Is America becoming a tiered society
When we choose housing, we're not choosing the house or apartment but rather the neighborhood it is with its ensuing HOA and school districts.
Transportation is intentionally stamped down - wealthy suburbs regularly put down and reject all motions to connect them to urban job centers with public transportation like light rail and bus lines - this is because they will drive to work no matter what and don't want the poors encroaching into their neighborhoods
When we fly, certain people pay a subscription fee in order to skip some lines

they market it as "you are a pre-screened and trusted traveler so we don't need to look you over as thoroughly - but in practicality it's auto enrollment (they literally have signup kiosks at the airport) and all it does it put you at the front of the line, you still do the same exact screening process as everyone else - so you're really buying the amusement park equivalent of a pass to skip lines
we're now seeing highways segmented where certain lanes have tolls and others don't

this punishes the poor twice over because it causes artificially high traffic because the end result is what should be a freely flowing 3 lane highway becomes a congest 2 lane highway with minimal usage of the 3rd lane
Stratification of some sort is inherent in our biology. We are pack animals and require hierarchy for decision making.
So the appropriate question is not "Are we becoming a tiered society ?" We always have been and always will ..... until our eventual demise as a species.
The better question is whether the mechanism of stratification is serving us well as a species. And the stratification based upon money which is derived through the exploitation of limited natural resources is absolutely not leading to a good outcome for our species in terms of longevity.
If we value the longevity of our species, we need a different method of determining who sits at the top of the hierarchy.
Does TSA pre really have same screening process as errybody else?
Anyway, the answer to your question is yes
Stratification of some sort is inherent in our biology. We are pack animals and require hierarchy for decision making.
So the appropriate question is not "Are we becoming a tiered society ?" We always have been and always will ..... until our eventual demise as a species.
The better question is whether the mechanism of stratification is serving us well as a species. And the stratification based upon money which is derived through the exploitation of limited natural resources is absolutely not le
It is kind of a game theory problem. Capitalism is so short term productive, that other systems just cant compete. So any player that tries a different strategy instantly puts themself at such a tremendous short term disadvantage they never make it to the long term.
It is kind of a game theory problem. Capitalism is so short term productive, that other systems just cant compete. So any player that tries a different strategy instantly puts themself at such a tremendous short term disadvantage they never make it to the long term.
That's an excellent description of the problem.
But the long-term problems we have long ignored are now revealing themselves in the present. Revolution is upon us. There will be a violent fascist interval followed by a progressive interval.
It happens over and over again in human history. Eventually it will cease when humans go extinct.
That's an excellent description of the problem.
But the long-term problems we have long ignored are now revealing themselves in the present. Revolution is upon us. There will be a violent fascist interval followed by a progressive interval.
It happens over and over again in human history. Eventually it will cease when humans go extinct.
This is sort of a segue, but your thoughts about how humans own nature seem to work against their long term survival remind me of a sci-fi short I saw a few years ago. The Netflix series Love, Death, Robots: Season 3 Episode "Swarm"
It is like 10 minutes, so I recommend just watching it, but if you aren't interested, here is a very quick synopsis and how it relates to your argument:
A couple scientists discover a new species of seemingly unintelligent swarm like creatures. They study the creatures as a means to try to figure out how to best conquer and make use of them. This threat triggers a survival response where the swarm "turns on" an intelligence program to combat the human threat. The intelligence program tells the scientists this has happened countless times before, and it just temporarily turns on and assimilates threatening species and reduces them to unintelligent harmless symbiotic parts of the swarm, and then presumably turns itself off again until the next threat.
The "intelligent" program then tells the human scientist that intelligence is not a good survival strategy, but at the same time as long as he (the swarm program) is sentient he hopes the scientist will cooperate so he doesn't have to kill him, so he has someone to talk to and isn't so bored.
is love death and robots worth watching, remember seeing a trailer for it and thinking it'd be dope but then never heard of it again so just assumed it bombed
is love death and robots worth watching, remember seeing a trailer for it and thinking it'd be dope but then never heard of it again so just assumed it bombed
3 seasons. 30+ episodes total. Obviously some episodes were better than others, but overall I really enjoy the series, and watch each new season the second it becomes available. Some episodes are deeper than others, but a lot of episodes touch on themes you find in a lot of sci fi material, eg. dealing with mans place in the universe, are we alone, our relationship with technology, will we even have a future, etc.
The first season, which was pre-woke had a lot of nudity and gore, which are common in sci fi historically. The last 2 seasons which took place during peak woke much less of this. I prefer the nudity and gore, so hope Season 4 goes back. But will watch regardless.
3 seasons. 30+ episodes total. Obviously some episodes were better than others, but overall I really enjoy the series, and watch each new season the second it becomes available. Some episodes are deeper than others, but a lot of episodes touch on themes you find in a lot of sci fi material, eg. dealing with mans place in the universe, are we alone, our relationship with technology, will we even have a future, etc.
The first season, which was pre-woke had a lot of nudity and gore, which are co
