SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

SIDES - Inaugural Game Thread

In this thread, we will play a new word game called Sides. It's somewhat similar to codenames, but cooperative and different.

Sign up with /in below if you want to play.

In this game, a target word will be randed as will a row of 7 cards that have letters on them (most 1 letter, some 2/3/4 letters).

2 people will be the guessers and everyone else will be able to give a clue.

The clue given must start with the letter on either the first or last card (the 'sides' of the row).

We discuss as a team who will give the clue with open discussion in the thread such as "I have a 7 letter word starting with a C"

Once there is some agreement on who gives the clue, that person will bold the clue they want to give in the thread.

The two guessers will then discuss in the thread and bold their guess. If it's correct, we move on to the next guessers and the next word. If wrong, then the clue givers post some info like "you are warm" or "you are about 30% there" etc to give directional info on how on track/off track their guess is.

Then they discuss and give another clue. But the person who bolded a clue cannot give another clue for the same word until everyone on the cluing side has clued a word (if we take that long to get the word), so one person can't hog the cluing.

Clues have to be one word, or an acronym, etc like in codenames; they can be hyphenated words

We can also give some info on how the clues relate to each other, or even say a clue is a 0 clue, so the opposite of what cluing for (e.g., clue 'colorful' as an opposite clue because the word is zebra)

I'll provide more details and examples in the thread in the morning, but this should be enough info for you to /in and join so we can play.

link to official rules:

) 3 Views 3
21 November 2023 at 05:10 AM

5424 Replies


I'm still drawing a blank on the other clues.

What about foot? pace? stride?

Maybe dance?

I’m lost. Way too much to connect with step. Maybe we just fire off ladder and see where we are. Wish they’d gone with D1iab’s e10 at this point haha.

It's not dance (foxtrot). Go ahead and bold ladder if you like.

Yeah, or samba, salsa, etc.



Someone bold a5.


So the other s4 was shoe I guess. Another s4 being sole. Another being sock, etc.

Fire foot when ready imo, bolt.


Yeah my s4/s5 was sock/socks

Yh i had shoe too- think twas a twad more direct

I think they all hit around the same amount of words really. I thought the other s4s would be pretty easy to deduce so didn't really worry about which one we bolded.

E10 was Elephant's.

Elephant’s is good, probably would’ve gotten that.

And yeah, the other s4 clues should’ve been easier for us to figure out. Sorry, team!

Step was one of the rougher s4s lol 😵

Gj, my s6 was soccer initially and some stuff I can't remember

Ooh soccer is afun one.

Would football be a win?

I would think no? Since it's kind of a different idea?

My e5 was Elway so I was thinking of some words to get guessers on football and then specify it from there to just Foot

But maybe football would win idk, lets see what people think

if they say football then they said foot, so in theory it would win

same with feet instead of foot because different version of same root?

I guess we should decide how strict we want to be on the guesses

Eh, I don’t much like the football = foot thing. Compound words can have very different definitions from the combined words if split. Like with the soccer example, the clue wouldn’t be to clue foot, it’d be to clue football. The target word isn’t football, it’s foot.

Now the really interesting one for me is if guessing football would get ball. I think yes, because it’s the object itself is a ball. So soccer to clue ball would be a winner even if the guess was football.

Foot and feet by definition (and within what I think is the spirit of the game) are MUCH closer than foot and football.

Round 3:

Cards used: 3
Guessers: bolt/zeus

The Board:

B | P | IH | UNKQ | JOVW | C| EF

The target word:
I've pmed the word to d1iabol1cal, ibd, ervin

e8 comes to mind

E8’s good. Trying to think of a decent c or b follow up in case one is needed

I wonder if I'm thinking the same e8

There's other stuff in that domain like e9 or e8

b9 maybe if need follow up

i'm not talking about the e3/e8 one; i'm talking about the e8 e8 one

There's like an e3-e8/10 which I don't like, there's an e3-e8 which does seem OK. I thought of another e8 but that could go several ways couldn't it? Like it's a solid clue but wouldn't necessarily just land on our target word?

I think my e8 binks if they think about it

does anybody know b9 to follow up with if they go down the wrong path?
