The Democratic Party's Slide Into Irrelevance

The Democratic Party's Slide Into Irrelevance

Attaching a poll ... Dems unfavorability rating increased from 45% to 57% during the Biden Administration.

This is a party with no internal debate about priorities. Bernie Sanders is a lone leftist voice in a party which is unabashedly capitalist.

Strength in politics comes from winning over the people. It comes from popularity and a willingness to engage in fierce debate. There is no debate within the Democratic Party. Name two Democrats who lock horns over policy ..... bet you can't.

Who is leading the opposition to Trump and the GOP ? There is no voice. No alpha character. No coherent philosophy. No anger which mirrors the mood of the electorate.

The most successful Democratic POTUS was FDR. Elected 4x. He wouldn't be welcome in the neoliberal economic paradigm of the party today,

Everything changed when the dominant Boomer generation graduated college , entered the work force and decided they didn't want to pay taxes. Reagan delivered that. He won 49 states in 1984 and the Democrats morphed into Republicans. Obama admitted it. He claimed in 2012 that his policies were moderate and the equivalent of an 80's Republican.

The greatest "fake news" is the labeling of Democrats as leftists. LOL. We don't have a labor party in America. We are the only country that bankrupts our citizens through medical bills and education. Democrats don't try to stop that.

Republicans don't either, but that has been their traditional role for the lasty century.

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03 February 2025 at 11:49 PM

95 Replies


Democrat Irrelevancy is a wholly positive thing...
what person in their 'right mind' would support a party of slavery (economic slavery and Human slavery), a party of Big Government spending and fiscal irresponsibility, a party of WAR, a party of historical Nepotism.

I judge a party by the content of it's character, not by the color of it's flag

by MSchu18 k

Democrat Irrelevancy is a wholly positive thing...
what person in their 'right mind' would support a party of slavery (economic slavery and Human slavery), a party of Big Government spending and fiscal irresponsibility, a party of WAR, a party of historical Nepotism.

I judge a party by the content of it's character, not by the color of it's flag

a party that financed and defended riots in 50+ cities, where entire neighbourhoods were burnt down, because a criminal with a heinous history of previous crimes, died under police custody while high on fentanyl.

It's interesting because the GOP has long been just an opposition party to what they see as excesses from the Dems but Trump has given them an excuse to switch roles a bit there.

by Luciom k

a party that financed and defended riots in 50+ cities, where entire neighbourhoods were burnt down, because a criminal with a heinous history of previous crimes, died under police custody while high on fentanyl.

You're switching the topic.

The OP discusses the Democrats adoption of neoliberal capitalism and effectively creating one economic party with two names. Dems and GOP.

The BLM protests and the Charlottesville white supremacist marches are just noise.

The economic system is the big deal. It only aggregates wealth into fewer and fewer hands. Both parties are the same when it comes to our political solar system. We orbit around money, not the well being of the average citizen.

One could even enlighten the conversation by pointing out that the Democrat party has ALWAYS BEEN irrelevant... since the inception of the southern nations fight to try and hold onto their 'god given rights' to own other Human Beings for enslavement.

Most certainly post 1963, after the Party conspired to overthrow their own sitting President... they are FOREVER Irrelevant!

by MSchu18 k

One could even enlighten the conversation by pointing out that the Democrat party has ALWAYS BEEN irrelevant... since the inception of the southern nations fight to try and hold onto their 'god given rights' to own other Human Beings for enslavement.

Most certainly post 1963, after the Party conspired to overthrow their own sitting President... they are FOREVER Irrelevant!

Johnson and the Dem Congress created Medicare after 1963. That was relevant to some.

But I kinda agree, I think FDR was a relevant Democrat. I'd like to see a recincarnation.

Would someone like to discuss the similarities and differences between the two parties when it comes to economic policy ?

Or are the similarities so great that you don't want to acknowledge them and just keep changing the subject ??

I believe WE can do better.

I believe we could have better and more affordable health care.
I believe we should strive for a cleaner, more inhabitable planet.
I believe we should try to lift up those that have historically had a foot planted on their head.
I believe that helping people around the world (foreign aid) is a good thing.
I believe our leaders should be held up to, at minimum, the same standard of integrity and honesty that you would expect from anyone else.
I believe that people striving to have a better life shouldn't be branded as criminals.
I believe education is important.
I believe that the wealth of the nation should not be funneled into the pockets of a very few.
I believe our children deserve to go to school without armed guards patrolling, and are allowed to stay in school without fear of being yanked away from everything they know.
I believe there are too many people dying and too many families torn apart from needless gun violence.

Not a single republican I know believes any of this. Why would I ever vote for one.

by biggerboat k

I believe WE can do better.

I believe we could have better and more affordable health care.
I believe we should strive for a cleaner, more inhabitable planet.
I believe we should try to lift up those that have historically had a foot planted on their head.
I believe that helping people around the world (foreign aid) is a good thing.
I believe our leaders should be held up to, at minimum, the same standard of integrity and honesty that you would expect from anyone else.
I believe that people striving

Well yes you sound like Sanders so why would you vote republican?

by biggerboat k

I believe WE can do better.

I believe we could have better and more affordable health care. Democrats do not believe that either
I believe we should strive for a cleaner, more inhabitable planet. Sounds great how?
I believe we should try to lift up those that have historically had a foot planted on their head. Hand up not a hand out
I believe that helping people around the world (foreign aid) is a good thing. Yes but only if wee care for our own people first and a hand up not a hand out
I beli

I think saying not a single republican in office believes this and democrats as well

by Nut Nut k

Attaching a poll ... Dems unfavorability rating increased from 45% to 57% during the Biden Administration.

This is a party with no internal debate about priorities. Bernie Sanders is a lone leftist voice in a party which is unabashedly capitalist.

