Moderation Questions

Moderation Questions

The last iteration of the moderation discussion thread was a complete disaster. Numerous attempts to keep it on topic failed, and it became a general discussion thread with almost no moderation related posts at all. And those that were posted were so buried in non-mod posts that it became a huge time drain on the mods to sort through them. Then, when off topic posts were deleted posters complained about that.

This led to the closing of the mod discussion thread, replaced by the post report/pm approach. This has filtered out lots of noise, but has resulted at times in the General Discussion Thread turning into a quasi-mod thread. This is not desirable, but going back to the old mod thread is also not a workable option.

Therefore, I have created this new moderation thread, but with a different purpose and ground rules than previous mod threads. The purpose of this thread is to provide a place for posters to pose questions to the mods about how policies are applied; to bring to the mods attention posts they think are inappropriate and reach the level of requiring mod action; and for mods to communicate to posters things like changes or clarifications to policies, bannings, etc.

Now let me tell you what this thread is NOT a place for. It is not for nonmoderation related posts, even if the discussion originates from a comment in in a mod related post. It is not for posters to post their opinions about other posters or whether a poster should be banned. It is not to rehash past grievances about mod decisions from months or years ago. The focus of this thread will be recent posts that require action now. Or questions about current policies and enforcement.

So basically, this is a thread to ask mods questions. Which means, pretty much that only mods should be answering those questions. If a poster asks why a particular post was deleted or allowed, only a mod can answer that. Everyone else who wants to jump in with their opinion or their mod war story needs to stay out of it. It just increases the noise to signal ratio and does nothing to answer the question.

Everyone needs to understand that this thread has very different rules than the old mod thread and any other thread. Any non-moderation post will be deleted on sight. Not moved to the appropriate thread, just deleted. So don't waste your time crafting a masterpiece post about wars or transgender issues or the presidential election and then post it in this thread. It will be gone. Also, this isnt a thread for general commentary about our mods performance. Posting "browser sucks as a mod" or any such posts that don't actually ask about a policy or request a mod action will be deleted. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the moderation of this forum. But this thread isnt for complaining about mods. You are free to go to the ATF forum and make your concerns about modding in this forum there.

So with that intro, this thread is open for those who need to bring questions about mod policies or bring inappropriate posts to the mods attention. Again, it is NOT a thread for group discussions about other posters or for other posters to answer questions directed to mods.

We'll see how this goes. If you have what you feel is an open issue raised in the General Discussion Thread, please copy that post or otherwise reintroduce the issue here.


) 15 Views 15
30 January 2024 at 05:27 AM

10133 Replies


Conflating Israel with all Jews is not acceptable and needs to stop, as has been repeatedly outlined in that thread. The accusations of not protecting the Jews in that thread is ridiculous; my own family is Jewish and its deeply insulting. Furthermore, this debate about the I/P thread is over. More posts will just be deleted. Its more than enough.

Brief timeout.

I need to review the past 24 hours without interruption


Only reopening for future posts.

Rehashing the past comments will result in deletions.

Lol, bouton has found some sort of way to hack the forum, and is posting about it in ATF. He PM'd me about it too.

Guess he used his vacation time well!

by d2_e4 k

Lol, bouton has found some sort of way to hack the forum, and is posting about it in ATF. He PM'd me about it too.

Guess he used his vacation time well!

I thought he was only banned from politics.

by chillrob k

I thought he was only banned from politics.

My understanding is that KS either temp- or perma-banned him, which is site-wide, then after some time, someone else allowed him back in as long as he didn't post in politics.

Probably correct. But I don't understand what he is talking about in the ATF thread.

I'm sure it's my lack of understanding of my native language as always though, not his perfectly clear and AI approved posting.

by chillrob k

Probably correct. But I don't understand what he is talking about in the ATF thread.

I'm sure it's my lack of understanding of my native language as always though, not his perfectly clear and AI approved posting.

I think he hacked into or somehow gained access to the mod only forum. He is insinuating that he has done more though, and that there is some sort of data breach. That's my reading, anyway.

