The costs of trans visibility
Yesterday, Dylan Mulvaney broke her silence:
For context, this is a trans influencer who built a 10 million strong following on TikTok. She took a brand deal with budweiser to post an ad on an instagram, and the anti-trans right went absolutely ballistic, calling for a boycott, condemning the company, and to some perhaps unknowable degree it influenced that Budweiser sales dropped by a 1/4 and
. Dylan speaks more personally about the effect of the hatred on her.What strikes me about this story is that it is just about visibility. This isn't inclusion in sports or gender-affirming care for minors, it was just that a trans person was visible. This wasn't even visibility in a TV commerical that a poor right-winger is forced to see, it was an ad on her own instagram page. We're all in our own social media algorithm influenced bubbles, but from my vantage point it really has seemed that in the last year or so things have just gotten worse for trans people and the backlash to even minor visibility is growing.
We need to do better.
Until you guys understand that the trans issue is a issue of fighting for the survival of society against radical leftism, it's not about trans per SE, you won't understand what we mean.
We cannot accept radical leftism, cultural Marxism, to come up with an idea that denies history and tradition completely and then for them to force, by law, that idea upon society. That's the fight for us not trans-ness. We don't give a **** about people who think they are the opposite sex as long as we don't have to do anything to them or pay for anything.
We start having a huge problem when their existence is used to mutilate minors, or to sterilize them, or to make subjectivity enforceable by law which is an exceptionally wrong way of applying the rule of law in general.
The radical left transparent project since at least Gramsci Is becoming culturally hegemonic, which means being able to force any idea upon the population by fiat, no matter how against common sense or historical meaning it is, and they just used the trans issue to test the extents of their power.
As the radical left is by far the biggest threat to human well being bar none (for many of us on the right), the absolute evil, a list of everything that is horrible for human beings, the source of most societal problems, this is why we fight so much on this issue.
Because it is at last a fight we can win with normies, and it allows us to show the depth of the immorality, of the horror of what radical leftism is: a totalitarian cult that wants to be able to control all opinions and all behaviors in society.
It's because most of the people he's referring to are college students, eg "random confused kid[s] going through phases". The most common time for any person to try out anything out of the ordinary is while they're in college. Some stick with those unusual roles/practices, but most do not.
Ye except there were no trans when I went to the university among students nor I ever knew a person who ever had a trans colleague.
Because actual trans are exceptionally rare.
So it's clearly mostly a made up phenomenon, he didn't actual have trans students, he had kids brainwashed by radical leftism
Ye except there were no trans when I went to the university among students nor I ever knew a person who ever had a trans colleague.
Because actual trans are exceptionally rare.
So it's clearly mostly a made up phenomenon, he didn't actual have trans students, he had kids brainwashed by radical leftism
While I was in college (late 80's) there was a college group who added the "T" to the "LGB" student group.
I don't think there is anyone denying that more people identify as trans than there were 35 years ago.
Luciom- if you continue to refer to transgender as a mostly a made up phenomenon, and tell another poster he actually only had brainwashed kids, you will be banned again. This forum policy is that gender incongruence is a real thing, so therefore transgender people are real people who are neither brainwashed or delusional. If you can't adhere to the policies you should stop posting in this thread.
Am I transphobic to think this dude is gay for sucking a penis?
I feel sorry for this guy that he's internalized his homophobia so much that he's afraid to be called gay and he can't live openly. Even in this clip it's very clear he doesn't want to be labeled as gay. Who cares? Apparently him. Just because he's the top in the relationship and his boyfriend is very effeminate doesn't mean he's not gay. I wonder how many transpeople (hi uke) are actually just internalized homophobes. Certainly in Iran a bunch are. Where it's illegal to be gay and the punishment is death but oddly they let people transition. How sad that they do that in Iran, force gay men to transition to women under the threat of death.
Reminds me of the Sopranos when they find out Vito is sucking a dick and not the one getting sucked. The scene is just hilarious to watch these homophobes make a distinction as to who is doing what in a gay relationship. Or that they think going down on a woman is also gay. "If you'll do that what else would you do?" Lol.
But seriously the whole trans philosophy is quite regressive. It prescribes to gender norms in a day and age where I thought we were beyond that. Caitlyn Jenner said in an interview he wanted to be a woman because he wanted to have long hair and wear pretty dresses etc. Men can do that too, that's not what being a woman is about. But he feels repressed by societal norms and men who wear dresses are mocked but women aren't.
Ask adherents of the transgender ideology what a woman is and they'll fail to answer without using the word woman. What they should say is someone who identifies as an adult human female, that's what they believe. Whereas people with a firmer grasp on reality would answer an adult human female.
Also, the ideology/movement now extends beyond people who have gender dysphoria. In some cases, these are people with autism or mental health issues who erroneously believe they have gender dysphoria. I personally know 2 people who have other mental health and behavioral problems who have decided well into adulthood that they suddenly have gender dysphoria. I also know one trans man who really has it. I know it's lame to say, "I'm not a psychologist but..." However, I'm not a psychologist b
I'd be curious to know what post-truth ethic and absurd philosophies you think have taken hold on the right. Stolen elections? (DM me if you want don't answer here please I don't want to derail the thread.)