thanks will check it out
i'm a massive scifi fan and even like a bunch of shows that others don't care for much like raised by wolves
your thoughts about how humans own nature seem to work against their long term survival ......
Let's keep in mind that human nature has HISTORICALLY been beneficial to our collective survival throughout the vast majority of our several hundred thousand years of history.
Let's also keep in mind that several hundred thousand years is a geologic instant when you consider that alligators have been around for a hundred million years.
The problem that humans have is the EXPLOSION of waste products such as carbon dioxide and ubiquitous microplastics which have arisen subsequent to the industrial revolution.
In 1750, there were 800M humans exhaling 0.4 tons of CO2 per year per person. Or 0.32 gigatons in total.
In 2025, there are over 8B humans with a carbon footprint of 5 tons per person per year. Of 40 gigatons in total.
The human CO2 footprint has increased by 130x in 275 years. We live by a relatively laissez faire economic system which fails to regulate INVISIBLE GARBAGE. You can't throw solid waste onto your neighbors lawn or in the public streets. But we have no rules to provide regulatory authority over invisible garbage and humans are overly dependent upon visual senses. Most people are not educated to understand the world we can't see so it's easy for politicians to persuade them that everything is OK. Out of sight = out of mind.
If we define intelligence as tending to our survival, personal desires and addictions in the short-term, humans are geniuses. If we define intelligence as having the ability to cooperate for the longevity of our species, we're morons.
I feel like TSA precheck is a bad example of poors being "priced out". It's 80 bucks for 5 years. And IIRC there are ways to get it discounted/free.
It is kind of a game theory problem. Capitalism is so short term productive, that other systems just cant compete. So any player that tries a different strategy instantly puts themself at such a tremendous short term disadvantage they never make it to the long term.
Capitalism is also fully compatible with the best long term planning possible. It doesn't happen automatically though (same as it doesn't in collectivist societies).
It's one of the many things that are inherently problematic for human societies (the tension between the short term and the long term), the capitalism/socialism axis has nothing to do with it, yet critics of capitalism see what they consider a lack of long term planning currently (and btw they are deeply wrong about that), and attribute it to capitalism because it's happening under a capitalism system.
Same happens with a lot of things like wars , greed and so on.
Empty statement.
No science or logic to back it up.
We're no different than bacteria in a petri dish Lucifer. Or deer in a patch of grassland with no predators.
We keep consuming until we exceed our carrying capacity and then our population plummets like Wile E Coyote after he runs off a cliff.
Capitalism doesn't provide immunity from nature.
Empty statement.
No science or logic to back it up.
We're no different than bacteria in a petri dish Lucifer. Or deer in a patch of grassland with no predators.
We keep consuming until we exceed our carrying capacity and then our population plummets like Wile E Coyote after he runs off a cliff.
Capitalism doesn't provide immunity from nature.
LOL is your way of saying that you have no counter argument. It's your white flag of surrender.
I accept your submission and acknowledgement of defeat Lucifer.
When the future commies take over the wreckage that late stage capitalism inflicts on the world, they'll come find the folks like you and find a nice work camp for you. That's your karma dude.
LOL is your way of saying that you have no counter argument. It's your white flag of surrender.
I accept your submission and acknowledgement of defeat Lucifer.
When the future commies take over the wreckage that late stage capitalism inflicts on the world, they'll come find the folks like you and find a nice work camp for you. That's your karma dude.
all it does is move them to the front of the line though, it serves literally no actual "pre-check" purpose whatsoever
This is incorrect. I don't have to take my shoes off. I don't have to take the laptop out of the bag. I don't need to take toiletries out of the bag. I also don't have to wait for idiots in front of me that are shocked that doing all that stuff applies to them. Doesn't seem like much, but it makes the entire experience better.
Always has been
This is incorrect. I don't have to take my shoes off. I don't have to take the laptop out of the bag. I don't need to take toiletries out of the bag. I also don't have to wait for idiots in front of me that are shocked that doing all that stuff applies to them. Doesn't seem like much, but it makes the entire experience better.
has this been confirmed that was due to subscription service?
i fly a lot, often have these people put in line in front of me
not once have i noticed any difference whatsoever
and airports are not consistent in their screenings, i only need to take off my shoes and laptop about half the time anyway and not once been asked to take toiletries out
I don't know what you mean by this. It's what happens to me and every other person in the Pre Check line.
i've never seen separate lines (but haven't looked hard since i'm just a lowly peasant who isn't looking for the tsa precheck lines) what i've seen is something like this

This is exactly what SEA-TAC has which I just flew out of
i've been to many airports that run 2 lines into the same exact security screening areas, the peons are on the left and the tsa precheck take the express lane straight to the front
everyone goes though the same exact checking process
and whether or not i need to take off my shoes or take out my laptop is basically 50/50 depending on the airport and the day
Well, it's been a long time since I've not been Pre Check so if they have eased up the requirements I don't experience it. But in our small local airport that I use 95% of the time where there is only one line every one else has to do those things and I don't have to. (I do get to go to the front of it, but it really doesn't matter because the longest line ever is about five people.) Coming back through larger airports it looks like everyone else is sitting down putting their shoes back on.
Global Entry is the real perk. No going through immigration after a long flight home is key.