3v3 Codenames
here were 6 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
Game 1: Nich vs IBD
Norway - 3
turbine - 2
dance - 3
trek - 3
cotton - 0
Aldrin - unlimited
Heh. This game's crazy.
Busy day, sorry. Will clue later this evening
rhythm - unlimited
Shed was the only word on our list, but if that was right, then wouldn't he clue 2 here? But if it's 3 rhythm words, why not just use a 3 clue?
I think meter, string and scratch are all reasonable rythym words, but I'm weirded out by his choice of unlimited, and don't know how to interpret that.
if shed is wrong, he clues 3 (or maybe unlimited)
if shed is right, he clues 2
if shed AND prior word on our list are both correct, he clues unlimited with an exact hit (like metric for meter) on the final word
if shed is wrong and our 2nd word on list is correct, he clues 3 (if can tie all 3 together) or he clues unlimited
bc he did such a weird word that is trying to tie 2 words together, this is that last case I believe, which I think is coast, but need to look back
and I like meter+string a decent amount more than scratch, but gonna ponder for a bit on those combos
every word we've mentioned this game except shed/coast/sock have been revealed
cotton - 0 got us off sock
he coulda done sandal - 0 or aqua - 0 to get sock and coast gone, but he didn't
he coulda done unlimited on turn 2 to get us to makeup both alaska and coast, but he was probably worried we wouldn't know how many words dance was for and maybe that we would go sock
he coulda clued sea/ocean/shore - 4 on turn one if coast is ours; that makes me concerned that coast isn't ours
so maybe coast just isn't ours, but the only reason for unlimited here is if words on our list are correct and it's not both shed and coast and it's not just shed, so it has to be just coast
meter - this is a specific term when discussing rhythm; lock to guess this one
string - instrument; bass, piano both have strings and are used for rhythm along with drums (no strings); rhythm guitar is a thing also when bands have 2 guitarists
scratch - DJs can scratch a record to a rhythm, but this seems stretchier than the first two
I agree on meter and string - scratch is the clear 3rd choice for rhythm words.
Would we have picked up Viking on a sea/whatever - 4 clue first round? He might have felt like a 3 clue that guarantees we get Viking - otherwise a really tough answer - was better?
I think we pretty much have to go meter, string, coast, with scratch as the backup, and hope we aren't missing something
Vikings are known for being seafarers; Viking hits sea/ocean/shore harder than anything other than coast
Coast - hits Norway; most likely reason for unlimited clue
Degree - nah
Lap - nah
Meter - rhythm
Mile - no
Part - rhythm is a part of a song; meh
Sahara - nah
Scratch - maybe rhythm
Shed - denied by not doing n-1
Sock - cotton - 0
String - rhythm
Tin - nah
one other wrench to throw into this is that cotton - 0 could also deny string? since some string is cotton? many people use 0 clue only for words on the list already but some also use it to deny other words for later in the round
Oh, interesting. That could explain cotton 0 instead of foot 0
yeah, or we could be shooting ourselves in the foot with that
but I think most would make sure the 0 clue doesn't hit any words on their list to avoid issues...but then again maybe he overlooked it
ugh, not sure what to do here
Cotton is an odd choice to clue away from sock alone, especially since we now know astronaut isn't ours so anything that could have picked it up as a stray (like foot or shoe) wasn't blocked
so maybe we just go meter, scratch, coast
but meter+scratch just seems like race instead of rhythm
Thinking back to rhythm, is string actually a better answer than scratch? Strings in music are generally used to refer to violins, etc, and usually carry the melody. Bass/bass guitar the obvious exception here.
Whereas scratch DJ's tend to be making dance music, and that's all about rhythm
I'm not sure I buy this argument, but presenting the alternative view for the sake of completeness
Could it be strings and scratch, and IBD just doesn't know about the use of meter in the musical sense?
you know it's dance - 3 and so far all we got is step+date...no 3rd word
so we need one of these to hit dance
coast - not really; you glide more than coast along the dance floor
meter - not really
string - no
scratch - DJ again
maybe it's just meter/scratch/coast/bottles
I think I like meter, scratch, coast
I'm going to feel very silly if we've talked ourselves out of the right answer, but this feels like it's more consistent with all the clues than the other options
yeah, the combo of cotton - 0 plus dance - 3 has me thinking scratch is better than string (which isn't usually known for rhythm anyway)
I think we're agreed then
string as backup (not that we'd get another turn if wrong)
No. Calling the game now.
Not sure why coast was still being considered, why shed was the list last round, what scratch has to do with rhythm, and why lap was never once mentioned for dance.
And string as a backup? Why tf would I clue cotton - 0 if string is ours?
All told, I think TBob and I are just happy for this game that started two weeks ago to finally be over.
gg, next.