I don't understand how people can enjoy losing.

A slot player, just like a losing poker player, flushes money down the toilet and comes back for more.

If they truly hated losing, they would stop, or figure out how to win.

I HATE losing, even as a winning player, and I think this is actually a problem.

There has to be a way to embrace it, even if it's not enjoyable.

I have only rarely been at a table so fun, that I didn't mind being stuck.

AND I realize by now, losing and vairance is part of the game, but it's hard to prepare for that, because you want to go in with positive vibes.

Often, I can predict which way my session will go within the first few hours. It's just one of those things.

No one walks into the poker room EXPECTING to lose. OR expecting to waste hours folding and bleeding to death.

I'm actually quite envious of all these losing players. They are used to losing. They expect it. They are always thinking the worst case scenario. They hate AA or JJ and they "ALWAYS with with 52." And they seem to have fun, which I just can't understand.

They are so naive, its to their benefit. By NOT understanding the game, and thinking its all luck, they are more prepared to lose.

What are some tips or techniques to get into the mindset to prepare for anything?

I know it sounds cliche - to focus on the processs, but no one wants to drive an hour to the casino, wait another hour for a table sometimes, and then proceed to bleeed for hours.

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28 February 2024 at 09:52 PM

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