I believe men to be the oppressed in American society.
I am wondering if violence against women in the western world is a result of opression and frustration from men who are not treated with respect but are made to work much harder and more difficult jobs than anyone else.
I have been considering the number of men incarcerated(and for how long), I think of the number of men killed in wars and I think about the number of men who are homeless(compared to women) and lastly I think about male suicide rates (due to lack of perceived value by society)
I am not saying the violence against women is acceptable or should be tolerated.
I am saying let’s look at how society treats men and women and let’s see if it’s fair.
Feminism is equality for the sexes. Let’s talk about the inequalities men face
Not sure how to quantify the abuses women face from men and vice versa
I don’t have any issues with dating women. I’m talking about this for the homies who do have problems.
Also getting gfe is a terrible idea and I don’t recommend hookers to normal people. I recommend tinder and the gym + a tailor.
im not saying get gfe but some working girls are much more gfe than others.
i suggest you sleep with escorts, try different ones out and some will give you the girlfriend experience and from there on finding a mate will be easier and more natural .
This is solid advice for someone in your situation PW.
the guys you are talking about, the prostitutes probably don't want to sleep with them either.. that's what i'm talking about.
Probably true.
pw, why don't you put up a gofundme and we'll all contribute $1
i had a classmate that got into this jordan peterson forced matrimony type **** and we don't talk anymore because i told him that if he believed strongly in it then we should sign his daughters up for the service.. suddenly he wasn't so keen on the idea anymore.
Well, people in the world with cultures promoting early matrimony have extremely high birthrates and population growth. And progressive nations have low birth rate and population decline. So given this and current immigration patterns, it looks like things will sort out in the next few centuries.
Demographics is destiny.
A large number of small, motile gametes versus a limited number of large, non motile gametes. Once you can grasp this reality and the predicable ramifications of this binary system, everything else kind of falls into place and makes sense. And this is certainly nothing unique to H0mo Sapiens. Most sexually reproducing mammalian species follow similar patterns.
I believe Kelhus should be banned for this post. Not because it's offensive, but so Luckbox can be right about the reason for his bans. If we can't make this broken clock right, we just aren't trying.
Make it a temp ban though, he only talks about gametes, not zygotes.
There is a lot of variation and overlap, but males and female brains fundamentally work differently due to hormonal influence, and are better/worse at different things; and more importantly, males and females generally have different interests that map their brain development.
Despite the high correlation spatial navigation and aptitude is STEM subjects, they have removed spatial testing from IQ tests exactly because men were generally so much better at it.
Sure, when you rig the game you are going to get the outcome you are trying to engineer.
IQ tests are dumb.
Men fight wars. Women don’t. Women are smarter than men
They are responsible for child production. Of course they are smarter. They are more important
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The US already has that. But its in the private sector.
No thank you, I'll wallow in my misery over here by myself.