Regular Run of the Mill NO LIST Codenames!
Post if you want in, ideally 8 people but the normal game - guess your stuff and ideally go fast bolding away a guess at a time(Snapguess + guess + etc). Spirit of the game is to just bold away at what you think, keep 0-1 max backup and go quick.
Signup here and this will likely be game thread
IN as a player
Tough one
Page to squire to knight
Boss - works for a knight, their boss; but why not just clue knight then?
Brush - brush horses, brush off and polish armor?
Cotton - nah
Ear - nah
Force - training to be a knight so lots of force
Governor - they didn’t have governors really back then? But had similar roles so could work
Hit - same as force
Leaf - nah
Note - nah
Page - a lock
Quack - no
Sign - may hold up signs or pennants for the knight
So page the only lock
Gonna have to figure out combos here
No list and we’re never not guessing page, so I’ll just bold it now as the third in with us all agreed.
i really think boss is a lock too
or at least unavoidable. would we ever not guess boss if secretary is the clue? same thing basically
third is tricky. i could see sign, but i imagine the clue would be different (even tho note is a potential blocker going that route)
force/hit are kinda avoided. could see brush, but meh
A squire is a knight in training
Really wanna understand why he didn’t clue knight when that also hits page and hits boss more
Wanna figure out the trio that makes sense
This is last turn so we should be doing the combos; that’s not list making, it’s trying to figure out why this clue and which words it hits
Like why not Bill for page boss governor
because of note
Meh I don’t love anything
Y’all both like those then go for it
I can’t make a good argument for anything but brush since squires look after the horses but it’s not strong enough to make it a hill
We need a sub in picture codenames if anyone is interested
can discuss third
adventure - 3
beef - 3
foodstuff - 4
orthopedic - 3
squire - 3
fastball - 2
Force and hit stood out, but this can't be the clue for those words surely. Possibly sign is one of them?
I was thinking sign for sure
Prob hit for the other one, could have been capitalized for the band to add hit equity but meh, don't think that's enough to really get me off hit. Sign and hit I just thought of immediately as 2 baseball words
I was actually thinking force over hit because he specifically clued the most powerful throw.
Isn't force + sign something just something like police - 2 tho?
It's not like theres that many pitches/signs to steal that can be clued. Curveball runs into some issues, slider wouldn't make sense, then breaking ball and all that is 2 words idk
What issues would curveball run into? Or even just baseball for that matter?
I dunno, it could obviously still be hit and I'm not totally off it or anything, but neil's clues this round have been pretty on point so far with some tricky blockers on the board, and that one seems easily avoidable.
Curveball could run into something like brush I think, baseball isn't as clear towards sign as a specific pitch is
Explain brush to me please.
Force and sign are the most straightforward to me.
It's the fastest pitch, and there's a sign for it (single finger).
As for the other possibilities:
Hit - I guess not impossible, but if it's force/hit, why bring baseball into this? If it's sign/hit, why use the fastest pitch and not changeup?
Brush - I guess a fastball could be used as a "brushback" pitch (a pitch thrown close to the body to make the batter not stand so close to the plate), but that seems really weak compared to the other stuff.
None of the other 6 even remotely make sense.
Brush for curveball sorta like it mighta brushed by, you don't fully hit it
I am absolutely not on hit/force. And I am 100% on sign. Only debate to me is if the 2nd word is force or hit.
Many of the other pitches imo could be confused with something else, like changeup we may not have immediately though to baseball/sign
It's going to take me a lot of convincing that it's not force/sign.
My first thought was wouldn't the clue for force + sign just be police? Or astrological or something like that?
The baseball wavelength just makes me think of hit much more than force, and it's possible Neil didn't think the other pitches would be needed/had other downsides
All of this said, it is not clear to me at all and the arguments for force are very valid
I imagine we can guess sign right, none of us are getting off sign?