Project 2025
well played
Saw a blog about an ABC interview with Trump just before Asheville "rally"
Reporter: All these American people suffering with credit card debt, paying for groceries, rent ..... How are you going to fix this terrible problem?
Trump: It is terrible, a very terrible problem, blahblahblah off topic....... How would I.... On November 5th, vote for me. I'll fix the problem.
Viewers: Wat?!??!
Spew: What The Heck was that?
Trump, to put it as simply as possible, is the Republican party’s perfect idiot
A stupid man with zero moral hangups who is a narcissist who loves the glory, the rallies, the grifting, the me me me, the adulation and praise and has neither the mind nor the desire to govern
So of course anything he can outsource so he can just watch tv and speak at his klan rallies he will. Barr latched on for the opportunity to be AG to implement his final solution of absolute executive power cuz trump was too lazy or disinterested to stop it
****ing of course p25 is a real thing. It’s been around for a while before it entered public consciousness. Trump just happened to see a bad reaction to this and is trying to distance himself much like he distanced himself from the covid vaccine when his rallies booed him for it
I really don't blame you guys. We had a nice little laugh at CHAZ being the future of leftism, too.
Life is short. Have fun. But if Project 2025 elevates your heartrate or keeps you up at night, you're doing it wrong.
They're going to remove all government regulation on fossil fuels/pollution, abolish medicare and medicaid, ban abortion, use the FTC to implement Theocracy, blah blah blah.
The only correct response to this is yeahsureokay.gif.
Why does it have to be everything or nothing? It's an aspirational set of policy proposals drafted by people who will be in a position to influence Trump if he is elected. Will all of it be implemented if Trump is elected? Of course not, and for a variety of reasons. But that seems a poor reason to not care about any of it.
Project 2025 is like the CHAZ of the right wingers.
Sure, maybe it was cooked up by people with much higher intellect, but it's no less delusional to think it'll catch on at scale. It's all fun to think about until you realize that you're reliant on the rest of society to carry your water for you.
Go home, SRM, you're drunk.
Leave this boogeyman in the closet where it belongs.
They said the same of roe v Wade reversal attempts for a long while.
Not sure what you mean with the water carrying metaphor but it's not implausible to think it's possible to enlarge the number of federal employees that the president can fire at will at ranks that are currently lifetime civil servants.
Or to ban DEI from the federal government, that actually just requires a well crafted EO
Why would it be impossible?
In a thread full of piss poor arguments why Project 2025 shouldn't be a serious concern (or, in Luciom's case, cause for celebration), Inso0 has managed to exceed all expectations and come up with the worst one yet.
Why does it have to be everything or nothing? It's an aspirational set of policy proposals drafted by people who will be in a position to influence Trump if he is elected. Will all of it be implemented if Trump is elected? Of course not, and for a variety of reasons. But that seems a poor reason to not care about any of it.
Ok but let's discuss the feasible policies then, what scares you? At most I can understand you disliking them, but that would be true in general of any administration that isn't close to your political preferences right?
Gutting a lot of regulations for fossil fuel and other things is EXPECTED from republicans, it's not a recent MAGA thing, especially given democrats introduce more regulations and Republicand thought it was too much already 20 years ago.
What else would you expect, them to just allow democrats to increase regulations every time they are in power, and do nothing to reverse it when they get power? I don't understand what you expect from politics.
I mean I do, you would like fake-rightwing policy platforms like the Tories or le republicaine or the CDU, that only somewhat slow the "inevitability" of an ever increasing state.
Well Americans on the right aren't like that (thankfully for the world)
Gotta at least respect Lucio a tiny bit for at least being open about his fascism.
Mussolini enacted the widest reforms of public education nationwide in Italian history, which we kept for a large part for 5+ decades, including giving massive curricula and hiring powers to a central ministry in Rome.
So called "riforma Gentile" (gentile being Mussolini minister for education for several years) still forming the backbone of our education system.
Project 2025 wants to dismantle the DoE and remove any role for the federal government on the topic.
Mussolini called the "riforma Gentile" the most fascist of reforms.
Wanting to control education in a centralized way IS FASCISM, at it's core, a crucial element to bring about totalitarianism.
If you don't control education everywhere in the nation the People won't ever buy your bullshit enough in a coordinated way to give you a permanent power base.
