Geometric Betting Math
From Math of Poker, Geometric Betting is described as betting a constant fraction of the pot over 3 streets so that you are all in on the river (again betting the same fraction of that pot). i.e. pot is $200, and you have a stack size of 2600 you need to constantly bet 100% of pot on each street to be all in on the river with the same fraction bet size.
I'm wondering how to approach this if i want to solve this with a function for all stack sizes and pot sizes. i.e. let S be the effective stack size, and P be pot size and then the function returns the percentage need to be bet on each street. But i haven't drank enough coffee to even get a grasp on how to start this.
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What I urgently need is how to set up a river SPR 1 with two streets. As you guys can see I am not a mathematical genius so help very appreciated.
That one is much easier - on the turn you bet a third of the effective stack minus a third of the pot. For example:
Effective Stack: $3000
Pot: $900
Which means on the turn we bet $700, creating a pot of $2300 with $2300 behind.