Clarification on Transgender Claims (good faith)
Tell me if I’m understanding the claims.
It’s that some trans people have an incorruptible sense of their true gender from the beginning, but the connection to true gender for other trans people is impeded and they don’t get the pure insight until later.
If this is correct, what is preventing the pure insight early on for the latter group? How come they don’t have the uncorrupted connection from the beginning?
Then, the de-transitioners would be those who thought they had the uncorrupted connection to their true gender, but later developed the uncorrupted connection, realizing their sex based gender is their true gender. Is this correct? Or do only the actual trans have a true gender?
Next, how can an outsider determine who actually has the incorruptible connection to their true gender and who is impeded and mistaken?
Maybe you should spend less time making weirdly unfounded assumptions based on 5 year old late night talk show interviews. The fact that you even posted it as part of some "emotion is trumping logic" point in this thread is...rather bizarre.
Speaking of bizarre, WTF is with this question? Why would you refuse to call someone by their birth name (which is Jussie, not Jusse)?
Because he's a racist pos and she has a mental health issue which is glaringly obvious.
Do you believe jussie? You think he's a victim of racism? You agree with ellen that people are racist who don't support him?
WTF are you talking about? No one was denying that some transgender people could be suffering from mental illness, just like other people can be. "Saying that a transgender person who gets gender affirming surgery or takes hormone treatments has a mental illness for doing so is just another way of saying transgender people are mentally ill. It is a distinction without a difference, and an attempt to work around our policy." is in no way "stigmatizing mental health". The wording is quite clear, s
Well it wasnt to me thank you
Amazes me were we live in a world were you can offend anyone but god forbid you offend a trans person
So you're going to call him Jessie instead? Like, I don't really give a **** either way, but it seems rather odd.
You still haven't explained why this is "glaringly obvious". Because believing Smollett when the story first came out certainly doesn't make it obvious at all. I'm sure tens of millions of people believed the story when they only knew part of it - are they all mentally ill?
Do I believe the story that he was found guilty 2 years ago of making up? Of course not. Not sure why you'd even need to ask that.
Are you somehow thinking that interview was last week or something? It was from 3 days after the event happened, well before any evidence came out that it was staged.
You still haven't explained why this is "glaringly obvious". Because believing Smollett when the story first came out certainly doesn't make it obvious at all. I'm sure tens of millions of people believed the story when they only knew part of it - are they all mentally ill?
She seemed to be implying the reason the story is real is because he's black. He's black, so he's a victim of society, so he is the victim of the story because a victim is a victim. Thats the emotional logic.
do you believe emotion should trump logic, you are acting like you do, and you are implying you do with your questions.
But why do you want to offend transgender people? Weren't you telling us earlier they are particularly vulnerable to suicidal feelings?
He wants to be able to offend trans people. thats different.
any reasonable person would.
And you keep trying to paint people in false lights and call them transphobic and its disgusting.
Saying that a transgender person who gets gender affirming surgery or takes hormone treatments has a mental illness for doing so is just another way of saying transgender people are mentally ill. It is a distinction without a difference, and an attempt to work around our policy.
Please stop it.
If jjjou812 is referring to myself and your referring to me I never at all indicated seeking gender affirming care means you have a mental illness . If not my apologies .
Well it wasnt to me thank you
Amazes me were we live in a world were you can offend anyone but god forbid you offend a trans person
I wasnt referring to you. I actually quoted the posts from perpetualdonk where he made those statements and warned him to stop. It turns out that shortly after I logged off he made more obvious troll posts and was banned by another mod. He was likely another version of meisner.
My disagreement with your statement about mods stigmatizing mental health is a completely separate issue that I responded to in a different post. While I completely disagree with your position, there certainly is no consideration of deleting or banning anyone over that discussion.
There is no policy that says you can offend anyone except transgender people. There is a policy that says you cant make the statement or try to debate that being transgender is, in and of itself, a mental illness.
She seemed to be implying the reason the story is real is because he's black. He's black, so he's a victim of society, so he is the victim of the story because a victim is a victim. Thats the emotional logic.
do you believe emotion should trump logic, you are acting like you do, and you are implying you do with your questions.
I'm implying no such thing, I'm simply trying to understand why you would suggest its glaringly obvious that Page is mentally ill. The best I can get from you is that anyone who allows emotion to trump logic is mentally ill, which as far as I'm concerned makes everyone mentally ill because no one is able to achieve logic over emotion 100% of the time, and there are likely times when we should allow emotion to trump logic. I guess I'll leave it there for now, as it doesn't seem like we're going to get anywhere with this.
She seemed to be implying the reason the story is real is because he's black. He's black, so he's a victim of society, so he is the victim of the story because a victim is a victim. Thats the emotional logic.
do you believe emotion should trump logic, you are acting like you do, and you are implying you do with your questions.
I watched the full clip, and I don't believe this is true, not at all.
jbouton seems to be down another obsession rabbit hole, this time it's for the righteous cause of stamping out "emotion over logic":
I have never heard anyone say "emotion should trump logic", just that emotion generally does trump logic.
People are screaming this at the top of their lungs right now. Its an american slogan. Its the leftist battle cry.
So you don't believe that the official slogan for the US right now is emotion trumps logic?
What is it you're going for here? He just told you he's never heard that, twice, and now you're asking him if he thinks it's the official slogan for the US? And LOL @ "official slogan".
You might want to check what thread you're in.
Ok what is the logic behind letting a male transgender woman win a female only ncaa swimming competition?
Do you agree with her?
I certainly don't know what logic was behind that decision. I don't know anymore about the story than what I have read on 2+2, and I don't follow any sports.
It might have even been that the emotions of the competition organizers let their emotions decide instead of reasoning at all. But that is not the same as them, or anyone claiming that emotion SHOULD rule over logic. I don't see how you can't understand the difference; I'm really starting to think your English may just not be good enough for you to be getting the nuance here.
Do I agree with Page? About what exactly? She said a lot of things in that interview. The things that I remember her saying were that homosexuals have endured a lot of abuse in the past and that former Vice President Pence tried to stop gay marriage when he was the governor of Indiana. I'm pretty sure those two things were true.
I feel like gender transition surgeries are transphobic. We teach people all the time that sex and gender are not the same and that its a social construct, yet someone is considered to have fully transitioned if they get the right anatomical parts and wear gender specific clothing, etc etc. and that doing these things makes someone feel like they are in the right body. But they are already in the right body. Just because someone has a penis doesnt make them a man, and removing it doesnt make them a woman. They were already a woman