Centralized education is indispensable for totalitarian ideology to take roots, decentralizing it as much as possible is a very strong way to protect the nation against any form of nationwide insane ideology.
People end up being too diverse at their core culture wise, which is a gigantic benefit.
Ok but let's discuss the feasible policies then, what scares you? At most I can understand you disliking them, but that would be true in general of any administration that isn't close to your political preferences right?
Project 2025's plans for the Justice Department couldn't be implemented overnight. But they could be implemented over a couple of terms. Virtually everything that they have proposed related to the Justice Department is highly objectionable.
I also have little enthusiasm for gutting the EPA or replacing long term employees of the State Department with presidential loyalists.
I strongly disagree with using the Insurrection Act as a basis to deploy the U.S. military for domestic law enforcement, but it is worryingly possible.
I could go on. I obviously am omitting things that I view as unachievable.
The overarching theme is that I am wary of efforts to amplify the power of the presidency. This is my view regardless of who is president, but it would be especially worrisome if Trump were president.
Mussolini enacted the widest reforms of public education nationwide in Italian history, which we kept for a large part for 5+ decades, including giving massive curricula and hiring powers to a central ministry in Rome.
So called "riforma Gentile" (gentile being Mussolini minister for education for several years) still forming the backbone of our education system.
Project 2025 wants to dismantle the DoE and remove any role for the federal government on the topic.
It's very funny that your main objection to Mussolini's governance is that he spent too much on education.
Project 2025's plans for the Justice Department couldn't be implemented overnight. But they could be implemented over a couple of terms. Virtually everything that they have proposed related to the Justice Department is highly objectionable.
I also have little enthusiasm for gutting the EPA or replacing long term employees of the State Department with presidential loyalists.
I strongly disagree with using the Insurrection Act as a basis to deploy the U.S. military for domestic law enforcement, b
Which of those proposals is MAGA though? The 3 you listed are long term republican proposals. So the scare comes because they wrote them down even if we all knew they always wanted to achieve that? Transparently?
Eisenhower used the insurrection act to desegregate schools so it's not like we are talking hypotheticals. And I don't think you strongly disagreed with that.
EPA has been hated by republicans since Reagan lol. Gorsuch mother was appointed by Reagan to stab it repeatedly, to make EPA bleed. And she did. Unfortunately then Reagan backed down.
Bush Jr tried in various ways to make a mockery out of EPA as well.
With this I don't mean you have to "agree". But it's not news, it's old time rightwing preferences
Which of those proposals is MAGA though? The 3 you listed are long term republican proposals. So the scare comes because they wrote them down even if we all knew they always wanted to achieve that? Transparently?
Eisenhower used the insurrection act to desegregate schools so it's not like we are talking hypotheticals. And I don't think you strongly disagreed with that.
EPA has been hated by republicans since Reagan lol. Gorsuch mother was appointed by Reagan to stab it repeatedly, to make EPA blee
Not all of this was part of the Republican playbook prior to Trump.
In any case, you asked me for examples of policy proposals from Project 2025 that I found alarming. You didn't ask me which parts I thought were peculiar to MAGA.
Not all of this was part of the Republican playbook prior to Trump.
In any case, you asked me for examples of policy proposals from Project 2025 that I found alarming. You didn't ask me which parts I thought were peculiar to MAGA.
Yes to try to understand if you are alarmed by MAGA, or generically by the right.
It seems the latter, something that wouldn't change with a principled rightwing candidate, so it's not about Trump.
Actually Trump should scare you less given he cares less, just a simple RDS would be able to enact more of p25 than Trump ever could.
Especially if republicans get a trifecta (trump is also bad at whipping votes in Congress).
Anyway we live in the present not in counterfactuals so we will never know for sure
No. It's both, and the latter in large part because it has merged into the former.
I did not agree that all the aspects of Project 2025 that I highlighted would have amounted to generic GOP stuff pre-Trump. Gutting the EPA has been a long time priority. Eliminating the historical independence of the Justice Department was not a GOP priority before Trump. Nor was replacing long-time State Department employees with sycophants.
There was a lower focus against civil servants in decades past by the GOP because civil servants didn't skew pro democrats (or just against republicans) like they do today.
But when they did, republicans never used gloves with them. Even with those who previously looked pro republican.
11k air traffic controllers went brrrr
Surely Reagan did so applying the law, but the application was discretionary.
