Knowing what you know

Knowing what you know

This may be a dumb thread idea, but I'm going to give it a try. I would be curious to know what topics (related to P&S) posters believe they have relative expertise in and what topics posters believe they do not have relative expertise in:

Here are the areas where I believe that I have the most to offer:

1) U.S. law, especially civil law
2) 2007-2008 financial crisis
3) Comparative political theory
4) Strategic campaign politics (i.e., analyzing why politicians do what they do and why they believe it will benefit them at the polls)
5) The intersection between technology and domestic U.S. politics.

And here are the areas where I believe I have the least to offer:

1) Military strategy
2) International diplomacy
3) Domestic politics in countries other than the U.S.
4) Optimal solutions for huge policy questions such as how to control the spiraling cost of health care and education or what to do about the environment. I obviously can think about these issues from a moral standpoint, but the nuances of optimal policy are well beyond my expertise.
5) Local politics outside of NYC

FWIW, I think this will be more interesting if people don't the thread as an opportunity to mock other posters for the areas in which they believe that have relative expertise.

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07 February 2025 at 04:02 PM

61 Replies