That's another thing that those who believe in transgenderism fail to realize or admit. Some transgender people are just crazy and not really trans. Mental illness manifests itself in every single form. We can all agree the trans blind lady is mentally ill (I hope). A case in which a psychologist poured a chemical solvent into her eyes to actually blind her so she could conform to her mental illness. Some people think they're dead and they're ghosts. Should we kill them so they can really be dead? I could go on. So at least some of the people who think they're the opposite gender are just crazy. I would say it's 100%, but even if you believe you can change genders you should recognize some portion of them are just mentally ill.
Here's an anecdote that illustrates your point about those experiencing gender dysphoria. In 2009 my friend had a bad sexual experience with a woman which left his penis very damaged. Consequently he began expressing to me that he thought he was a woman etc. etc. I gave him truly gender affirming care and told him no matter what happens to his penis or what he does, he's still a man. My friend is not that smart and he's also later expressed some very paranoid delusions which shows that his mind isn't all there. Thank god he had me in his corner and not one of these numbskulls that wouldn't question those feelings and instead just affirm whatever delusion he had in his mind.
I think that's what a lot of people with normal brains fail to realize, how crazy other people can be and how mental illness can manifest itself in seemingly normal high functioning people. And also how easily manipulated and influenced some people can be by ideas. I imagine being a 12 year old girl developing breasts and having creepy old perverts leering at you suddenly can be overwhelming. "Oh I can be non-binary or trans and just opt out of that discomfort? That's what I am!"
Luciom- if you continue to refer to transgender as a mostly a made up phenomenon, and tell another poster he actually only had brainwashed kids, you will be banned again. This forum policy is that gender incongruence is a real thing, so therefore transgender people are real people who are neither brainwashed or delusional. If you can't adhere to the policies you should stop posting in this thread.
I think he goes too far with his rhetoric, but there has to be a reason there are so many more people identifying as trans these days than there were years ago. I certainly wouldn't call it brainwashing, but I believe the culture is definitely pushing people towards this identity.
Luciom- if you continue to refer to transgender as a mostly a made up phenomenon, and tell another poster he actually only had brainwashed kids, you will be banned again. This forum policy is that gender incongruence is a real thing, so therefore transgender people are real people who are neither brainwashed or delusional. If you can't adhere to the policies you should stop posting in this thread.
for sure i'll stop until at least i fully understand what the rules are, because here again you seem to imply a rule to "believe anyone who claims to be trans" exists which i was unaware of.
Luciom- if you continue to refer to transgender as a mostly a made up phenomenon, and tell another poster he actually only had brainwashed kids, you will be banned again. This forum policy is that gender incongruence is a real thing, so therefore transgender people are real people who are neither brainwashed or delusional. If you can't adhere to the policies you should stop posting in this thread.
You're enforcing your world view on the forums. Transgender people are mentally ill and delusional. Or should I say that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder as classified by the DSM-V? What's next, ban the dictionary?
Bring Bobo in here, he's starting to come around to the transphobic side of the argument. Even though with Canada's new C-63 bill it would be a crime for him to express such a sentiment, us non-peasant, non king worshipping, constitution having, freedom lovers ought to be allowed to express that sentiment without reprisals and bans. It ain't a crime yet in America Jack! Rise up my Canadian brothers and overthrow the British monarchy once and for all!
So temp ban me if you must, or just realize that your rules are ideologically motivated and should not be enforced. Saying that I think transgender people are mentally ill and delusional is not hateful. It's what I honestly believe. I think a lot of them are autogynephiliacs and internalized homophobes. I think it's delusional to think you can change your sex/gender.
Simplerick has been permabanned.
It's fine if Uke wants to make a post to inform someone about what is becoming the most commonly used style structure when referring to trans people.
Is it the "most commonly used"? I'm sure it is in his area of thought, but is it used by most people? Sure, you qualified with "becoming". But that's like saying something is the fasting growing product when sales went for 1 last year to 20 this year - so what.
Now, if uke wants to say the trans community* prefers a certain nomenclature, we could have a debate about why that is. But continued arguments based on someones belief that "that's the way it is, don't challenge me" is the opposite of fair discussion. (Both sides do this equally, imo.)
*I'm sure got that wrong somehow. It's so hard to keep up.
Is it the "most commonly used"? I'm sure it is in his area of thought, but is it used by most people? Sure, you qualified with "becoming". But that's like saying something is the fasting growing product when sales went for 1 last year to 20 this year - so what.
Now, if uke wants to say the trans community* prefers a certain nomenclature, we could have a debate about why that is. But continued arguments based on someones belief that "that's the way it is, don't challenge me" is the opposite of fai
I'm fairly sure uke is correct that "transpeople" and "transchildren" are not that widely used but if you have evidence otherwise I'll consider it.
Are you nit picking about a space?
Do you understand that the fact you had "lots" of trans student when actual trans people are less than one in a thousand, already means something extremely weird is happening in your job and you are being heavily influenced by that?