And republicans now want the same option for civil servants who refuse to enact an admin policy platform: in more than one sense, those actions can be as grave as striking if not worse.
I disagree that MAGA somehow is a break from long standing republican positions domestically.
I do agree it is a break with Washington consensus economic policies which an abundant majority of republicans adhered to though (tariffs, free trade in general, off shoring and so on). That's the new part that personally scares me.
The old part that scares me is the christian values thing, but I am very confident in courts making them impossible
There was a lower focus against civil servants in decades past by the GOP because civil servants didn't skew pro democrats (or just against republicans) like they do today.
The civil service skews anti-Trump in part because they have a better understanding of government than most people and thus greater trepidation about Trump.
I have no particular reason to believe that the civil service is more inherently blue than it was 15 years ago.
So i spent 11 minutes to learn that the ultra detailed, department by department, list of bureaucratic steps necessary to achieve what they transparently want and tell everyone they want, won't be published, to avoid scrutiny by leftists which could come up with counter measures.
Pretty reasonable and what would be the bad part?
It's still just about which policies you like and which you don't.
They listed by passing many policies and the only one that I dislike is federal intrusion in the topic of
I missed this gem. We are operating in two very different realities if you think that’s going on. This same DoJ investigated Biden, Hunter, and arrested a relatively influential democratic legislator for corruption.
I missed this gem. We are operating in two very different realities if you think that’s going on. This same DoJ investigated Biden, Hunter, and arrested a relatively influential democratic legislator for corruption.
It investigated Biden, then decided not to prosecute because he was a very forgetful old man that would look too weak for a jury to convict, and when asked to produce the videos of the interviews that generated such a shocking, unprecedented assessment of a sitting president, with immense implications for national security among other things, refused to do so because of executive privilege.
So independent.
What the actual **** is wrong with you?
It investigated Biden, then decided not to prosecute because he was a very forgetful old man that would look too weak for a jury to convict, and when asked to produce the videos of the interviews that generated such a shocking, unprecedented assessment of a sitting president, with immense implications for national security among other things, refused to do so because of executive privilege.
So independent.
The recommendation not to prosecute came from Robert Hur, a Republican. And the statement in his report that Biden would come across to a jury as elderly and forgetful was extremely problematic for Biden.
You would have to be on a another planet to cite that investigation and report as an example of the Biden administration undermining the independence of the DOJ.
It investigated Biden, then decided not to prosecute because he was a very forgetful old man that would look too weak for a jury to convict, and when asked to produce the videos of the interviews that generated such a shocking, unprecedented assessment of a sitting president, with immense implications for national security among other things, refused to do so because of executive privilege.
So independent.
This again ?
After tens of millions of dollars and countless months spend , they found nothing but all the fitness and evidences being false and some from Russian assets ….
I really don't blame you guys. We had a nice little laugh at CHAZ being the future of leftism, too.
Life is short. Have fun. But if Project 2025 elevates your heartrate or keeps you up at night, you're doing it wrong.
They're going to remove all government regulation on fossil fuels/pollution, abolish medicare and medicaid, ban abortion, use the FTC to implement Theocracy, blah blah blah.
The only correct response to this is yeahsureokay.gif.
I wonder when the light bulb in your head will turn on and realize , based on your awful prediction of trump perception in the republics party being finish last year for example , that your old view and knowledge of the the republicans party is over !
You yourself are a rino now just not knowing it :p
So yea with this new crazy Maga Republican Party leftovers , project 2025 is far from being an empty vessel .
Just look how luciom is jumping up and down on the sofa with excitement ….
So yes sorry to say but your knowledge of the heart of this gop is far from being accurate anymore , welcome to the Democratic Party , we have a great centerish brand just for you .
I haven't dug into it much, but Project 2025 feels like CRT where one side is wetting their pants and the other side is claiming it doesn't exist.
It investigated Biden, then decided not to prosecute because he was a very forgetful old man that would look too weak for a jury to convict, and when asked to produce the videos of the interviews that generated such a shocking, unprecedented assessment of a sitting president, with immense implications for national security among other things, refused to do so because of executive privilege.
So independent.
Hur's report drew that distinction, saying, "Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it."
"In contrast," the report said, "Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview and in other ways cooperated with the investigation."
His special counsel was a Republican who blasted him as being forgetful and old, but yeah it’s totally evidence of a two-tier justice system.