Tilt and rabbit holes
Hi i have recently started to notice that i feel tilt coming on during hands instead of after hands is this strange or do other people notice this type of thing? For example if im in a hand and someone raises i sometimes feel emotions of anger starting to cloud my judgement and i fold
1 Reply
Great that you're noticing the emotions arising during hands—self-awareness is such a powerful tool in managing tilt.
I used to experience the clouding of the judgement thing and I would often experience it in the form of fear. I wish it was something I understood earlier.
I’m curious, do you notice any particular thoughts or beliefs that are coming up before those emotions of anger start to cloud your judgment? Emotions often follow our thoughts, and understanding what’s going through your mind at those moments can help you break the cycle and manage your responses more effectively.
I recently recorded the takeaways from a masterclass I held about becoming aware of our thoughts and reframing them. It might give some insight into how your thoughts are influencing your emotions. If you're interested you can watch it here: