Auction Game Sign Up
This game is inspired by Thunderdome. Basically I'll name a category with a specific number of answers. One team will then bid how many correct answers they can name. The other team can then bid a higher number. This will go back and forth until one team decides to allow the other team to attempt to make good on their bid. Any incorrect guesses means that the bid has failed.
If that team succeeds, they'll score a point. If that team fails, the opposing team will score a point. First team to 3 points wins.
I'm thinking 2 vs 2 will be ideal, and will allow for collaboration between teammates. No research will be allowed (obviously).
The first 8 players to sign up will be randomly partnered into 4 teams and we'll do a semi-final followed by a final.
Several of the categories will be USA-centric. So if you're not familiar with USA pop culture, history, etc. this game might not be for you.
An example would be as follows:
Name the letters of the English alphabet (26 possible answers).
4 Replies
I'd play tho I'm sure by now my reputation isn't exactly captain knowledge