Hollywood Baseball: THE REVEAL
It's opening day here at the Hollywood Baseball League.
Our commissioner (random.org) has just announced the opening day schedule.
The game will be for 34 year olds
Buxton Blondes @ Rotherhithe to play the Departures
Hartford Divorcees @ San Antonio to play the Mariachis
Epson Jedis @ Bristol to play the Nights
San Francisco Souls @ Augusta to play the Dance
4 Replies
Just bumping this because it's possibly the most fun I've had at POG. Probably biased because I won but I loved every minute.
Thanks again FerencL
I would play another movie based game if you ever run one.
Thanks Xander. You always joined my games no matter how silly.
Unfortunately I've been diagnosed with cancer so my days of posting silly games may be coming to a close.
That's really rough, I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm hoping that it'll be a speed bump in the road and not anything too final.
With all that money you donate to doctors without borders and other charities if anyone's in line for a full recovery it should be you.
You seem to have a pretty full social life from what I know of you, but I'm here if you ever want anyone to talk to about anything.
I think I'll take you up on your original request: a silly movie puzzle.
I got lots of spare time now as I wait around for my biopsy to stop bleeding!
Look for a silly movie puzzle coming soon.