some detail it would be very hard to determine.
And i answered that there are so few murders of trans people, you can't draw conclusions from them.
But according to trans activists it's mostly black male to female trans, often sexual workers.
Women *in general* are overwhelmingly killed by people very close to them, usually their partners but not exclusively, unlike men. Because they participate in gang warfare and other very violent activities far less often.
So if actual male to female trans live like women (and we have reasons to believe they do) we would expect the same patterns to apply to them.
So the prior would be that trans women, like actual women, are mostly killed by their partners or relatives.

Browser note also that more than 90% of trans being killed (both in the USA and worldwide) are male to female.
There are almost no female to male trans people murdered , even if among the youngs there are many more female to male trans than viceversa.
That explains why Nex case had trans activists salivating until their narrative collapsed
it's a very short list, there's a wiki page dedicated to it, overwhelming majority were lovers or people who took them home on a one night stand and were surprised to discover the person they'd been groping, kissing, receiving head from has a penis
as for the article mentioning it... it's not mentioned once in the first 4 paragraphs, the literal definition of "burying the lede"
Im not sure if this is the same wiki page you are referring to. Reading through this list there are severalcases of people getting murdered by someone they had just hooked up with. I wouldnt characterize that as "lovers"as to me that connotes a more extensive personal relationship. More like a case of murder by a husband of his wife in a domestic violence case than a guy murdering a woman he picked up in a bar that night.
To me,it seems like murdering someone after realizing they are transgender is as clear cut an example of someone being murdered precisely because they are transgender as you could find. If the person was a cis woman, thenno murder would have occurred. The murder occurred onlybecause the victim was transgender.
you're just moving goal posts and shifting now, you're not dealing with this objectively at all, par for the course
Browser note also that more than 90% of trans being killed (both in the USA and worldwide) are male to female.
There are almost no female to male trans people murdered , even if among the youngs there are many more female to male trans than viceversa.
That explains why Nex case had trans activists salivating until their narrative collapsed
I dont have any stats in front of me, but that seems to follow the same pattern as I would expect of cis gender murders. I suspect the vast majority of women getting murdered are murdered by men rather than other women.
you're just moving goal posts and shifting now, you're not dealing with this objectively at all, par for the course
What goal post shifts? As you have pointed out in the past, Thailand has great opportunities for guys to hook up with women for one night stands. But Ive never heard anyone who the next day refers to that woman as his lover. Not even as girlfriend. So when you said most murders were by "their lovers" I took that term to mean more than a one night stand. And many of the people killed didnt even live through the one night.
But if you define someones lover as anyone they take home from a bar, then your statement fits that definition.
Im not sure if this is the same wiki page you are referring to. Reading through this list there are severalcases of people getting murdered by someone they had just hooked up with. I wouldnt characterize that as "lovers"as to me that connotes a more extensive personal relationship. More like a case of murder by a husband of his wife in a domestic violence case than a guy murdering a woman he picked up in a bar that night.
To me,it seems like murdering someone after realizing they are transgender
In normal (not legal) parlance, a murder predicated on hatred is something like "i hate people of group X", so i go around life looking for them and when the situation arises i kill them. It's neonazis disliking the "brown people" in their neighbourhood and organizing a "punitive expedition" to go and get them.
It's the actual transphobe who sees there are trans sex workers peddling their services in the street near where he lives, who plans a murder of "those freaks".
It's, you know, actual hatred. A powerful negative emotion toward a group that is so strong at times, you act to satisfy it with violence.
I know that under the insane american laws it usually is "attacked because, among other reasons, they are members of a protected group" but that's absolutely not what the public understands and thinks of when the headline is about hate crimes against trans (or any other protected group).
But when a non trans person goes crazy and kills a trans male to female he previously wanted to have sex with because he discovers he has a dick, *we all know* it's about the shock and shame of feeling gay, or being lied to, betrayed even, by your own senses and by the other person.
Now the actual case where the convinction happened might be proper hatred. There was no sudden shock or anything, the guy had a relationship. Rumors started circulating about that, and he killed the trans person in cold blood after luring him in a remote location. That's a murder with a very lurid motive ("protection your own reputation") and that purported reputation damage was inextricably linked to the other person being trans to the point something akin to hatred might actually have played a part.
Putting aside the fact that hate crime laws are silly in general, and the federal ones unconstitutional, as written it applies but it can also apply as understood by normal people, in that case.
I dont have any stats in front of me, but that seems to follow the same pattern as I would expect of cis gender murders. I suspect the vast majority of women getting murdered are murdered by men rather than other women.
Normal men are killed much more than normal women.
IF that held for trans people, female to male would be killed much more. But it's literally the opposite with even higher ratios.
What goal post shifts? As you have pointed out in the past, Thailand has great opportunities for guys to hook up with women for one night stands. But Ive never heard anyone who the next day refers to that woman as his lover. Not even as girlfriend. So when you said most murders were by "their lovers" I took that term to mean more than a one night stand. And many of the people killed didnt even live through the one night.
But if you define someones lover as anyone they take home from a bar, then
Ye he should have used sexual partner. So? the rest stands. Very few trans people get murdered in general, less than the general population, and of those few we are talking almost only male to female killed by current or previous sexual partners.
There is not even a vague hint of actual hatred in those numbers.
Ye he should have used sexual partner. So? the rest stands. Very few trans people get murdered in general, less than the general population, and of those few we are talking almost only male to female killed by current or previous sexual partners.
There is not even a vague hint of actual hatred in those numbers.
You seem to keep trying to expand my question to include other factors I wasn't asking about. I simply thought the statement that a majority of transgender people are murdered by their lovers to be very surprising so I asked for the source of that info. That was it. I made no teference to whether it was a hate crime or anything else. I was seeking clarification about one particular statement. When I saw the list he was citing, I realized that he was using the term lover to mean something different than I use it. So as I said, using his definition of one night stands as being lovers, then his statement fits the list. If you consider lovers a couple that has a longer than one night relationship, then it really doent matchup.
That's it. All the statistics you quoted about trans men versus women being murdered, or what constitutes a hate crime,or is there such a thing as a hate crime had no relevance to my very specific question at all. It's sort of like you quoted my question as a pretext to say what you wanted to say, whether it answered my question at all. Im not saying you arent surfacing interesting discussion points. They just arent answering my question.
Normal men are killed much more than normal women.
IF that held for trans people, female to male would be killed much more. But it's literally the opposite with even higher ratios.
That's because many trans women have sex with men (the most dangerous part of being a woman) and not many trans males are joining gangs (the most dangerous part of being a man).
Why isn't something that is so obviously unconstitutional not struck down yet? Do you just understand our constitution better than US judges?
I can't judge whether or not hate crime legislation is unconstitutional, but I certainly think it is ridiculously wrong. It's punishing people for biased thoughts (as well as requiring mind reading to determine those thoughts).