Strength in politics comes from winning over the people. It comes from popularity and a willingness to engage in fierce debate. There is no debate within the Democratic Party. Name two

By the available evidence, you just had the most progressive administration in US politics post-WW2. This made a lot of progressives very angry, the far left even angrier and caused a lot of bitter infighting.

These days, you are all joined together in (un)happy opposition, agreeing on all the things you oppose. The far left doesn't have to reflect on the fact that many progressives aren't really on the far left, and progressives can blissfully ignore that the far left is often remarkably non-progressive.

I try to avoid political social media like the plague, but I to on occasion take a glance so as to not live in complete ignorance of trends, and most of what you see from the left seems to be pathetic "resist!" memes, that tell of a movement that seems very content with being a victim.

If you want influence in a political party as movement, you have to deliver value. This means votes, boots on the ground and as is the case in the US, finances.

Progressivism is just a more palatable name for Social Reform and thusly Socialism...

No one cares about your personal plight to find relevancy, we all are born drowning in irrelevancy just as we are born only knowing life. It is irrelevancy that you must learn to deal with.

'ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country'

by MSchu18 k

Progressivism is just a more palatable name for Social Reform and thusly Socialism...

This is ignorant.

by MSchu18 k

No one cares about your personal plight to find relevancy, we all are born drowning in irrelevancy just as we are born only knowing life. It is irrelevancy that you must learn to deal with.

I haven't described any personal plights. Learn to read.

by MSchu18 k

'ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country'

This is a platitude.

You're a grown man. Try your own thoughts instead of memes and Tweets.

Lindy Li really exposed some **** if she is to be believed on Shawn Ryan podcast about the dems.

by tame_deuces k

If you want influence in a political party as movement, you have to deliver value. This means votes, boots on the ground and as is the case in the US, finances.

"The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work."
-Thomas Sowell

----This is the crux of the issue. As you said, this administration was particularly far left, which mean it was particularly inept. Ironically, because Trumpism will most likely be so dysfunctional for different reasons, the Democrat party may get away with just running it back and forcing the people to pick what they believe to be the lesser evil (again). But that wont change the fundamental problem.

by Dunyain k

"The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work."
-Thomas Sowell

----This is the crux of the issue. As you said, this administration was particularly far left, which mean it was particularly inept. Ironically, because Trumpism will most likely be so dysfunctional for different reasons, the Democrat party may get away with just running it back and forcing the people to pick what they believe to be the lesser evil (again). But that wont change the fundame

Nah, I don't think it was inept. While its progressive policies aren't terribly important to my political tastes, I think it was a very good administration, probably the best you have had in many decades. Since you as a nation have willingly driven your politics off a cliff, it is also the best you will have had for a very, very long time.

It was however completely outdone in the arena of social media, which is the arena where public perception is formed and elections are decided. It doesn't really matter anymore for your political popularity in the US if you are accomplish anything worthwhile and it certainly doesn't matter that you try to accomplish anything the right way. What matters is if you have influencers willing to sell you to the public.

Just take a look at this forum. Pretty much everything that is debated are memes, half-truths and hot takes from social media, and the debate is completely dominated by discussing popular or controversial political figureheads which by all available evidence are complete morons.

by ntanygd760 k

Lindy Li really exposed some **** if she is to be believed on Shawn Ryan podcast about the dems.

Don't believe anything the grifter class says. This lady was a Democratic con-artist, saw which way the wind was blowing, and became a Republican con-artist. These people have no principles whatsoever other than personal enrichment and will tell any lie conceivable to that end.

by Dunyain k

"The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work."
-Thomas Sowell

----This is the crux of the issue. As you said, this administration was particularly far left, which mean it was particularly inept. Ironically, because Trumpism will most likely be so dysfunctional for different reasons, the Democrat party may get away with just running it back and forcing the people to pick what they believe to be the lesser evil (again). But that wont change the fundame

I prefer Thomas Sowell's other quote: "I am a very basic moron who conservatives love for no good reason"

A "far left" administration that gave Israel infinite bombs, failed to levy significant tax raises on the super-rich, reneged on the $2000 checks they all promised as COVID relief (remember that ****? They gave 1400 and were like "Trump gave you 600, can you do math?!?!?"), actively opposed legit universal healthcare (while giving lip service to victims of said industry)...

You can't do everything needed to prop up American capitalism AND be "far left". It's not possible.

by ntanygd760 k

This YouTube guy is the one famous for living in extreme filth 😆

I saw down through a bit of that dreck. Yeesh. The Democratic Party may be cooked, but it's not because of the Pronoun Madness that you people are extraordinarily obsessed about.

by Karl_TheOG_Marx k

Don't believe anything the grifter class says. This lady was a Democratic con-artist, saw which way the wind was blowing, and became a Republican con-artist. These people have no principles whatsoever other than personal enrichment and will tell any lie conceivable to that end.

I prefer Thomas Sowell's other quote: "I am a very basic moron who conservatives love for no good reason"

A "far left" administration that gave Israel infinite bombs, failed to levy significant tax raises on the super-ri

A few democrat senators 2021-25 were not leftist and saved america yes.

The administration tried it's best to do as many radical leftist things as it could, often abusing the constitution to achieve that (like when they illegally tried to forfeit 500+ bln in student loans).

It's not the admin that can raise taxes. It's not the admin that passed COVID relief. It's not the admin that decides about "universal healthcare". It's congress, with a few non-leftist democrats sitting there.

If those democrats were actual leftists, they wouldn't have won their seats to begin with and the Biden admin wouldn't even have had the senate to begin with, so it's not like you can "blame" those non-leftist democrats for anything you would have wanted to see. They still allowed you to get more leftism that what you would have got if they were actually leftist.