Most people don't have a single actual trans person (someone who consistently thought to be of the opposite sex and lived as such, not some random confused kid going through phases) in their life.
Most people never had a trans person working with them, or in their fami
well I coordinate class sizes of ~1000 per semester so yes it adds up.
Is it the "most commonly used"? I'm sure it is in his area of thought, but is it used by most people? Sure, you qualified with "becoming". But that's like saying something is the fasting growing product when sales went for 1 last year to 20 this year - so what.
Now, if uke wants to say the trans community* prefers a certain nomenclature, we could have a debate about why that is. But continued arguments based on someones belief that "that's the way it is, don't challenge me" is the opposite of fai
If you consider how infrequently people outside of the transgender community would ever find themselves writing or reading anything at all on this topic, I'd say by volume most people follow the guidelines that Uke describes.
As Ive stated elsewhere, I dont really care about correcting grammar in forum posts. Imo, if the desired meaning is transmitted, then the communication has accomplished its mission. And in an area such as this, it's not unexpected that people may not be aware of the latest thinking on usage. Add to that that trans man, trans woman and transgender sound like they should all be written the same way contributes to the confusion.
So Uke's efforts to inform people of the current usage rules is fine. Most people would gladly use whatever form is considered "correct". But I prefer not to have derails about it every time someone types a different form. I put it in a similar category as putting worldwide versus world-wide. Sure there are rules about that but it's just an internet forum post.
Get to the nuance then.
The right embraces a certain type of idea for fear: immigration, communism, trans whatever. And they don't make their case at all. That's the bottom line.
We need immigrants, so the right retreat to some argument for proper vetting (if they're not overtly racist and thereby in complete opposition like Steven Miller), while openly trying to gut the federal agencies that are needed for administration of that very process.
Coldest take in the entire thread.
Proper vetting immigrants isn't a 'retreat argument' - its literally the basis for sound immigration policy. New Zealand kills it on this. We need that model.
You're under the belief that since you've said 'racism', you've preemptively won all arguments and get to dictate moral high ground on policy.
You're common, but you're dumb.
"Not allowing people to pour across your border unchecked" isn't a race discussion. That the far left must frame it as a "do not oppose this otherwise we will say racism" argument tips a much deeper and more insidious hand that normal people don't think of, but certain policy idealogues very much do.
Yes yes, now say paranoid trope conspiracy canard, whatever your trained-response words are for something like this, but why do you suppose he's doing that?
I know what worldview he holds, he knows what worldview he holds and if we were both in the same room having this discussion, he and I would have no problem mutually comprehending that we both totally understand what worldview he holds, what he's advocating for and why he's advocating for it but you're now going to tell us that worldview 'doesn't exist', right?
The left has a totally bizarre relationship with race that has to do with cultivating political power through grievance. They use the people they claim to help, and ultimately hurt them, but along the way they give them crumbs and tell them to keep fighting the power.
You'll find that most on the right care little to nothing about race and just want immigration to correspond with economic need, for immigrants to be vetted and for our borders to be closed, since its a huge security risk (which is something the left does not understand, and never will).
Conservatives have literally ALL the arguments on unchecked immigration. The left thinks they have 'no arguments' because they don't feel obligated to engage in any actual arguments when they can just say 'racist' and leave it at that 😃
Because he has eyeballs, and the pass rate is very very small.
That couldn't have possibly been an earnest question.
If it was, goes to show just how deep into the land of make-believe some are on the issue.
Well, a few things. Firstly, I'm a good teacher. So students come talk to me about the challenges going on in their lives. So some have spoken directly to me about it. Secondly, depending on the specific class size I often do a survey to get to know students and that survey includes name/pronouns, so I can at least see how many people choose non-binary ones. Thirdly, one can sometimes, and not very reliably, make visual guesses that a person is somewhere on the trans or non-binary spectrum based on their appearance.
Yes, one cannot reliably expect to ever spot a trans person at a glance.
We shouldn't ever give credence to the idea that its even possible for anyone to spot a person dressing up in a manner conventionally associated with the opposite gender using their biological gender cues, since that may harm LGBTQIA+ children self image who then might commit suicide!
Passable is the FAR exception. FAR.
Your position is just a cop-out though. I also believe most people are trying to do good, but sometimes there are conflicts and you have to take a position. If one person says to a biological male trying to enter a female change-room, "Look, I have a history of being sexually harassed and I don't feel comfortable with you being in my changeroom because it would trigger my traumatic memories," and the other person goes "I'm trans gender so using the other room would trigger my gender dysphoria,"
You aren't going to resolve it anytime soon. People have to adapt to the new social norms.
The issue is your solution does literally nothing to address your proposed problem. Trans men are going to be in female areas, trans women are going to be in male areas. Your "I have a history of being sexually harassed and I don't feel comfortable with you being in my changeroom" person will be changing in the same room as people with a penis, still. You just seem to imply that one group of people with dicks is more dangerous than the other.
You seem to think that cis females are the only viewpoint to consider here and you don't even do a good job of doing that.