El Salvador/Bukele

El Salvador/Bukele

I've posted enough articles about Bukele in the "other news" thread that I figured it was time that he got his own thread.

I'm sure at this point everyone is aware that Bukele has performed something of a miracle in El Salvador-- transforming the country from one of the most dangerous in the world into one of the safest in the Americas, with a murder rate that is now about equal to Canada's.

El Salvador is also one of the only countries to adopt bitcoin as legal tender-- which is now reaping dividends as bitcoin is hitting record highs again. Just yesterday they approved a measure to eliminate taxes on foreign investments, and El Salvador is becoming the model for how poor crime ridden countries can turn themselves around.

Bukele isn't without critics though. He has suspended constitutional law and built a mega prison which houses some 60,000 suspected gang members-- many of whom are being held without charges and I think that poses some really interesting philosophical questions. How many people with face tattoos should be allowed to be locked up without charges so that non-face tattooed people can live without fear of violet crime? What are the circumstances in which constitutional law and basic liberties that we in the West take for granted (or used to take for granted) can be suspended?

13 March 2024 at 04:53 PM

65 Replies
