POG Politics Thread Version 3
Come on in! Since Dustin is taking his ball and going home, it's time to start a new politics thread.
Biden out!
Someone who dropped out before the primaries didn't get a lot of votes in said primary.
maybe it was just that she was polling 3rd? I'm talking about 2020 or maybe even 2016. she was behind sanders and warren in her home district!
she is not popular in Oakland.
or it could have been a district attorney race. Google was useless
basically, rich people voted for her as AG to lock up poor people. poor people voted against her.
she kept prisoners locked up past their release dates to keep them working as slaves, putting out fires in CA, and whatever other slave labor they did
This coconut tree expression of Kamala's is catching fire already!
Oops there goes another coconut tree plant
so Netanyahu spoke to Congress or whatever. and everyone kept giving him standing ovations. but like 150(or whatever) politicians refused to go and listen to him talk.
and they fill the empty seats with whatever replacements. and the replacements stand up and cheer when he talks about genocide.
but what I really do not get is why tf don't you go?!? like if you really oppose the guy, then go!!!! like Rashida tlaib did! go and boo. be disruptive. actually oppose him you know?
same with when whatever artist/athlete lib turns down an invitation to the white house to make a point. I don't get it. if you want to make a point GO TO THE WHITEHOUSE! spit in the president's face. tear down the paintings of the monsters Washington Jackson Jefferson lincoln Roosevelt. piss on the resolute desk in the oval office
there's a lecture on YouTube where some ruffian does everything but piss on Lacan's desk while he's trying to riff on Language and the Unconscious or whatever. Lacan asks him what exactly it is that he wants us all to know and the guy says something like Culture is a Spectacle* but Authenticity is possible if we reject given forms**.
*in the Debordian sense
**Authenticity is not possible
I wish I understood that. it sounds great
Wow, Tucker Carlson now has the #1 podcast; overtaking Joe Rogan. This world is crazy.
That's really sad. These people are who Americans choose to listen to. Develop their identity around..
99.9% of people in history are right wing
there's a lecture on YouTube where some ruffian does everything but piss on Lacan's desk while he's trying to riff on Language and the Unconscious or whatever. Lacan asks him what exactly it is that he wants us all to know and the guy says something like Culture is a Spectacle* but Authenticity is possible if we reject given forms**.
*in the Debordian sense
**Authenticity is not possible
and some others who get their opinions from birdman
I form my beliefs using the 'anti-filthy view' filter. It's served me well.
Gogogo Billionaires! If you can't fight them, join them!
Can't join em either
These JD Vance couch memes are funny as hell.
Trump has to be regretting picking him.
yeah the couch jokes are great
I saw betting lines have him 13% to replace vance
I form my beliefs using the 'anti-filthy view' filter. It's served me well.
Gogogo Billionaires! If you can't fight them, join them!
clean air and water
access to education
man, being against all those things... mark is a monster! :p
and like tbob said, good luck joining the billionaires. let me know if you do, I'm gonna come over and hang out on your yacht
I've only seen one couch meme so they must be a small section of the Internet. Also I thought it was fake news
I've only seen one couch meme so they must be a small section of the Internet. Also I thought it was fake news
what happened was the AP posted a headline that said "no, jd Vance did not have sex with a couch"
then people pointed out that was a terrible headline because there is no way the journalist could know. so the AP deleted the article.
then people made some great jokes
there's a lecture on YouTube where some ruffian does everything but piss on Lacan's desk while he's trying to riff on Language and the Unconscious or whatever. Lacan asks him what exactly it is that he wants us all to know and the guy says something like Culture is a Spectacle* but Authenticity is possible if we reject given forms**.
*in the Debordian sense
**Authenticity is not possible
Wait... are you guys getting amplify posts? Why is no one reacting to this?
Amp! I've missed you!