Gun control
I think that the Gun control thread got lost when the old politics thread got moved.
1 The rest of the world looks at the US policy with slack jawed astonishment.
2. “Guns don’t kill people , people do” is identical to “Nuclear weapons don’t kill people, people do”
3. Using the idea that carrying guns can prevent the government oppressing you seems to ignore the fact that the US government controls the most effective killing machine in history
So when I hear we can’t ban guns for hunter purpose , hopefully they don’t hunt with those guns huh ?
If those guns are legal for civilians I just don’t get it .
In full auto, these would have to be a certain age to be legal in the US if we we assume they were originally full auto. If they were converted, that would usually be illegal. But that's really a difference that does not really matter much. If we assume a civilian firing in full auto without much training, then he is less dangerous than if he was firing in semi-automatic mode as the latter would force him to shoot in a more controlled manner and preserve his ammunition better.
In the movie here these are not really portrayed as untrained civilians. They are moving like soldiers and firing like soldiers. They use a basic "
" tactic of the kind soldiers would use and they reload well. The actors more than likely had a military instructor. It's not really something you'd expect too many criminals to do, so the clip is more "military tactic vs police tactic" than illustrative of your garden variety criminal.But yes, a person with a long gun is pretty much always more dangerous than someone with a handgun. A handgun takes a lot of practice and maintenance of your skill to be precise with even at fairly short ranges like 10m-20m, while with a long gun you can precise out to 100-200 yards with only basic training.
If you can put the cat back in the bag with the amount of weapons currently in circulation in the US is an open question. I'm guessing it would take at least a generation, and that time-frame in itself would probably hinge on broad bipartisan support and support in the populace.
I've seen a documentary on the making of Heat and they indeed underwent extensive training with military instructors.
Mann says, “I wanted everybody really well-trained so that they felt that they could actually do what the characters in this film do.” Ex-Special Air Service sergeant Andy McNab and ex-Special Forces instructor Mick Gould developed a three-month plan for the actors.
just imagine if they had keanu
Personally, I'd have no problem banning a bunch of semi automatic rifles like they did in 1994. And it did lower gun crime. But things need to be acknowledged before pulling out a 30 year law with the assumption that your going to get the same result.
From 1994-2004, you didnt have very many AR15s, AK47s, AUGs and other SA rifles in the industry. Now you've got about 25 million semi autos stashed away under beds and in closets which was never the case in 1994.
Yeah, but if you're a gun guy, you know how stupid that statement is.
If you're not a gun guy, then you believe that statement but I'm here to tell you it's not true.
I was about the most avid gun nut alive during the "assault weapon ban" years (I no longer am) and availability of pretty much 'whatever you wanted' still existed at that time, sans cosmetic features. You could get $239 AK's from CDNN investments in the 00's, just without a flash hider or bayonet lug.
So please explain to anyone your logic of how the year 2002 had 'lower gun crime' than previous years because the $239 AK's you could buy in 2002 didn't have bayonet lug or flash hider it has today?
One thing we agree on is that ownership of semi auto rifles with detachable magazines that resemble military firearms is far more ubiquitous today than it was back then, when those types of guns were pretty much limited to responsible hobbyists whereas now, they are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more common, which shows up in their misuse statistics. But despite being 'more common', they are not 'more available' today than they were during the 94-04 AWB, as all that did was ban irrelevant cosmetic features.
That is a myth, bordering on a lie.
Converting to fully automatic is a felony in the USA, montrealcorp. Those movie guys are criminals.
Someone shoulda told these criminals this.
I doubt these were fifteens/5.56... a ten/7.62 is more likely based on the damage being done, unless you've done some movie related research. I have not, and I don't really care... they should have been using SBR's in these modern times.
5 killed, 5 injured at a school in Wisconsin
Why should anyone give a single **** about a wealthy ceo being shot when our children are expected to face that threat every day.
Assuming this was political and not personal, I am going to predict this shooting, like many before this, was motivated by left wing ideology/mental disorder; and there will be much gaslighting to obfuscate this.
I could absolutely be wrong, so we will just see I guess.
5 killed, 5 injured at a school in Wisconsin
Why should anyone give a single **** about a wealthy ceo being shot when our children are expected to face that threat every day.
I beat you to it by nearly a week in the other thread. Such callous decision making in this country ...
Say what you will, but Madison is really living up to its progressive heritage here.
When was the last time you heard of a female school shooter?
Unless the police are playing fast and loose with their definition of "female".
Assuming this was political and not personal, I am going to predict this shooting, like many before this, was motivated by left wing ideology/mental disorder; and there will be much gaslighting to obfuscate this.
I could absolutely be wrong, so we will just see I guess.
nah they don't obfuscate cultural left shootings, they simply make them disappear. they stop talking about them completely and move on.
Assuming this was political and not personal, I am going to predict this shooting, like many before this, was motivated by left wing ideology/mental disorder; and there will be much gaslighting to obfuscate this.
I could absolutely be wrong, so we will just see I guess.
How many high school kids are Alex P. Keaton types?
One thing you can be sure of, some idiot parent is behind not keeping their firearm secure.
I don't really think he thought past, "Hurr durr, this ought to troll the libs after some kids got their domes ripped off, muahahahahahaha."
Can probably make a stronger argument for having this gun as person and property defense than an AR with a 30rd mag.
Better than an AR for home defense for sure, but still not as useful as a standard shotgun. If a intruder in the middle of the night hears "whack whack", they're most likely just going to get the hell out of there and you've just saved yourself a big drywall repair and blood and brains all over your house.
This thing only makes sense if you're worried about a huge gang of Venezuelans taking over your apartment. And if that's the case the optimal play is just to move out of there ASAP. Or it could come in handy if you're Scarface.
Let’s say a kid took their parents car and did the same kind of damage .
Should we start asking parents to locked in car keys ?
Whether one agrees or not with holding parents liable for their kid shooting up a school with their firearms, this is a piss-poor comparison. Most kids stealing their parents' car are not doing so with the intention of trying to murder a bunch of people.
But yes, parents should keep access to their cars away from non-licensed kids in the home.