Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Post if you want in, ideally 8 people but the normal game - guess your stuff and ideally go fast bolding away a guess at a time(Snapguess + guess + etc). Spirit of the game is to just bold away at what you think, keep 0-1 max backup and go quick.

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22 December 2021 at 07:01 AM

3586 Replies


Oh hmmm I didn't think of the tablet thing either

Wanna start cotton tablet and then decide 3rd word?

fine with me

Bold first 2 if you agree Neil

For 3rd I havent liked horn much, a missile does seem round...but then there's the whole issue of lap which is pretty darn round, tho maybe dz just thought of it like the body part. Idk how big racing, ponies, etc are across the pond

i'm kinda off lap if tablet is correct

was thinking lap would be for both flat/round, but tablet fits better

Why cotton? I'm sure it's something obvious I'm just missing.

Cotton balls are round and we still need a Ground word and that's the only thing that remotely works



Cotton is neutral lol


Well there's always next turn!

ground - 3
slurpee - 3
flat - 3
cut - 2
round - 3





gods - unlimited

Y’all gotta tell me what he means by unlimited here

Angel seems decent for gods

Unless he’s pulling a me, then I think it has to mean it’s a 2-clue and then pass.

If it was for one, it would’ve been even more specific to only angel and would’ve been a 1-clue and pass.

If it was for two+pass, he would’ve gone unlimited as to avoid us bolding a third based on the last word we mentioned in conversation (which I think was file, and should tell us that file is not ours).

If it was for two+”list,” it would’ve been a 2-clue for n-1 (which he doesn’t like, but said immediately before this game that he would revert back to), and file is ours.

If it were for three, he would’ve done a 3-clue, and file wouldn’t be ours.

The only thing I don’t get is that he fought with you recently l about a rule that was to never leave the final word hanging. So, if that’s a rule, then why not do a 1-clue now and then close it out next turn with a 2-clue?

Other than angel, I have no idea what he’s after here. And for some reason I don’t even feel great about angel.

Angel+horn = devil

Maybe spell?

Moses would be clue if tablet is ours

Dwarf has the fantasy thing but I don’t think any are gods

I feel pretty good about angel. And I do think spell is next best.

Would like to pass after that.

Other option is just angel/pass. Don't really like any other play for us.


I thought d1’s unlimited means n-1 here, but I didn’t think we had anything left we mentioned but haven’t guessed so was confused

If we have a word leftover then I think that is our n-1

Oh he said he was going back to n-1? Nevermind then

I think it’s a tricky clue (thus why we aren’t sure of what the two words are) so he didn’t wanna do 1 then 2 in case we didn’t get it

So we should try to figure out the other word here and then pass since no n-1 or 3 clue

He said gods not god, which makes me think of Greek/roman/egyptian/hindu gods rather than Christian/jewish god

Angel - guessed
Dwarf - Norse gods? Kinda stretchy
England - meh
File - no
Horn - devil not gods if angel is ours and horn is so not guessing now
Lap - no
Microscope - no
Missile - no
Novel - too vague even tho many novels talk about gods
Spell - decent chance; gods reminds me of gods with magic powers like Zeus lightning etc
Switch - meh
Tablet - Moses tablet? Don’t really like it for gods

Spell only one I like; dwarf I keep thinking about but can’t justify guessing

by IBeDrummin k



I'm at Pass > Spell >>>>>>>>>> anything else.

I’m pretty much in the same spot
