Give me a frank and honest assessment...
...of my addiction (or non-addiction) to poker.
I never play any other gambling game with real money. I've been playing for almost 5 years.
At the beginning of each calendar year I give myself a budget for the year of $1000 for live poker (I know that's a terrible roll but it's all I could really afford to lose - that and having a wife who doesn't approve of my hobby does NOT equal a much bigger bankroll!). There were a couple years where I lost that whole amount by February or March and had to shut down for the rest of the year. I'm not going to lie, there were times I really, really wanted to go play but couldn't because I didn't want to break a promise to the wife (and that was the *only* reason - a few times I got unexpected big bonuses from work and could easily have gone to the casino and plopped down a buyin or two at $1/$2NL or $4/$8LHE without it affecting me financially, but I didn't). There was even one year that I'd blown my budget by March and in September I tried to make a deal with my wife - let me go to the casino just this once and I'll do something that at the time was super nice for her. Of course, she said no, I accepted, and never tried that again 😀.
There was a year where by September I was actually *up* for the year - I had a $500 win followed by a $350 win followed by 2 straight $200 losses. The 2 losses made my wife flip out - I tried to explain to her that the $850 I'd won more than made up for the $400 I'd lost but she'd have none of it, so just to make her feel better I *offered* to not go back to the casino for the rest of the year. And I didn't.
I give myself a daily stoploss of $200. Once I'm down $200 I'm done. One time I broke my own rule and lost $260 in one day.
This year, thanks to a really good work year last year I gave myself a budget for the year of $2000. The year started off reasonably well, but in March I had a session where I played stupidly (losing my whole buyin) and I was really mad at myself so I took a break. This year in June I found out about a Card Player Cruise in April 2017, so I booked it and told my wife, "You have my word that I will not spend ONE PENNY on poker between now and that cruise - no books, no coaching, no internet deposits, no casino trips, NOTHING. You also have my word that if the poker goes badly on the cruise I will stop spending money on poker for the rest of 2017 as well." And so far, I haven't. I even did a little mini-vacation where I accepted 2 free nights in a casino's hotel, and while I was there I walked around the poker room to watch, and as much as I really really wanted to pull $200 out of my wallet and sit down (especially when I saw a particularly juicy game!), I *didn't*.
One other tidbit - I completely stopped playing NLHE and PLO live. I suck at them. According to the records I've been keeping for the last 4 years I lose about $50/hr playing NLHE and PLO but I "only" lose about $6/hr playing LHE (when you consider how rake-gouged that game is that's not bad at all!). I have never lost my whole buyin at an LHE table two sessions in a row - ever. I can't say the same about NLHE and PLO 😀.
Now, my budget for the upcoming cruise is something I'm really wrestling with. I really want to spend that whole week *on vacation* not worrying about money - I really want to set my daily stoploss at $200 and play without even thinking about the money, but as improbable as it is, that means I *have* to consider the possibility that I'll lose $1400 on the cruise. My wife will crucify me if I do that (even if I promise not to play for the rest of the year). So I don't know what to do.
OK, I think I've typed enough. Honest opinions - do I seem like I have it under control? Any warning signs anyone sees of a future problem? Any signs I'm kidding myself?
1 Reply
Hope nobody minds my re-opening an old thread. In as few words as possible, the poker part of the vacation to Vegas that I took in July 2019 went so badly that by the end of the week I ended up changing hobbies. I was a magician for 4 years (not joking, look up TheMetalMagician on YouTube - that's me!). A few months ago my magic hobby fizzled and I started getting back into poker. I dusted off my old copy of Malmuth/Miller/Sklansky's SSHE bible and read it from cover to cover about 5 times. The casino near me runs $4/$8LHE fairly reliably on Saturdays so I get out there when I can. The LHE tables there are usually full of very nice people - when there's a jerk at any of those tables it's so rare it's a surprise. Very enjoyable games.
I plan to continue going to the LHE games on Saturdays as often as possible. As to whether or not I'll ever get back into playing online (i.e. GlobalPoker), or getting back into PLO, FLO8 or NLHE (shortstacking for sure), I strongly doubt it. LHE is my "jam". But you never know what the future holds.