Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!

Post if you want in, ideally 8 people but the normal game - guess your stuff and ideally go fast bolding away a guess at a time(Snapguess + guess + etc). Spirit of the game is to just bold away at what you think, keep 0-1 max backup and go quick.

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) 2 Views 2
22 December 2021 at 07:01 AM

3589 Replies


sign - 6


Note prob, server makes sense

Tablet hospital trip train ship all make some sense



Mmm disease makes sense

I don't like ghost really, I think that's where capitalizations and plurals kick in and that was avoided


I like ghost a little, but not really a big fan of disease. I'd honestly say train or hospital next if I were rolling solo.

red x2

I can see ship as well.

Hospital our best consensus?

I assume Australia has something analogous to those ubiquitous blue signs that are on US interstates.

Sure go for it


Hospital is red

I think train is most similar to hospital and most likely to be red for that reason.

I'd vote to guess that next. If it's red, we can discuss disease/ghost/ship level clues where at least one of us is lukewarm at best about it.

I like disease, I'm fine with train and ship.

Train probably more than ship dues to railroad crossing signs.

I like train. Okay with ghost. I don't hate disease, but not a super big fan of it either.

I'm not sure I get ship at all.

Ships have signs and stuff, I'm sure a dock would have a bunch of signs. When you ship something in the mail someone often has to sign for it

I've talked myself into that being my next favorite actually

Server I like too since you sign a check when they bring it

Tablet resonated w me for some reason too

Ugh, I don't like ship at all here.

I'd much rather ghost. I could even get behind server here. Train still my #1.

Meh on tablet, but I still like it better than ship.

I'm pretty off ghost, I'm ok w train so we can do that next



What do we think about something like Washington?

Bills get signed there, Washington himself signed stuff

by AmazingErvin k

What do we think about something like Washington?

Bills get signed there, Washington himself signed stuff

I don't love it, but I like it better than ship.

Ghost or Disease are my favorites. I could live with Tablet or Server or Washington. I don't think I'll ever come around on Ship this turn.

Whatcha think Neil? I'm concerned about ghost due to the lack of caps and plural I mentioned earlier, a little similar for disease

Others I'm ok w obv

I don't think you need caps to get ghosts from sign. "Give me a sign" is something people have said to ghosts for a long time. That's where the movie GOT the word.
