POGgers Row Your Boat Ashore: New Game Signup and Discussion
Ok, I want to try this game here. I've never played it and never even seen it played before, so we're rowing blind here. Please signup here and discuss the game, rules, etc before we start a trial run.
There are 7 leak-prone rowboats for 36 survivors (6 players control 6 survivors each). 12 of the survivors are experienced sailors (2 each player) and the rest are normal people (4 each player). In the setup-phase, we take turns placing one of your men in a boat (each boat holds up to 6 people) until all 36 men are placed.
The Play:
We'll rotate each round which player goes first, but the order remains the same throughout the game. There are 3 stages to a round:
Phase 1: One Boat gets a leak!
Phase 2: One Boat moves one space toward the island
Phase 3: Each player moves one of their pieces from one boat to another
Phase 1 Detail:
Discussion time on thread to discuss strategy and form alliances and make promises to be broken, etc. Basically, discuss which boat should spring a leak
Everyone pms mod one of two things:
-a number: the boat # that you wish to spring a leak
-captain": you only get to use 'captain' 3 times in the entire game
The votes are tallied and what happens depends on outcome:
-1 boat gets majority and no 'captian' used: that boat leaks
-2+ boats tie and no 'captain' used: starting player that round chooses which tied boat gets the leak
-1 'captain' received: that player chooses the boat to leak
-2+ 'captain' received: they cancel each other out and we go by majority vote and those players have wasted one of their 'captain' uses
Now that we have determined which boat gets a leak, that leak takes up one of the 6 seats on that boat:
-If a free seat available, no problemo
-If boat was full, then there is another vote to see who is thrown overboard
The Mutiny Vote:
-One vote per survivor in the leaking boat. Each normal survivor counts as 1 vote while each sailor counts as 2 vote.
-Discussion ensues, followed by the vote (either which player should lose a man or 'captain' should be pmed to the mod)
Mutiny Vote Outcome:
-Majority reached with no 'captain' vote: that person has a survivor tied to a rock and thrown down to davy jones' locker
-Tie: Round starter breaks tie, even if they don't have a survivor in that boat
-1 'Captain' used: that person decides the dead survivor
-2+ 'Captain' used: cancel each other out and we look for majority
Phase 2 Detail:
Discussion on which boat should move one space followed by a vote of boat # or 'captain'
Same voting outcomes as before.
Each boat is headed toward a specific island with points above it (see graphic). The 'sailor' pieces making it there get the higher value and the regular survivors get the lesser value for making it to an island. The boats stay in their own column except for when moving over to avoid the shark, but they can only go to their specified island. Once a boat reaches the water space next to the island, the survivors unload and points are awarded. That boat can no longer move or spring leaks.
Phase 3 Detail:
We start with the first player of the round and go around one at a time moving one man from one of the boats. We then go in reverse order placing men back into open boats, that is, boats that have empty seats (leaks do not count as seats).
Rule 1: once one man is removed from a boat, no other player may move a man from that boat that phase. If a player only has men in boats that already have overboard men, then they don't move any men that phase.
Rule 2: You cannot place your man back into the same boat that he abandoned in this phase.
Rule 3: If there are no open seats on any of the other boats, your man drowns.
End of Round Assessment:
Each boat is now examined before the next round begins. If there are more leaks than men in a boat, then that boat sinks, killing all of the men in it.
End of Game:
This occurs when all boats have either made it to an island or have sunk.
Questions? Discussion? I'll mod the first one and play as well. I need 5 other players and a decision on pacing and deadlines and other such stuff.
3 Replies
I know this is probably too late but I have some free time coming up in the early 2030s so if someone drops out for the next one of these let me know and I can fill in.
I’ll add you to the waitlist