Did you vote for Reagan?

Did you vote for Reagan?

Libertarianism, neoliberalism and free market capitalism are on the rise as ideologies.

Lots of young people are jumping on the train. And I feel there's a cyclical (40yr) phenomenon here.

I figure there's a lot of older people on this site who may have lived the previous cycle, so I was wondering if you have any thoughts, and if you regret it or do you still support these ideas.


P.S: Votes are secret.

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01 March 2025 at 10:46 PM

11 Replies

Reagan was before my time.

by LoveThee k

I feel there's a cyclical phenomenon here.


that is already a conclusion... cynicism.
how can you expect a true accounting when you already have assumed the outcome.

by LoveThee k

Libertarianism, neoliberalism and free market capitalism are on the rise as ideologies.

this ^ doesn't even make sense...

by LoveThee k

Libertarianism, neoliberalism and free market capitalism are on the rise as ideologies.

Lots of young people are jumping on the train. And I feel there's a cyclical (40yr) phenomenon here.

I figure there's a lot of older people on this site who may have lived the previous cycle, so I was wondering if you have any thoughts, and if you regret it or do you still support these ideas.


P.S: Votes are secret.

Not from my time, and not from my country.

Pendulum is always swinging, these ideas will definitely come back, maybe in some different form, then later as the economic pendulum swings, you will get a crisis and voters will vote those ideas out for "newer" ones.

I'm definitely pro the free market, and though vary of the risks of capitalism I think it is a good model to balance supply / demand. I'm no libertarian as defined by voluntarists, but generally when doing the compass test or similar political tests I tend to score near max on the libertarian axis.

But I have never really trusted these terms in the hands of a conservative, as they mostly play lip service to them. And although I might be very old-fashioned in my personal life, the conservative ideal that this should somehow be the basis for how others lead their lives has always been loathsome to me. By extension I'm also allergic to morality laws, I hate censorship in art and I distrust any government process that is done without transparency.

So, my reasoning is split. I could probably vote for the ideals you list, but not when they are wielded by someone like Reagan.

As for whether I did back then, I'm too young and I'm not American.

I could not legally vote when Reagan ran for president so I assume MAGA will think I voted for Dukakis

I voted for Reagan.

He is rolling in his grave knowing what Trump is doing.

by biggerboat k

I voted for Reagan.

He is rolling in his grave knowing what Trump is doing.


Siding w/ Russia would have killed RR

by King Spew k

Siding w/ Russia would have killed RR

Is that all we had to do to get rid of the senile prick? I would have signed right up.

No. I wasn't old enough to vote yet. But I just watched a video of Don Rickles performing at Reagan's inaugural, and they cut to a few shots of Nancy and Ron laughing at the jokes. If I was old enough and had seen that, there's a good chance I would have voted for him because I also find Don Rickles funny.

I would have.
