Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!
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drop also seems possible? not sure which i'd replace tho
and i kinda doubt honey is ours now that chocolate is
I think we go Princess #2
isn't it like a baseball field or football stadium? could diamond work? or like that's where the MLB hall of fame is?
i'm very meh on Row and Giant, would rather go back to Honey really
Chocolate is red.
Hershey is famous for being rows of chocolate
The bars aren’t one piece like other brands; they are segmented into rows
And Goldilocks isn’t a princess
I’d rather get the best ones for Hershey’s and then go princess or honey
And it can’t be princess and honey both or he woulda done unlimited
I think you are right about telescope at this point tho
they're segmented into blocks though...I've never really heard them referred to as "rows" of chocolate
a chocolate bar sure, a square, a piece, a...row?
I don't think I'm going to be able to get on board or at the very least have it anywhere close to the top of our guesses
as for goldilocks...yea she's not a princess but it's like....fairy tale/folksy female protagonist, it's analogous to a disney princess and maybe even is some obscure disney movie we don't know(i sure hope this isn't film cause this would be such a blind spot for me) - like how could it not be that
Yeah it’s close enough which is why I’m fine with Princess but if Princess is ours then honey never is due to no unlimited
For row, why else clue Hershey’s if not for what they are known for? Coulda done any other major chocolate company or candy bar.
And Hershey’s -> Hershey -> stadium -> diamond is not something I can get on board with…a 3 step connection that was already denied by him going Hershey’s instead of Hershey
Drop for Hershey’s Kiss looks like a tear drop is an ok option, but I like giant better (and drop >>> diamond)
Drop I could get down with, it does absolutely look like a Drop and would make perfect sense for why specifically Hershey's
Ironically a stadium would actually have rows lol but this is just the first time I've ever heard that word in the same sentence as Hershey's so it's gonna be a tough one to overcome
I'm fine shooting down diamond haha. I don't think it matters but the factory is in Pennsylvania i believe?
Maybe it's a movie! Or someone smuggles a whole buncha chocolate!!
princess is essentially a guarantee at this point
head is theirs, honey is ~out because it'd be grouped with chocolate almost certainly
there's nothing left
drop might be better than giant for hershey's? nestle could get giant?
i still don't get how telescopes are pointy
diamonds are pointier
olympus is pointier
sharks are pointier
hershey kisses are pointier
I'm good with Princess Drop next and re-eval
it gets...narrower sorta as it gets closer to your eye...sorta between the pointiness of a space shuttle and the pointiness of a needle
sharks get narrower too closer to their eye
i think it's diamond
♦ i see 4 points ♦
a hershey rectangle sideways is a wannabe diamond
idk i could just see telescope described as pointy but maybe it's could describe something like an airplane as pointy though couldn't you cause of its nose?
I wonder if we're missing something like Ray with a pointy tail
mark mcgrath from sugar ray had pointy hair
alright i guess my preference is
whatever order
Oh yeah the word was pointy not point
You point a telescope and point hits pin fine as well
I’m good with eliminating telescope
I don’t know why he goes Hershey’s if row isn’t ours but whatever
Drop isn’t bad for Hershey’s Kisses but it’s a 2 step connection and possible to overlook
that one is onestep enough for me, when i think of hersheys first immediate thought is the tear drop chocolate candy(the kiss) - would think it's that for many people
let's bold Princess/Drop?
Sure go for it
i still like row as well
I'm still not sold on Row so I won't bold it but if you both like it next OK
would rather go to a pointy try like maybe Skyscraper or Shark like insanity mentioned