Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

Donald J. Trump (For everyone else except Victor)

I assume it's still acceptable to have a Trump thread in a Politics forum?

So this is an obvious lie - basically aimed at

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28 April 2019 at 04:18 AM

11015 Replies


by Montrealcorp k

But not all liquidity are good .
Look at the yen 😀

I had a lot of liquidity yesterday, I think coming from a BBQ I went to at the weekend...definitely not good.

Back on topic please

TheHill: Trump campaign fundraising email says he was ‘tortured’ in jail

“I want you to remember what they did to me. They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail, and TOOK MY MUGSHOT. So guess what? I put it on a mug for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE!” the fundraising email said.


Time for MAGA to open their wallets and right this wrong with more donations.

I didn't think he was ever even put in the jail.

by chillrob k

I didn't think he was ever even put in the jail.

That's the joke.

Big if true. My donation is on its way. To the Fulton Country Jail.

by pocket_zeros k

TheHill: Trump campaign fundraising email says he was ‘tortured’ in jail

It would be interesting to see Trump asked in a debate about these sorts of outright lies in his fundraising communications.

by Rococo k

It would be interesting to see Trump asked in a debate about these sorts of outright lies in his fundraising communications.

He'd probably just respond with some non sequitur about sharks and batteries or how he (supposedly) scraped by in a dementia test half a decade ago. All to the rapturous applause of his cultists.

Trump’s familiar pitch to Black voters.

Speaking to a largely white audience, on his pitch to
African Americans: "What the hell do you have to lose?

Dem's familiar pitch to black voters: It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the Republicans again.

That doesn’t make much sense. Biden only got the nomination because black voters strongly preferred him out of all democrats running. That line applies more to white liberals.

by ecriture d'adulte k

That doesn’t make much sense. Biden only got the nomination because black voters strongly preferred him out of all democrats running. That line applies more to white liberals.

Why blacks support people like Biden is a whole topic. Part of it is corrupt clergy. Poor, uneducated people don't sit around reading about politics. With Bernie in particular there was some antisemitism and some "he's not Christian" etc.

Obviously though, they suffer the most from no healthcare, no holidays, no vacation, no paternity leave, the war on drugs, low wages, high rents. Clinton "ending welfare as we know it" stratospheric education costs and other such policies favored by both parties.

I'm sure many of them see that there are few material improvements under dems. It's true that this applies to many non blacks also.

Part of Trumps appeal, especially when he won is the outsider who is probably evil but might not be.

Dems have really failed to understand that when selecting Biden and Hillary, who had decades of crapping all over us in the books.

They won big with Bill and Obama, partly because people thought "maybe these new guys are at least kind of decent people. Maybe they really will try to do what they think is right."

It's like they looked at Obama's success and said, "ok, from now on, let's do the opposite of that,'

by King Spew k

We should probably start them a GoFundMe campaign so they are never out of donuts.

by ES2 k

Why blacks support people like Biden is a whole topic. Part of it is corrupt clergy. Poor, uneducated people don't sit around reading about politics. With Bernie in particular there was some antisemitism and some "he's not Christian" etc.

Yeah, this is always the ugly stereotype that gets thrown around after primaries; uneducated black people don't know how to vote. But there is little correlation between education levels and candidate preference within Democratic primaries or any race. There is a major correlation between age and preference for Biden/Clinton across all races and the median black voter in Dem primaries is significantly older than the median white voter which explains close to 100% of racial differences in Democratic primary voting. But whats the fun in looking at the data when you can just say black voters are uneducated and antisemitic.

by ES2 k

Why blacks support people like Biden is a whole topic. Part of it is corrupt clergy. Poor, uneducated people don't sit around reading about politics. With Bernie in particular there was some antisemitism and some "he's not Christian" etc.

Obviously though, they suffer the most from no healthcare, no holidays, no vacation, no paternity leave, the war on drugs, low wages, high rents. Clinton "ending welfare as we know it" stratospheric education costs and other such policies favored by both pa

Are you someone who thinks that (i) Bernie would have won the general election in 2016 if he had been the nominee; or (ii) a true progressive Democratic nominee would do great in a general election this time around?

by ecriture d'adulte k

Yeah, this is always the ugly stereotype that gets thrown around after primaries; uneducated black people don't know how to vote. But there is little correlation between education levels and candidate preference within Democratic primaries or any race. There is a major correlation between age and preference for Biden/Clinton across all races and the median black voter in Dem primaries is significantly older than the median white voter which explains close to 100% of racial differences in Democ

Walking it back, do you agree that policies like universal HC, paternity leave, PTO for all, affordable college and decriminalized weed/drug possession would help black people, and help them even more than other groups?

