Forced Unlimited Guessing Codenames

Forced Unlimited Guessing Codenames

It's codenames, and the clueing is normal.
But your team has to keep guessing until they win, hit the assassin, or hit a wrong word.

Sign up below. I think 6 or 8 is probably optimal.

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30 September 2022 at 03:08 AM

1966 Replies



bump for zeus

Will clue tomorrow- sorry- sisters wedding

That was fun

ground - 0

by Nicholasp27 k

what I had left:

bar is their next word tho and all 4 aren't right because I only need 2 and you didn't go unlimited

for terrorist:
cell - 100%
force isn't bad, but that was already top of my list
track - maybe? but was already on my list
port - maybe?

not seeing much else; feel like I'm missing some stuff this game; wish I had someone to bounce off of



Port is the only word left of every word I’ve ever mentioned this round

So ground - 0 isn’t to clue off my list but off the overall list as a better way to connect our final words than to do a normal clue

Centaur - walks on the ground
England - has ground
London - has ground
Post - these are put into the ground
Stream - hits ground
Worm - nope, hits ground

Port - water and makeup potential
Jupiter/saturn - no ground; gas giants
Luck - clovers on ground but luck meh
Bell - could be attached to post in the ground but not normally in the ground itself

You’re on your own here, Nich

Yeah waiting until at pc tonight to finalize; can’t do it mobile

That reminds me - maybe we can see if PC would be interested in joining us

yeah that'd be cool

by Nicholasp27 k

bump for IRTM's thoughts

I'm currently on:
bow - red
missile - red
air - blue
force - red

bar - blue
spot - red
track - neutral

by Nicholasp27 k

what I had left:
force - red
bar - blue
spot - red
track - neutral

bar is their next word tho and all 4 aren't right because I only need 2 and you didn't go unlimited

for terrorist:
cell - 100% - red
force isn't bad, but that was already top of my list - red
track - maybe? but was already on my list - neutral
port - maybe? unknown

not seeing much else; feel like I'm missing some stuff this game; wish I had someone to bounce off of

cell - red
force - red
track - neutral
port - unknown

bar - blue
spot - re

yeah, every word but port is known now

arrow - 4:

terrorist - 3:
force - dupe with above, and first on my list tho
spot - spot a terrorist? also dupe with above

i've been clued for 7 but only got 5 words...port could be terrorist word along with cell and one other?

probably not any duplicates in the 7 so I'm missing 2 terrorist words most likely

bell - not really ground; not really terrorist or arrow tho
centaur - live on the ground, but that's about it; meh
England - the ground where the country is; some terrorism there as well, so could be a terrorist word
Jupiter - not ground; not bell or terrorist; but he did ground - 0 not earth - 0, which I want to come back to
London - similar to England; more terrorism centered here than rest of England, though
Luck - not really ground, terrorist or arrow; could be a dark horse candidate
port - could be terrorist; doesn't hit ground; could be why not earth - 0, which would remove port
post - these go in the ground; terrorist doesn't hit this as much as terrorism, so prolly not ours
saturn - see jupiter
stream - in the ground, prolly not; plus he coulda done Arrow capitalized for streaming tv show
worm - def in the ground, so no

need 4 words

Jupiter/Saturn - opposite of ground/earth...why ground and not earth tho? no terrorist tie
port - not ground, but could be removed by earth, so could be why ground - 0; has terrorist tie; pretty good guess

other options for last word + last terrorist/arrow word:
bell - not really terrorist/arrow; they are close to the ground
luck - not really ground; could be arrow or terrorist with a stretch; maybe?

so if port + both planets are ours, then a simple 3 clue that hits planets + last word would have worked:

luck+planets: Greek or Roman god of luck
bell+planets: Greek or Roman god of music or a space-themed song

either port isn't ours so couldn't do 3 clue or both planets aren't ours

simplest is that port isn't ours or he does 3 was my next bolded move so 3 clue is the play here

but he went ground - 0 for some reason

there is the ground port on an electric plug if it's 3-pronged

prolly should just eliminate port

if no port, then planets+bell+luck?

or maybe something like London/England are in play? Obviously not planets+london/england or it'd be places - 4

there is gonna be some tough combo here for him to do this odd play

he coulda done 4 clue to eliminate port and 3 clue to include port
no reason to do 0 clue unless it's just the best way to connect the words

let's start with luck because I think I always guess that for ground - 0 in any of the combos I may do


Sure i'll join the next game

ok gotta just shoot a shot I guess

port - last one on my list; could hit terrorist; could hit ground but it's iffy; but either way he coulda done 3 clue or 4 clue to be clear about if port is ours or not, but chose 0 for some reason

only reason I can think of is because ground to eliminate words made more sense than trying to combine the 3-4 words

more likely port isn't ours than is ours with this line he took, as he's losing clarity on port and it's harder to connect 4 than 3 and ground does hit port from electric point of view and he denied n-1 by not doing 3 clue

so if not port, then what are the other 3 words?

and if assume arrow+terrorist are 7 unique words, then 2 of these 3 words have to hit terrorist or arrow, as luck probably doesn't

def can't guess:
worm - hits ground too hard; though earth-0 hits it harder, still they live in the ground, can't ever guess this
stream - also can't guess this since stream is literally in the ground

prolly can't guess:
port - no n-1 clue; though not ruling it out if find a trio that makes more sense as 0 clue than 3 clue
post - these go into the ground; that's what their job is, to hold things up by being placed deep into the ground

earth places:

both have grounds/boundaries; both are kinda meh

space places:

both are gas giants so not really any ground; earth - 0 could have been avoided because maybe he thinks I take it as no planets; if dog - 0 eliminates elephant and cat for being animals, then earth - 0 could eliminate jupiter/saturn for being planets

probably guess both or neither, though

weird ones left:
bell - there are ones connected to posts in the ground, but generally a bell is in the air to be rung, so maybe?
centaur - mythical creature; walks on the ground, so not great, but maybe

if I guess jupiter/saturn then prolly jupiter/saturn/luck/bell could work as the 4 with least connection to ground...and not really a good way to connect them

jupiter/saturn/luck/centaur is again a Greek/Roman god of luck

if I don't guess jupiter/saturn, then what 4 am I left with that don't hit ground?

port or one of england/london

no point in trying to distinguish between england/london so gonna assume both are out or we already lost

so basically at this point my 4-word options to end the game are down to 2 choices:






so luck/bell/centaur/port could be gotten with fairy - 3 or similar as fairy works for the first 3 and port is n-1

luck/bell/jupiter/saturn is who knows

I think because didn't do 3 clue and because that combo is impossible to clue for, this 4some makes the most sense for why you did ground - 0

I don't think it's right, but don't think I'm going to get it right here anyway, so may as well end the misery

you prolly go space for force/missile/jupiter/saturn

let's start with Jupiter

maaaybe I can get away from Saturn since it's a car driven on the ground, and has those ice rings that are like a type of ground; but I don't think I get away from Jupiter here
