My favorite dedicated deck card games for casual play with friends and family

My favorite dedicated deck card games for casual play with friends and family

I wrote a review of my 7 favorite card games for game nights with casual players. These games are great for passing time with family and friends who aren't super into boardgames. Let me know what you think.

The games reviewed are:

* Skull
* Saboteur
* Sushi Go
* Cockroach Poker
* Liar Liar
* Spicy
* Coup

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30 November 2024 at 10:16 PM

4 Replies

I like Coup. Haven't played the others.

The fav casual card game of my family is The Great Dalmuti, a 80-deck card game by Richard Garfield. It is also a great drinking game (after every game the Great Peon consumes whatever it is you are drinking). I also played this with friends, great to have something to do while talking. I had to buy a second game, because the first was totally worn out. It is much better than Coup imo

At our family get togethers we play contract whist

Thanks for the list.