That seems really obvious to me but maybe you disagree.

If that's right and if we vote for material interests Black voters should have been Bernie's bedrock. So the age explanation, which I'll assume is factual. doesn't fully cover it.

I.e. white Dems are more likely to have decent insurance, pto, can use drugs with little risk, be in a higher tax bracket, etc. Hillary/Biden rep their interests better, especially upper middle class+. Thus support from quarters like corporate media and Hollywood.

Poor blacks are not very different from poor whites. Why do you think poor whites vote for Republicans who oppose their material interests? My guess is it's the same basic story.

Do you think religion is used to manipulate white voters? Blacks are more religious than whites. They are magically impervous to this?

There was also a campaign by DNC and corporate media to portray bernie and his mythical bernie bro supporters as racist and sexist. Maybe it was effective.

Also. Bernie probably is guilty of not highlighting race enough. A person like Hilary or Biden saying "racism is bad" a lot is empty, but it could help them.

Another factor could be Black voters feared Trump more (not counting those who voted for him) . Maybe they bought the story that Hill/Joe would win.

Prior research has shown that racial minority groups are more likely than Whites to hold negative views of Jews

You can google black antisemitism and get more, including an essay by Baldwin. Obviously it's not a popular topic because it's pretty delicate.

Perhaps even more common is "not Christian." Some Christians feel secular people cannot have a moral compass. (Again, Blacks are probably not magically above this.) There was an article about this years ago, but can't find it. Again, obviously it's a bit taboo.

It's just a basic reality that working poor are going to struggle to gain info. I have been working poor. During that time, I almost never read a book. I was just exhausted, stressed out and depressed. I had very little extra time. Before and after that time I read a lot.

I'm sure there are a million factors in such a complex thing and im already going on too much.

A black guy once told me that light skinned black people supported Bernie and dark, Hillary. This was a smart guy who iirc, was a delegate here in NV. Sounds funny to me and my reply was awkward silence. But who knows?

by Rococo k

Are you someone who thinks that (i) Bernie would have won the general election in 2016 if he had been the nominee; or (ii) a true progressive Democratic nominee would do great in a general election this time around?

Yes to i. Yes, but to ii.

A lot of money and effort is spent to create this narrative that Americans don't want vacations, or don't want HC or whatever. All polling shows this is false. Polls also suggest Bernie would have beaten Trump either time. Plus, a lot of Trump's stuff wouldn't have worked with Bernie. Trump highlighted Hillary's corruption. It's inarguable that she has made 100s of millions as a politician. She's as corrupt as they come. Trump could parade all of Bill's sexual assault victims, because they exist. And so on. Trump stole some of Bernie's talking points, and promised to improve on Obamacare and so on. He made populist promises. He wanted trade deals in favor of the GP, rather than corps. etc. If you ever see the speech he gave when he accepted the R nom, it's pretty darn compelling.

None of that plays vs. Bernie. He hasn't accepted hundreds of millions of dollars in personal payments from corporations. He opposed NAFTA and has no known sexual assault victims. He was at one point, maybe still, the most popular politician in America. Hill was the second least popular person to ever run, behind only Trump. So yeah... of course,

If "progressive" includes all kinds of LW ID politics and weird campus ideologies, then that can be a problem. In material terms, the GP is pretty progressive. Look up polls on taxes, military spending, HC, war on drugs, worker benefits, wages, etc. FDR was so popular they had to change the Constitution. That was a long time ago? OK. Last few elections. Hillary is the presumptive nom. Some Black dude with a Muslim name comes out of nowhere and kicks her ass, promising better HC, hope and change, etc. Wins back to back and, though he only delivered small improvements, remains the most popular living prez. Before it happened, this seemed impossible.

After Obama, THIS time it's hill for sure. Now some elderly Jewish guy nobody's ever heard of starts talking about HC and stuff and pulls off impossible victories one after the other. DNC has to rig debates, launch a massive smear campaign, and pull out every stop to keep him from winning. I actually remember a convo with my wife where we decided to donate after he announced it. We thought he had no shot of winning a single state, but maybe he could get his message out a little. My hope was maybe he could somehow get to like 15% or 20% in a few races and get on TV. Yet look what happened.

