SPOTLE - Another Music Game
This one is wayyyyy harder than Bandle imo.
You have 10 tries to guess the artist. The only hints you'll get is if your guess falls under a certain category
Debut - year they debuted
Members - Solo or # of band members
Popularity - Where they rank (billboard?)
Gender - duh
Genre - duh
Country - where they're from
This is what I got on my 2nd guess, and I still couldn't get it with 8 more guesses.
This is as close as I got on my 7th guess
7 Replies
You're right, that is way harder.
I had five of the six locked in by my third guess and had a close on the sixth (which was lol popularity). Unfortunately that didn't help.
I had year/members/gender/genre/country all in guess everything except popularity, which is tied to the correct artist
and still couldn't get this in 10
since I got all greens I didn't realize there were yellows
I've since learned that getting grey for popularity means they aren't within 50 spots of your guess, so I suppose I could have avoided a few guesses that would be too popular and tried to narrow that down, but popularity is super hard to narrow down and I didn't think of the answer anyway so mostly just wanted to be done and know it after a few guesses
5 greens seems pretty easy, I had a lot after a few guesses but didn't get it