I mean, this software is older than Biden, so it's hardly a surprise.

I understand what he is saying

by d2_e4 k

I think he hacked into or somehow gained access to the mod only forum. He is insinuating that he has done more though, and that there is some sort of data breach. That's my reading, anyway.

I mean, this software is older than Biden, so it's hardly a surprise.

What are his demands not to release whatever info he is sitting on?

Maybe if they offer to let him post in P&S again, he will agree to let bygones by bygones and move on.

by Victor k

I understand what he is saying

Well, you are the resident HTML and CSS expert. Care to explain to the rest of the class?

CSS is way too hard for me lol.

by Dunyain k

What are his demands not to release whatever info he is sitting on?

Maybe if they offer to let him post in P&S again, he will agree to let bygones by bygones and move on.

I wonder if he's going to auction off all our email addresses and birthdays on carderplanet or whatever its spiritual successor is these days. Should fetch him about 0 bitcoins if my calculations are correct.

Maybe Todd from pokerfraudalert will throw him a couple of bucks for the user database and spam us all with his forum links lol.

I just can't fathom how anyone has ever been permabanned but this guy hasn't. In all the years I've been here I have never seen a person more deserving, and that's saying a lot.

What is really unfathomable are the motivations of somebody like jbouton. Hacking into these forums? These forums that have been on life support for the last decade that has no sensitive or valuable information, whatsoever?

I don't know how some people find the time to devote their time to that kind of nonsense and also find the time to get the money to feed themselves.

by DonkJr k

What is really unfathomable are the motivations of somebody like jbouton. Hacking into these forums? These forums that have been on life support for the last decade that has no sensitive or valuable information, whatsoever?

I don't know how some people find the time to devote their time to that kind of nonsense and also find the time to get the money to feed themselves.

I think you've got some pretty serious allegations of your own to answer:

Like, are you currently posting while chained to a radiator in Crossnerd's basement?

Bouton managed to lure ChicagoJoey to the ATF thread. I'm trying to get Joey to have bouton on his podcast. This might just be the most epic thing I've ever done for you guys. You can thank me later.

by d2_e4 k

I think you've got some pretty serious allegations of your own to answer:

Like, are you currently posting while chained to a radiator in Crossnerd's basement?

I can choose to leave this basement whenever I want! That's what I was told, anyway.

by DonkJr k

I can choose to leave this basement whenever I want! That's what I was told, anyway.

I said you can check out any time you like..

by Crossnerd k

I said you can check out any time you like..

Solid reference. Used to be my favourite song when I was young enough to have favourite songs.

There’s plenty of room, d2 :p

BTW, you guys really can't deny the entertainment value of JB. It might not be healthy for him to post here, but it sure is healthy for the forum!

by DonkJr k

BTW, you guys really can't deny the entertainment value of JB. It might not be healthy for him to post here, but it sure is healthy for the forum!

100%. The ATF thread is wild. Can't believe he somehow managed to snag Joey over to it lol. I only knew about the thread because he PM'd me for some reason. I guess we're probably friends now because he sees I've never reported him or something? I'm guessing you did and he saw your post reports which is why he now thinks you're part of the grand conspiracy? Who knows.

Doubt I have ever reported one of his posts, but that doesn't exclude me from being part of the conspiracy to keep p2p poker under wraps.

by Crossnerd k

So just an update on this- Luciom has been banned for a month for antisemitic and white supremacist rhetoric.

Bigotry and racism will not be tolerated in this forum in any capacity. Thank you.

A month seems a bit much for what he's been posting. I'd rather not see this place turn into an echo chamber. Plus, he is useful as the forum villain.

by d2_e4 k

A month seems a bit much for what he's been posting. I'd rather not see this place turn into an echo chamber. Plus, he is useful as the forum villain.

As you may have noticed in the I/P moderations that I posted in this thread, Luciom has already been on the path of escalating bans for racist and bigoted posting. The warnings ran out when he posted that “Jews will not replace us” is not a dangerous idea for society.