While NOW Hillary has to win for sure! She's a 4-1 favorite against a deranged reality TV star. But he points to her undeniable corruption. She doesn't even really pretend she will help average people. He pretends he will. Shocking victory.

The Dems have to rig their next primary even more brazenly (Warren's phony story. Having all the RW candidates unify behind Biden as Warren stays in etc.). to stop Bernie and select Biden. We have caucuses in NV and I'm telling you, virtually nobody was for Biden. Really bad mistake, IMO. Even if you are going to install a shill, go with Mayor Pete. At least he is a bit of an unknown and is not elderly. Anyway..,

Biden BARELY beats Trump, even after Trump turns out to be Trump. Now Biden is massively unpopular and might somehow lose to that specimen.

I'm not sure how you look at all this and say, "man, Americans sure love Wall Street Dems. The only way to beat Trump is to deny people HC, vacations, family leave etc. If we gave them that, we'd lose for sure!"

28 U.S. Code Section 455 — provides that when a judge’s impartiality might
reasonably be questioned, the judge “shall disqualify” herself from the case.

she had abused her judicial discretion and emphasizing that no judge has the authority to
interfere in an ongoing DOJ investigation, and she did it to Donald Trump’s extreme advantage

“two more experienced colleagues on the federal bench in
Florida urged her to pass it up and hand it off to another jurist.”
Cannon refused, yet ever since we’ve seen a steady stream of conduct that
supports the conclusion that she is either incompetent, in the tank for Trump, or both.

can’t overstate how unusual it is for a federal court judge to decline to set a trial date,
particularly after the defendant’s lawyers informed that judge
that they could be prepared to go to trial on Aug. 12, 2024.

never seen a judge offer what is obviously an incorrect
assertion of law and direct the attorneys to assume it’s correct.

concerns that Cannon was showing “favoritism” toward
Trump and antagonism toward the prosecutors in the case

When such concerns and criticisms of a judge’s suitability to preside
over a given case are voiced by current and former federal judges,
it’s hard to see how Cannon’s impartiality isn’t open to being reasonably questioned.

Saw some Shakespeare over the weekend, 'Measure for Measure', and part of a monologe jumped out at me. Remind you of anyone?

"But man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d;
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven,
As make the angels weep."

by diebitter k

Saw some Shakespeare over the weekend, 'Measure for Measure', and part of a monologe jumped out at me. Remind you of anyone?

"But man, proud man,
Drest in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d;
His glassy essence, like an angry ape,
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven,
As make the angels weep."

Shakespeare is so full of clichés.

It amazes me that people think Bernie wouldn’t have won

America doesn’t want corporate warmongers in office

Corporate America does, but American citizens do not.

by ES2 k

It's just a basic reality that working poor are going to struggle to gain info. I have been working poor. During that time, I almost never read a book. I was just exhausted, stressed out and depressed. I had very little extra time.

You know what else you probably weren't doing? Voting in primaries. This seems to be your fundamental misunderstanding. Only about 1 out of 5 voters bother with the primaries. This is tilted towards older, higher income people across all races. Black people voting in primaries just don't match the stereotype of black people as uniformed working poor you seem to have. You're trying to explain something (why do black primary voters vote differently from whites) that doesn't really even exist or is a much smaller effect than you think. Sanders did fine with young black voters and did poorly with older white voters.

He didn’t do poorly. When faced with other candidates, many people chose the other candidates

When it was Bernie vs trump, Bernie woulda won

by steamraise k

28 U.S. Code Section 455 — provides that when a judge’s impartiality might
reasonably be questioned, the judge “shall disqualify” herself from the case.

she had abused her judicial discretion and emphasizing that no judge has the authority to
interfere in an ongoing DOJ investigation, and she did it to Donald Trump’s extreme advantage

“two more experienced colleagues on the federal bench in
Florida urged her to pass it up and hand it off to another jurist.”
Cannon refused, yet ever since we’ve see

Yes and Judge Kirschner from MSNBC must be a legal expert

Funny how the same DA that prosecuted Trump refused to prosecute the Hamas supporters that stormed and occupied a University
