Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Post if you want in, ideally 8 people but the normal game - guess your stuff and ideally go fast bolding away a guess at a time(Snapguess + guess + etc). Spirit of the game is to just bold away at what you think, keep 0-1 max backup and go quick.

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) 2 Views 2
22 December 2021 at 07:01 AM

3586 Replies


plane - 5

Not my team

Doctor Zeus
Neil S


something like that

I'd have fighter and spy above everything except paper.

I'm not really sure I get pit at all. You mean like cockpit?

I'm super confused here

I could see it being plane rather than airplane to hit stuff like paper less, then again it hits super hard

Maybe it's plane to hit something like field or some kinda mathy thing

by eyebooger k

I'd have fighter and spy above everything except paper.

I'm not really sure I get pit at all. You mean like cockpit?


If it's a mathy thing, then triangle is a worthy guess, even before field.

(I kinda like this logic of airplane vs plane)

Could be just me, but I don't like pit at all, and certainly not 2nd.

I'm not even sure I wouldn't fight it if the clue was plane - 9.

i'm fine with fighter/spy being higher, but i really doubt nich misses cockpit. would always be in my top 5

it's tough tho since every connection is tenuous after paper

i think field is much better than triangle if we're going the math route. plus an airfield is a thing, yes?

Airfield is a thing, so that strengthens field. But a triangle is literally 3 points that make a plane.

still not thrilled guessing either in top 5

do you guys like hotel or nah?

by insanity31 k

do you guys like hotel or nah?

It's okay. I'd rather guess other things first though.


for me

i think it's too hard to say if he went plane over airplane to make sure spy was hit or for the math stuff. or another reason

I'm good to pull the trigger on those first three. Can talk about those last two if we're still alive.

Pit stuck out to me immediately so also on board with that very high

I am waaaay lower on spy and fighter

Fighter cause...fighter jet? I'm fine w it but would move it a little lower

Spy I kinda don't understand at all? What is the connection to a plane, just...they can have one?

You've never heard of a "spy plane"?

Hilariously enough no...I watch a lot of spy movies too

It's just...a plane for spies?

yeah it's "spy plane" which is why airplane is maybe not the clue. and why i don't particularly like math stuff (unless spy is wrong!)

i'm really not sure where the term originates or anything

Looks like we're all over the place except for paper.

Watch paper be blue or some ****.

Pit (ugh)


Then revisit the math stuff if any of these are wrong?

i'm good with that

or spy 2nd

Yea this is just tricky with a clue that already hits a lot "somewhat" and the word has multiple meanings too

I'm struggling to get off field sorta like in a "horizontal plane" sense, good with first 3 in whatever order

I'm not full against last 2 just seem eeehy

