

Does anyone else on this forum play bridge? I was told by a successful poker-playing buddy that it would make my NLHE game much better, so i started playing it.

Now, I think if I want pure entertainment, there might not be a better game. I love poker, but sometimes waiting for hours to pick up playable hands gets really boring, whereas even the worst of bridge deals require some greater sense of thinking and careful play.

So, if anyone wants to talk about bridge, I guess this is the thread to do it!


Poggers IDs on

atakdog = atakdog
wyman = wyman
chuckleslovakian = babushkka
dwetzel = capn1100
Myrmidon7328 = Myrmidon73
FCBLcomish = FCBLcomish
vuroth = vuroth
feedmykids = jlall
ChrisV = ChrisV
Siegmund = Siegmund
brrrr - jjbrr
sixfour = FrankerZ
GabetheBabe = Gabeman
wahoopride = wahoopride
PlzBeALevel = SRFC1901
Nicholasp27 = Nicholas27
loumike = loumike1
dc-ohio = dcohio
dustinst22 = dustinst22
tabako = tabako
bugstud = aoverbiddr
MDG0RD0N = mdspewfish

05 January 2008 at 05:52 AM

17 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

IMPs daylong robot tournament, this one cost be a fair few, third seat r/w


1c - 1s - 1n - 2d (nmf) - 2n - 3n - end (opps silent throughout)

Where exactly did I underbid my hand hugely given half the people playing got to a relatively simple 6NT making?

With that good spade suit I would treat the hand as a 19 HCP hand. Thus I think it is worth a 4NT bid over 2NT which would invite 6NT.

But then again IMPs daylong tournament...

If you want to score well on an 8 board IMPs tournament you can't afford to miss any slam. I might just bid 6NT over 2NT given format.

Qxx of clubs is pretty huge here -- doesn't opener basically have to be 2335?

by Wyman k

Qxx of clubs is pretty huge here -- doesn't opener basically have to be 2335?

That is a good point. I’d also note that the ten of spades is huge as well, opposite partners doubleton.

by chuckleslovakian k

With that good spade suit I would treat the hand as a 19 HCP hand. Thus I think it is worth a 4NT bid over 2NT which would invite 6NT.


This is a long shot, but would any 2+2 bridge-ers in the DC area be up for playing with me in the WBL sectional swiss teams this Sunday? My partner is sick and likely unavailable, so trying to find a fourth. You can email me at [email][/email].

Maybe the most egregious director call I have ever had

999er game

East and West have played a long time, but they are the bad intermediate ACBL older range who is never getting better

Auction goes


West "So you are going to make me bid"
East "No I'm not"

So I was also playing in the mentor/mentee game in the other room so I without looking at the hand said, "West pretend you didn't hear anything, and continue the auction like you didn't hear anything, N/S if you feel you were damaged call me back." But naturally west passes.

North/South doesn't call me back after the hand.

N/S and E/W were bottom two of the event so it didn't really matter...

So I look more closely at the hand after the game.

Man. If I had been called back...I think I give EW 5DX-3 and a procedural penalty. I almost wanted to give them one just for show.

West doubled 3S with his 11 red?


by Gabethebabe k

West doubled 3S with his 11 red?



Which makes everything happened afterward so much worse.

If you forced me to X 3S with the west hand, I would feel I would have to pull East's double of 4S

FMK elected to the ACBL bridge hall of fame


Justin FMK Lall memorial bump

It's 4 years ago already


So PBAL in the World Bridge Games in Argentina

On team Canada

Can't seem to navigate their site to find a link but board 14 of Hungary/Italy had quite a few imps

by sixfour k

Can't seem to navigate their site to find a link but board 14 of Hungary/Italy had quite a few imps

I would love to see the bidding for that board, but the site won't show it, despite telling how to do it.

I think it's on one of Pete's recap videos

I did VuGraph for the second set, USA vs Netherlands today. Great set of hands.

Anyone coming to Vegas? I’d like to meet some of the other poker/bridge players
