Paint Game Reveal Threads
This is just a quickly put together list for right now. If I get the ambition later I'll take a stab at doing more with this.
"Scheduled" games (aka non-turbo)
MSPaint #1 Reveal
MSPaint #4 Chain 1 Reveal (NSFW)
MSPaint #4 Chain 2 Reveal (NSFW)
MSPaint #5 Chain 1 Reveal (NSFW)
MSPaint #5 Chain 2 Reveal (NSFW)
MSPaint #6 Reveal (NSFW) RoundTower 10k post
MSPaint #6 Chain 2 Reveal
MSPaint #7 Chain 1 Reveal
MSPaint #7 Chain 2 Reveal
MSPaint #9 Chain 1 Reveal
MSPaint #9 Chain 2 Reveal
MSPaint #10 Chain 1 Reveal
MSPaint #10 Chain 2 Reveal
MSPaint #11 Chain 1 Reveal
MSPaint #11 Chain 2 Reveal
Daer's Amazing MSPaint Spectacular #1
Where are all the MSPaint games REVEAL P...
MSPaint #12 Chain 1 Reveal
MSPaint #12 Chain 2 Reveal
Housenuts' copy the MSPaint
I think this is Where are all the MSPain...
As far as I can tell this is Chain 2 for...
Esse's MSPaint Special Chain 1 Reveal
Esse's MSPaint Special Chain 2 Reveal
Turbo Reveals
MSPaint Turbo Reveal
Tuesday Turbo Reveal
Wednesday Turbo Reveal
MSPaint Turbo Reveal
Welcome back Bobo Turbo Reveal
Turbo Reveal Thread NSFW
These are not in any particular order. Please feel free to add links to this thread of some that I missed.
Actually I'll leave this unlocked. Please add links to reveal threads as they happen. I'll add them to the sticky and then delete your post. I can't promise that I'll keep up with this 100% but at least this is a good archive for hilarity of POG.
2 Replies
Upcoming game could use some more participants: